tell me your masteron experiences


card counting specialist
Ill be starting a new cycle soon and I want to try something new. im going to use test cyp. at 500mg/week for 12 weeks as a base. Im thinking about trying masteron, as im looking for low sides and dry, lean gains. If you have used masteron, tell me what you experienced and if it was worth it. the kind available to me is BD.

I ran a low dose of just 50mg EOD and it made a drastic change in my apperance; looked much harder. Didn't notice much in strength, but my dose was low.
thats what im looking for. I cut for 4 months and now im ready to start putting my size back on, but cleanly. did you have any problems with insomnia or night sweats?
blackjack said:
thats what im looking for. I cut for 4 months and now im ready to start putting my size back on, but cleanly. did you have any problems with insomnia or night sweats?

I did have some problems sleeping, but any strong androgen does that to me.

Didn't experience any night sweats.
Im running 500mg a week now with 500mg tren and 1g of test. Normally i go higher on the tren...but either way trn gives me libido issues. Only been 3 weeks so cant say much for results, but its got me hornier then ive ever been. Thats the reason why Im taking it so it gets a 10 of 10 for me.
is masteron used primarilly for cosmetic reasons? does it provide any size/strength gains? my goal is to put on 5-10 lean keepable pounds. my days of 25-30lb bulking cycles are done. im 9% BF right now so even light humble gains will be really noticeable.
its like a weak tren, not worth it unless you are contest dieting...tren gives you a similar look, but way better size and strength gains
Yeah, thats what i heard^ You have to have a decent bf% b4 you use it or it kinda a waste. Best to use it before a comp.
I wouldnt call it a waste....Im lean now anyways, but Im using it for libido and it's the best thing for that Ive used.
needsize said:
its like a weak tren, not worth it unless you are contest dieting...tren gives you a similar look, but way better size and strength gains

sorry to bud in on your thread bro, just wondering needsize I remember you saying either tren or mast. was hell on your hairline but forgot which one it was?
I really like what masteron does, ive used in it my 2 last cycles. I stack it with tren and test, love it.
right pumped said:
sorry to bud in on your thread bro, just wondering needsize I remember you saying either tren or mast. was hell on your hairline but forgot which one it was?

I think both were equally brutal, along with Winstrol (winny), they are the three drugs that I cant block the hairloss from