Test 600

HB Mad Man

New member
Wanting to try to make some test 600 with 300 test e and 300 test cyp per mg.. Has anyone given this a shot? So was thinking bout running it like:
3.5% BA
20% BB
Rest eo and gso 50/50

Also wondering about baking afterwards for sterility.. Any and all helpful advice is appreciated.. Thanx.
Absolutely Amazing that no one can throw down any insight or info on this shit.. :shoot3: Even a pm with some good helpful advice would be great if anyone is worried bout posting shit....:stickpoke
Ridiculous for sure.. I post here to hopefully learn more and make fewer mistakes.. Or prevent unessisary ones.. Thanks for the heads up there Steve. Probably run a 20 ml shot and see how that goes..
Wish I could help you but I don't have the answer. I would imagine that there might be some pain because of the concentration of test. Certainly the need for BB to prevent crashing.

It appears that the only threads that draw attention are the "is this gyno?" or "gyno help" posts. These posts require the inability of the poster to use the search function and answers generally require very little knowledge or critical thinking because they are parroted from the thousands of other identical threads.
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Wish I could help you but I don't have the answer. I would imagine that there might be some pain because of the concentration of test. Certainly the need for BB to prevent crashing.

It appears that the only threads that draw attention are the "is this gyno?" or "gyno help" posts. These posts require the inability of the poster to use the search function and answers generally require very little knowledge or critical thinking because they are parroted from the thousands of other identical threads.

Thanx for the reply bud.. I hear ya on the is this gyno or gyno help issues.. Let's keep it real ya know? If you got the whole family guy breast feeding Stewey thing going on or you are "pumping" every night before bead a guy has some serious issues.... Now thats funny shit right there... LMAO :hahano:
That will work, but I wouldn' go over 250mg/ml on the cyp. Something like 200cyp300enth would be better mix. The rest of your recipe looks bang on.
I never bake. It's not needed if filtered properly.

your original numbers seem gtg. I would just worry about the cyp crashing anything upward of 300mg/ml Maybe up the eo to 60/40 vs gso. And like steve said if it doesn't work out you can dilute it. A 400mg test isn't too shabby anyway.
I never bake. It's not needed if filtered properly.

your original numbers seem gtg. I would just worry about the cyp crashing anything upward of 300mg/ml Maybe up the eo to 60/40 vs gso. And like steve said if it doesn't work out you can dilute it. A 400mg test isn't too shabby anyway.

Ran a 500 for my buddy and he's Loving it.. Says its pain free and Blowing up with strength going through the roof.. Will try the 600 here one of these days..
Wanting to try to make some test 600 with 300 test e and 300 test cyp per mg.. Has anyone given this a shot? So was thinking bout running it like:
3.5% BA
20% BB
Rest eo and gso 50/50

Also wondering about baking afterwards for sterility.. Any and all helpful advice is appreciated.. Thanx.

Sorry the level of imprudence on the boards lately has caused me to re-allocate my time to less exasperating tasks. Hence the late response.

Your The use of EO makes the use of BB irrelevant. Both are just used as solvents. Also the BA will have to be increased to 8% to ensure full solubility of the tests. Further more GSO will not be feasible and pure EO/BA should be used.

The recipe would be as follows (Please note I am have taken into account test cyp weight which is .85 versus the testE weight of .84 and come up with .845 due to equivalent amounts of both compounds)

100ml at 600mg/ml

30 grams testC
30 grams testE
BA 8ml
EO 41.30

To do the math out for you in case you care.

8+41.3+50.7(powder volume)=100ml
60 grams/100ml = 600mg/ml

Put your BA and EO in vial first then slowly add the powder. Two intermediary bakes at 175 for 15 min may be necessary.

Add the cyp first as it is the hardest to dissolve then add the enanthate after. While adding the enanthate keep the vial in a bowl of warm water at approximately 103 degrees fahrenheit. USE A FUNNEL OR YOU MAY DROP YOUR TestE IN THE WATER WHERE IT WILL IMMEDIATELY MELT!

The testE melting point is 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Taking into account the degradation related to glass conductivity 103 degree water outside the vial should bring vial temp to just over 90 degrees. (Assuming a 100ml vial) making the enanthate part very painless.

After this is complete up the water temp in the bowl to 231 degrees Fahrenheit and let it sit for 15 minutes. Cap it and shake it up. Allow temp to drop below 140 degrees but above 120 degrees. Run it through a .22um filter into a clean sterile vial. Baking is optional but, I don't recommend it in pure EO.

Of key importance! Make 100% sure your powders are 100% dry when you do this and try to be in a place of very low humidity. Any moisture at all will cause this to crash or not dissolve. The cyp should stay dry but the enanthate starts melting and causing hydro-absorption at over 90 degrees.

If any melting has occurred with Test E dissolve it in methanol then use crystallography. Grind it back into powder and let it dry under completely. In a cool, dry place. NOT THE FRIDGE! I usually put in a coffee filter then wrap the coffee filter in paper towels. I change the paper towels pretty often the first day then after that just let it sit. Do not try to pat the coffee filter dry with the paper towels just be patient. I weight the powder daily and when two days go by with no decrease in weight I know it is completely dry. Once it is 100% dry you can put it in the fridge.

Hope that covered all the bases.
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Sorry the level of imprudence on the boards lately has caused me to re-allocate my time to less exasperating tasks. Hence the late response.

Your The use of EO makes the use of BB irrelevant. Both are just used as solvents. Also the BA will have to be increased to 8% to ensure full solubility of the tests. Further more GSO will not be feasible and pure EO/BA should be used.

