Test 500 + Oxandrolone (Anavar) Cycle


New member
Hello guys,

I'm 40, 5'10, 195, 15% BF - I'm looking to gain mass and lose fat.

I eat pretty clean, tons of chicken and turkey, eggs and little meat. Brown rice, sweet potatoes, wheat bread and some veggies.

I have done a few cycles (about 15): Test, Deca, EQ, Tren (Mixed and match)

I'm looking to do Test Cypionate (400 wk, maybe 600 wk) and I'm looking at Anavar (40 - 60 mgs a day, not sure yet on amount). So my question is, since every website has different opinions: Can I do Test and the same time I do Anavar or should I do Test first, then do Anavar?

Any input would help, THANKS!
You can run them together. What are your goals for this cycle? Given your past cycles, I would probably run all injectables.
i have same stats but i am 25. you cant really gain good mass and cutt good bf% this is what i am going to do for my next cycle i want the same as you..

15week cycle test e 600mg a week after first week im going to start on tren e for 8 or 10weeks then go to anavar for the rest of my cycle and im also going to be taking insulin threw the 15week cycle im going to eat lean meats only chicken and turkey but a shit load and protein 5 32g protein shakes a day.. when on anavar im going to supplement with clen and peptides like cjc, igf, and grhmo 6... prob not all those peps but atleast one.
You can run them together. What are your goals for this cycle? Given your past cycles, I would probably run all injectables.

Thanks for the input. My goal should be about 210 - 215 w/ 11% BF. Hopefully! Anavar only comes in pill form, so that will be oral
You've done 15 cycles, but at one point your asking if you can do Anavar alone?

Well, I've done the same things over and over, so was looking to add anavar and see what happens. Was hoping I could get some feed back on what some of the results have been for you guys. Thanks
Well as Anavar goes it really depends on your source. I've done alot of research on Anavar for I'm running mine for 8 weeks at 50mg ED until PCT, its end of cycle/bridging idea. Anyways it really depends on source, I see many guys complain about Anavar because their junks under dosed. Where they have to go up to 75-100mg ED to get an effect. Anavar is usually on the top list of orals, other then DBOl (everyone loves that DBOL). It is expensive but it can be a hit and miss for most people, some people that cycle it love it some don't. As for your goals of adding 15-20lbs while losing a couple lbs of fat id say is a hard chance to do if your just going to run test/anavar. If you per say ran test/tren/Var I'd say its possible.
Yes. Always run anavar at the end of your cycle up to the day before post cycle therapy (pct). 60mg at minimum. Your stats are a bit shocking for 15 cycles. I'm guessing growth was never a goal?
Yes. Always run anavar at the end of your cycle up to the day before post cycle therapy (pct). 60mg at minimum. Your stats are a bit shocking for 15 cycles. I'm guessing growth was never a goal?

Thats what confused me, I figured he'd have pro stats with those. But roids don't make people, diet/training/sleep hah. But damn 15 cycles!
Thanks for the input. My goal should be about 210 - 215 w/ 11% BF. Hopefully! Anavar only comes in pill form, so that will be oral

WOW, add 20 lbs and drop 4% BF in one cycle? I'm in my 40's and there is no way in hell I could ever do that. I would say pick either bulk or cut and eat accordingly, but if your cycle history is true, I should be asking you for advice!
Well as Anavar goes it really depends on your source. I've done alot of research on Anavar for I'm running mine for 8 weeks at 50mg ED until PCT, its end of cycle/bridging idea. Anyways it really depends on source, I see many guys complain about Anavar because their junks under dosed. Where they have to go up to 75-100mg ED to get an effect. Anavar is usually on the top list of orals, other then DBOl (everyone loves that DBOL). It is expensive but it can be a hit and miss for most people, some people that cycle it love it some don't. As for your goals of adding 15-20lbs while losing a couple lbs of fat id say is a hard chance to do if your just going to run test/anavar. If you per say ran test/tren/Var I'd say its possible.

My source would be a pharmacy. I don't see that my local pharmacy carries Trenbolone though
Yes. Always run anavar at the end of your cycle up to the day before post cycle therapy (pct). 60mg at minimum. Your stats are a bit shocking for 15 cycles. I'm guessing growth was never a goal?

Growth is my goal, I just train on and off. And when you are off, you lose all of it and go to your natural state
WOW, add 20 lbs and drop 4% BF in one cycle? I'm in my 40's and there is no way in hell I could ever do that. I would say pick either bulk or cut and eat accordingly, but if your cycle history is true, I should be asking you for advice!

Thats my goal, not sure I will reach it. ANd I have always done the same thing. Mostly EQ for many years, lately I've branched out to Test, Deca, Tren one time. So not sure how much of an expert I am. Its like the guy that eats american food all the time vs. one that eats from all countries, both eat, yet only one knows more about foods
Growth is my goal, I just train on and off. And when you are off, you lose all of it and go to your natural state

so what your saying is when your not on cycle you quit training...just to loose it.... that statement realy sounds idiotic. are u serious man 13 cycles just to piss it away??