Templaar's First Test-E Cycle - E2 Issues !

Thanks Ajinkya. Yes I'm Indian. I adujested AI to 0.5 MWF and it works. My libido is high now but not to the roof. Im semi hard all day without any reason..lol
Not taking nolva.
Will check E2 after couple of weeks again.
I don't think I have water retention. I do not had bulking routine. My calorie intake is 2000 around. But still I have gained around 10lbs.
Fat around my tummy is same wot I started with. I m doing 15 min cardio daily. Not doing more as I fear i will lose muscles. I have browsed internet and seen many ppl use clen in first cycle to cut. They run clen along test so that no effects on libido. Since low libido is side effect of clen.
Thanks Ajinkya. Yes I'm Indian. I adujested AI to 0.5 MWF and it works. My libido is high now but not to the roof. Im semi hard all day without any reason..lol
Not taking nolva.
Will check E2 after couple of weeks again.
I don't think I have water retention. I do not had bulking routine. My calorie intake is 2000 around. But still I have gained around 10lbs.
Fat around my tummy is same wot I started with. I m doing 15 min cardio daily. Not doing more as I fear i will lose muscles. I have browsed internet and seen many ppl use clen in first cycle to cut. They run clen along test so that no effects on libido. Since low libido is side effect of clen.

bro you need to eat lot more than 2000 calories.. im sure out of 10 lbs 5-6 would be water.. trust me in a few weeks weight gain will stop.. and once you're off and in pct you'll feel you should have eaten more.. i made a mistake of limiting myself.. next test and deca cycle im giong to eat 3800+ calories
and for clen, i dont understnd your goal, are you bulking on this cycle or cuttting??
Hi Ajinkya, Have re-calculated my calorie intake:
Weekdays 2500
Sat-Sun: 3000
I am from vegi family so on weekdays cant have chicken i manage it on weekends and have chicken in both lunch n dinner either with rice or chapati.
I am definitely not looking to look bigger, i want ripped chiseled body.
I have gained 11 Lb in this cycle and definitely some part of this is muscles which i could see on my shoulders arms n thighs.
How would it help if i increase my calorie intake (High Protein) to get lean muscles?
I was keen on Clen because it cuts fat and promote muscle growth.
I am confused now how do i hit my target.. i can add more proteins in my diet ..wot do u suggest??
Bro, you need to post your macros and ideally your full typical daily diet. What are your sources of protein? Do you eat eggs at home? Alcohol? Sugar in tea or coffee, soft drinks, juice? Coconut oil, not that crap in the blue bottles? I get local made for five fifty for five litres. Take a look at this thread by 3J http://www.steroidology.com/forum/diet-forum/681062-mct-oil-benefits-protocol-weight-loss-3j.html
I'll assume that you don't eat beef, but fish?

On a side note, the typical modern Indian diet sucks, it's very good for causing diabetes, to attain your goals you probably need to change up a lot of what you consume. You need to increase your cardio or do hiit style, I manage all my cardio at home, so you don't need a gym if you have the motivation.
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don't have following: fish, coconut oil, beef, alcohol, soft drinks.

I have food cooked in refined safflower oil.
Eggs: 4 boiled(2 whole and 2 only whites)
Sugar: 4 Tea spoon in a day (In Tea/ coffee)
Macros: Weekdays: 700/1250/600 Weekends: 1000/800/450.
protein source : Eggs, Whey protein powder, chicken.

Yes i have typical Indian food but concentrate to consume protein rich food like lentils and green vegis, also have fruits.

i am not fat .. i just need definition. i am avoiding cardio since i might lose muscles .. cardio im doing as of now is 10 min tread mill 6 days a week. working out on one muscle a day. one day rest in a week.
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Dude you need to post your diet in order for us to help you.

If your macros are 1000/800/450. You're consuming 10.000+ calories a day. Unless you put it wrong and in that case post your full diet for us to look at.
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Ok, what I would do if I was you;
Firstly I would add micellar caseinate shake at bed time, secondly use the remainder of your cycle to build as much muscle as possible, then after your PCT and your post cycle bloods, create a strict cutting diet and stick to it, you'll be surprised at how much fat you can lose in a couple of months, without losing much muscle, i'll assume your not looking to be under 8% BF, but something you can maintain?
I can't see why you're doing only 10 mins of cardio, it's not going to get you where you want to be, I do either 45-60 mins super brisk walking daily or 20 mins HIIT, on non lifting days I do 2 sessions and calorie deficit at least five days per week, I have gone from over 30% BF to around 22% now, I have started replacing some carbs with coconut oil and coffee since the 9 days, definitely losing fat at a faster rate now. I have also been running albuterol since yesterday, so hopefully will see some faster results over the next few days, man that stuff is so cheap it's almost free!
Dude you need to post your diet in order for us to help you.

If your macros are 1000/800/450. You're consuming 10.000+ calories a day. Unless you put it wrong and I that case post your full diet for us to look at.

Yes, even I can't understand that, I think it's calories? Also if/when you want to cut properly you need to weigh your food and count your calories properly.

Also what supplements are you taking vitamins, omega 3's, NAC, vitamin D3 etc..?
I already have Clen in hand so even if albuterol is cheap it does not matters at this time. also clen helps in keeping muscles, albuterol i doubt.
my body fat is already below 17% i think more cardio will burn my muscles.
Why would you start Clen ? It's true that it has anti catabolic benefits. You're at 15% bf and if you grind hard within a month you should sit at 10-12% just through diet and cardio. And as long as you're injecting 500mg of test a week I wouldn't worry about losing to much muscle unless you go in a crazy deficit.

Next time you start a cycle remember to set a goal you will strive for in that cycle, whether it's gaining muscle or losing fat, not both at the same time. You wont get the full benefits out of your cycle if you keep yoyoing your goals.
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Albuterol would be around hundred rupees for 8 weeks including ketitofen.
More cardio is not going to 'burn' you muscles, lol. I used to play football weekly with competing body builders, that's 90 minutes game time, once a week and training sessions of 2 hrs weekly and still built muscle, even I did whilst being natty.
That depends on your goal. Do you wanna cut ? Or do you wanna add muscle ?

If you want to cut i would find my maintenance level of calories and then start in a 500 calorie deficit. At some point you will stall then you add Cardio until you stall again. So on and so on until you've reached your desired goal. Keto diet should be the most effective way to lose fat but it's not for everyone.

If you wanna add muscle I would do the same thing with maintenance calories and add 500 calories on top of that for a start and work my way up from there.

Hope it helped a bit or else contact 3J he can give you the tools you need to succeed. It cost money but getting on top of your diet, training and anything related is a investment in your whole future as a bodybuilder. So money well spend if you're serious about it.
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Not going against what you are saying danish but I believe starting at a 500 calorie deficit is a Lil high. Depending on what you take in daily it may or may not leave much room to add to that deficit and you will have to rely mainly on cardio to continue progressing. If you slowly add to your deficit you can continually loose weight and you have more room and will not plateau as fast. Just my 2 cents.
It has worked great for me as a natty. So I was just assuming it would for him as well with 500mg of Test in the mix.

But I definitely see your point ! And as you can see in my post I'm just trying to give some tools for the guy as he currently seems clueless of what to do.