The recipe would be as follows (Please note I am have taken into account test cyp weight which is .85 versus the testE weight of .84 and come up with .845 due to equivalent amounts of both compounds)

100ml at 600mg/ml

30 grams testC
30 grams testE
BA 8ml
EO 41.30

To do the math out for you in case you care.

8+41.3+50.7(powder volume)=100ml
60 grams/100ml = 600mg/ml

Put your BA and EO in vial first then slowly add the powder. Two intermediary bakes at 175 for 15 min may be necessary.

Add the cyp first as it is the hardest to dissolve then add the enanthate after. While adding the enanthate keep the vial in a bowl of warm water at approximately 103 degrees fahrenheit. USE A FUNNEL OR YOU MAY DROP YOUR TestE IN THE WATER WHERE IT WILL IMMEDIATELY MELT!

The testE melting point is 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Taking into account the degradation related to glass conductivity 103 degree water outside the vial should bring vial temp to just over 90 degrees. (Assuming a 100ml vial) making the enanthate part very painless.

After this is complete up the water temp in the bowl to 231 degrees Fahrenheit and let it sit for 15 minutes. Cap it and shake it up. Allow temp to drop below 140 degrees but above 120 degrees. Run it through a .22um filter into a clean sterile vial. Baking is optional but, I don't recommend it in pure EO.

Of key importance! Make 100% sure your powders are 100% dry when you do this and try to be in a place of very low humidity. Any moisture at all will cause this to crash or not dissolve. The cyp should stay dry but the enanthate starts melting and causing hydro-absorption at over 90 degrees.

If any melting has occurred with Test E dissolve it in methanol then use crystallography. Grind it back into powder and let it dry under completely. In a cool, dry place. NOT THE FRIDGE! I usually put in a coffee filter then wrap the coffee filter in paper towels. I change the paper towels pretty often the first day then after that just let it sit. Do not try to pat the coffee filter dry with the paper towels just be patient. I weight the powder daily and when two days go by with no decrease in weight I know it is completely dry. Once it is 100% dry you can put it in the fridge.

Hope that covered all the bases.

That is pretty in depth there.. As for the 8% BA.. Thats alot of ba considering test e is soluable in just oil itself.. I rant the 500 cyp first with 3 mls ba 15 bb and 15 eo, then tossed in the test e, and the rest gso.. Filtered all of it and Nothing has crashed at all.. Haven't ever heard of anyone using so much ba for test e bro.. This is a first for me.. My buddy is running it right now and cant get enough of it.. I'll be running it this week probably.. Made 100 mls this batch so I wont be running out any time soon..lol
That is pretty in depth there.. As for the 8% BA.. Thats alot of ba considering test e is soluable in just oil itself.. I rant the 500 cyp first with 3 mls ba 15 bb and 15 eo, then tossed in the test e, and the rest gso.. Filtered all of it and Nothing has crashed at all.. Haven't ever heard of anyone using so much ba for test e bro.. This is a first for me.. My buddy is running it right now and cant get enough of it.. I'll be running it this week probably.. Made 100 mls this batch so I wont be running out any time soon..lol

The BA acts as a dissolving agent. That why when you spray the BA at powder it seems to melt. With 30 grams of powder you need a little extra BA to get it to all dissolve easily. By all means try lower keep a reserve of EO you can replace with BA if things go bad but, be aware you are probably going to end up with undissolved powder at the end even if you add the BA later.

I went through 48 grams (8 batches) before it came out right. 2,3,4,5,6,7.5, and 8%BA where the different batch attempts. Honestly I probably could have gotten away with 6% but it would have been a pain. At 600mg/ml BA pain will be the least of your worries so I go with 8% and can run 200ml's off in about 20 minutes. Thank god for hotplates and magnetic stirrers!

With the 6% percent after 4 bakes I was like fuck this and went to 7.5 which was much easier and only needed one bake. At 8% everything went straight in easy no bakes.

I used to brew it for a friend quite often. Not sure why he wanted this though. Now I just brew him straight testE. After all they are both long esters so there really is no point in mixing the two together.
The BA acts as a dissolving agent. That why when you spray the BA at powder it seems to melt. With 30 grams of powder you need a little extra BA to get it to all dissolve easily. By all means try lower keep a reserve of EO you can replace with BA if things go bad but, be aware you are probably going to end up with undissolved powder at the end even if you add the BA later.

I went through 48 grams (8 batches) before it came out right. 2,3,4,5,6,7.5, and 8%BA where the different batch attempts. Honestly I probably could have gotten away with 6% but it would have been a pain. At 600mg/ml BA pain will be the least of your worries so I go with 8% and can run 200ml's off in about 20 minutes. Thank god for hotplates and magnetic stirrers!

With the 6% percent after 4 bakes I was like fuck this and went to 7.5 which was much easier and only needed one bake. At 8% everything went straight in easy no bakes.

I used to brew it for a friend quite often. Not sure why he wanted this though. Now I just brew him straight testE. After all they are both long esters so there really is no point in mixing the two together.

I would agree with you there. I wanted to brew just test e 500 and roll with that but my buddy likes the blend for some reason.. It was a 500 I just ran though and seeing what your saying I can understand why 8% for a 300/300 600 blend.. Hear the cyp is a pain in the ass at 300 to hold if not done right.. But whats the fun if we cant play with it huh.. I know I personally burned through an ass load of stanz powder getting it in oil.. Now no prob.. Just might try that 600 you layed out.. Let my buddy have at that one.. Crazy bastard is running 3 cc's of the 500 eod.. Just not ready for all that myself.. Personally like test prop 200 myself but we are all different.. Thanx for the added info bud.I'll be writing that one down for a future batch..:)
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