Terrifying Traps - by Nelson Montana

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How To Build Traps So Big They're Scary

The traps are a large and powerful muscle. They can also be an awesome sight.
Huge hulking trapezius are a statement. They exude power. You don't get hefty
traps by playing sports. You get them by lifting weights!
The traps or trapezius muscles are located at the upper portion of your back
connecting into the neck and shoulder muscles. Although the exercise most
commonly utilized for training traps is the "shrug," the traps are incorporated in
just about every movement that requires lifting. Deadlifts, presses, snatches,
rows, and even curls require the traps to do some work by assisting and
stabilizing the muscles which are more directly worked.
It then stands to reason that strong traps are an asset toward obtaining increased
overall strength. Unfortunately, their development is often overlooked.
One reason for the lack of attention paid to this neglected bodypart is the limited
motion of the exercises involved in their development. Some novice bodybuilders
conveniently forget to do "uncomfortable" exercises, opting instead to overdo the
ones which they enjoy.
There's also a "trap" to trap training. (Sorry for the pun, but it was just too easy)
Traps can respond pretty quickly. If trap development exceeds shoulder
development, it may actually make your shoulders look narrower. Too much trap
development can also promote a hunched appearance, leading to the infamous
"no neck" syndrome. However, if the traps are underdeveloped, the entire upper
body will look spindly. The growth of the surrounding bodyparts may become
stunted due to the inability to handle heavier weights. No doubt about it, if you
want increased upper body strength, you'll need stronger traps!
The following is trap routine which is sure to pack on size and strength through
the traps and upper back. It should be performed once a week.
It starts with...
The classic trap builder. Although this movement is usually executed with a
barbell, dumbells allow for more freedom of movement. (A Trap Bar also works
well.) Doing shrugs in the Smith Machine is not recommended due to the
restricted range of motion. Also refrain from "rolling" the shoulders which places
unnatural stress on the rotator cuffs. (If you prefer to do so, keep the weight very
I suggest executing shrugs with dumbells while seated to avoid cheating. Wrist
straps are also recommended since poundages should be heavy. The straps will
keep your hands from giving out before the traps do.
While holding a heavy dumbell in each hand, simply shrug the shoulders up as
high as possible. Hold for 2 seconds. Allow the shoulders to drop down
completely. Do two sets of 10 reps.
Often thought of as a shoulder exercise, upright rows also work the traps very
effectively. Some find that keeping a close grip places more emphasis on the
traps while others swear the wider the grip, the more trap involvement. Try a few
sets of one or the other and see what works best for you.
The upright row is a movement which some people find uncomfortable. Some so
called "experts" in the field dismiss it as too straining to the shoulders. The truth
is, all upper body exercises will stress the shoulders to some degree. The golden
rule of bodybuilding is; if it hurts -- don't do it. For those of you who have no
problem with the upright row, you'll find it to be a very effective movement. Once
again, go heavy. Raise the bar in a steady manner paying special attention to the
descent. Keep the elbows high to avoid straining the wrists. Go for 8-10 reps with
proper form, then cheat a few more reps after that. Do three sets.
This is not only a great trap exercise, it's also one of the very best movements for
developing functional strength.
Stand with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Grasp a heavy barbell with a
slightly wider than shoulder width grip. Keeping the back as straight as possible,
use all the momentum you can muster to lift the bar off the ground and up to your
shoulders. (As if to begin a press) Lower and repeat. Keep it heavy enough to
only be able to do 4-6 cleans. Rest long enough to be able to perform another 4-
6 reps.
Seated rows are a great overall back exercise which emphasize the rhomboids.
But with a simple alteration in arm placement, they also hit the teres major (upper
lats) and the traps.
Row in a normal fashion using a V handle while keeping a tight arch in the back.
The only difference is; instead of keeping the elbows close to the torso, lift them
up and out to the sides. This shifts the emphasis to the upper portion of the back.
It also reduces leverage so you may have to cut back a bit on the weight.
This exercise adds tremendous thickness throughout the back. Use a full range
of motion, extending forward and contracting completely. By this time, your traps
will really be feeling it. Try to get 12 reps with good form. Two sets ought to do it.
Well developed trapezius muscles will complete the look of a powerful physique.
If they respond a little too well, skip a week here and there and everything should
fall into place.
Total trapezius development can add a blast of mass to even the most slender
torso. Well built traps are also vital to upper body strength. Give this routine an
honest effort and after a few weeks you'll have plenty of both.
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will give this a try soon....not much a fan of power cleans, im more of a hang clean man myself........but they both thrash the traps...will let you know how it goes
power cleans i will have to try. stonec is there anyplace that shows a pic of the movement. i have never done them before
going to try this on monday, what do you all think of doing shoulders and chect in the same day, kind of a freshmen question but must ask
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