Tell my GP I am taking AAS, so I can get my blood/hormone levels checked?


New member
As the title states, should I tell my GP I am taking AAS in order to get a hormone panel test? Or should I just fake symptoms of depression and fatigue, no libido, sorry nipples?

Asking this since I am not a UK-citizen (from US), and it feels that the GP´s here wont take any blood-works without having a proper reason.
Never tell people you're using AAS. Especially a GP. They document every patient for their records. Just use a private lab. I don't have a link but there is a forum about it on here somewhere. Just look for it
Here's the link Private MD - Buy Lab Tests Online

You should just be able to ask him to, just say you think you might have low T. But if you're on cycle it will be obvious in the results. I would only do that for pre or post cycle, but private is much better/safer.
If your in the us you could also find look in the phonebook you should have one nearby! They do all labs and give you the results! People here can help you read them or do some research yourself once you get them. Docs here are required to report AAS use to your insurance carrier!
Just did some quick research the one in my area for a full comprehensive male panel is 229$ or just free n total test levels is 79$. That one would be just to check your gears authenticity!
Just did some quick research the one in my area for a full comprehensive male panel is 229$ or just free n total test levels is 79$. That one would be just to check your gears authenticity!

Or........ $50 from privatemdlabs for a pretty comprehensive panel including test/E2/glucose/Liver enzymes/BUN/Creatinine/CBC/Platelet count/etc. ;)
Usually comes back 1-3 days after giving the sample

Damn that's good! It takes longer than that from the hospital and they only want to send it to a gp. I used to have my girls doc write me scripts for bloodwork than just hit the hospital and never pay! Can't do that anymore!
Yep, it's hard to beat. :) It's also confidential, which means a world of difference as there's no file kept on your results. Sent to your email sometimes the day after you head down to the lab for the draw. Definitely a must for this game. ;)
Yep, it's hard to beat. :) It's also confidential, which means a world of difference as there's no file kept on your results. Sent to your email sometimes the day after you head down to the lab for the draw. Definitely a must for this game. ;)

So u go to a local lab and they send the results?
Which test is that when you go on there site? The 50$ one from private med labs**^^
Female hormone panel.
So u go to a local lab and they send the results?

Yes, you print out a requisition and take it with you to the lab you choose from the site. It'll be a labcorp, which there are a zillion floating around. They take your blood, and you just wait for an email to arrive with a link to your results on their site. It's really a quick and painless process.
Do they ask for ID or anything when you go in for the blood draw?

Asking as it may be easier for me to drive the 6-8 hours to Maine for blood work rather than fighting with my doctor here in Canada to get blood work done.
I just did one today through private md. Your billing info online has to match credit card. But for patient name the office just verbally verified the patient name and çontact info. Use whatever u want. They didn't ask for ID.
Do they ask for ID or anything when you go in for the blood draw?

Asking as it may be easier for me to drive the 6-8 hours to Maine for blood work rather than fighting with my doctor here in Canada to get blood work done.

No, they do not ask for ID as you're the one bringing in the requisition. If they do ask, you do not have to provide one.
Thanks all.
But those tests would be great if I were back home in the states I think. Right now I am in the UK for 8months and it doesn´t feel worth ordering a panel test from across the globe & sending it back again.
So that´s why I thought it would be cheaper & faster to just fake depression & low T for the GP here in the UK, just so I can get my basal values before I start my cycle.
How do you english lads do it? I dont think all of you order panel-tests from the US.