Test 400 + what?

Mike Biggun

New member
I have a friend (it's not me, i wouldn't touch test 400 with anything) who insists on taking Test 400.. He's used it before and admittedly he gained really well, so wants to take it again. This time though he wants to take it with something else.. What should he add with it, if anything to gain as much mass as poss. He's not a fan of injecting himself, so doesn't want anything he has to stick in EOD/ED.
Or should he just pop in 800mg a week instead of 400mg.
dont bump that test that high. i have done 4 cycles, working on my fifth and i have never gone over 650 week. i dont see a reason to go that high, u start putting on more water but still gaining the same muscle that u would at a lower dosege. if its hit 2nd cycle u could have him throw in some d-bol at the beging at about 30-40 mg a day. make sure to space the doses out if u go the oral rout. it will produce quick gains that will get him stoked for the rest of the cycle. or u can throw in some deca at about 300mg a week. i would say eq but i have tried it on a bulker and it seems to work better when i cut. deca will take a while to kick in, but the pumps and gains r solid. so keep the test where it is. add a oral, or another compound. not both yet. maybe in the next cycle try adding all 3