Test ace Tren prop and winstrol 12 week cycle


New member
Hello guys .
I started today my cutting cycle of 12 weeks .
The goal is to get as lean as posible and to get visible abs at least :) .
So this will be the list of aas i will be taking .

1-12 test propionate 100 eod
1-12 tren acetate 100 eod
8-12 winstrol 50 mg ed
1-12 arimidex 0.50 eod
12-14 HCG 1500 every third day (10 days)
14-18 Nolvadex

Low carb diet about 250-300 grams of protein . I will not go over 2.500 calories a day . Will erntualy carb up when i feel flat once every two weeks .

O and i my stats are . 26 years , 1.92 cm ( 6.3 i guess) , and at begining of my diet i was 113 kg .

I started my diet in february two months ago without aas , tried to get rid pf my fat with cardio and healthy food . Now i weigh 95 kg . I dont know my bf procentage . I will post my picture from the begining of this cycle .

I hope this will help me to gp trough this joirney easy and safe , without injuries or side efects .
Sorry for my bad english , its not my first language so bare with me :) .

EDITED MY CYCLE PLAN (Runing tren for 12 weeks 100mg eod and HCG after my last prop/tren injection 10 days blast 1500 u, and just going to run nolvadex for 4 weeks after hcg)
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Today was my first shot . Test p tren a in the same syringe it went pretty good but now after 4 hours i start to feel some pain on my glutes . I do it by my self .
Today going to do some shoulders and abs and do some HIT at the end .

Week 1 hell yeah lets do this :)) .
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idk about how some of you didn't catch this, but buddy you shouldn't be running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) while on post cycle therapy (pct). run the blast of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 10days before post cycle therapy (pct). ANd why are you running Winstrol (winny), its shit dries your joints, bad on your joints. Should of ran var or mast
idk about how some of you didn't catch this, but buddy you shouldn't be running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) while on post cycle therapy (pct). run the blast of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 10days before post cycle therapy (pct). ANd why are you running Winstrol (winny), its shit dries your joints, bad on your joints. Should of ran var or mast

Well spotted!
idk about how some of you didn't catch this, but buddy you shouldn't be running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) while on post cycle therapy (pct). run the blast of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 10days before post cycle therapy (pct). ANd why are you running Winstrol (winny), its shit dries your joints, bad on your joints. Should of ran var or mast

This was one of the reason's why i register on this forum . Thank you Zeus for this .
I have never run pregnyl so i been told by on of my friends that pregnyl should be taken at the end of the cycle , and i thought that will be post cycle therapy (pct) . So what are you suggesting ? 9-12 week pregnyl ?

And about masteron i was thinking about that , and i know that winstrol hurts my joints ( never used winstrol) . So you think masteron 8-12 weeks yes ?

Ps. Thanks again Zeus , i keep folowing your log too , its kind of similiar the AAS and diet i am using right now . I know you will be ripped to death :)) .
This was one of the reason's why i register on this forum . Thank you Zeus for this .
I have never run pregnyl so i been told by on of my friends that pregnyl should be taken at the end of the cycle , and i thought that will be PCT . So what are you suggesting ? 9-12 week pregnyl ?

And about masteron i was thinking about that , and i know that winstrol hurts my joints ( never used winstrol) . So you think masteron 8-12 weeks yes ?

Ps. Thanks again Zeus , i keep folowing your log too , its kind of similiar the AAS and diet i am using right now . I know you will be ripped to death :)) .

yes def mast, im telling you not to use Winstrol (winny), i only used winnny for 4 weeks and i felt my joints hurt. Mast is a better choice. Im sure 4-6 weeks is fine. Also since your doing a blast of HCG, start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 10days before last shot of your test prop. THen wait 3-5days and start post cycle therapy (pct).
thave fun with this cycle, your in one fun ride :)
So today was end of the week 1 . Still nothing but its slowly kicking in . I had an awesome chest workout . My carvings increased a lot :(( . Must be strong now !

About side effects , when i do my tren and test shot a day later i have some pain in my glutes where injected and its a litlle bit swollen and kind of hot on that place . But its not i mean i dont see any redness and that spot . Maybe i should rotate the place but i am right handed so i dont how i will pull that of :) .
Day 11

I have some issues about sleeping . Nightmares dude scary shit :)) . And last night i slept like 3 hours , but the rest just kept in bed with closed eyes .
I got 3 kg up but i am on 2000 calories extreme low carb and every morning cardio for an hour on empty stomach but still i went up . No water retention but i do drink like 10 l of water each day . Other than that its all good . No increase in strength still but agresion is present in the gym .
Why am i so hungry its crazy :)) . I was two months without any gear on a diet , no problem cut 15 kg . But now two weeks on gear and its like i am going craZy always hungry and its so hard to stay on clean food . Two days i was eating like a horse a pizza pasta some candy i hoped to take ba break just for two days . But dotay still rhe same maybe even more . I think i gained 8 kg in those days :( . Feel a lil bloated . What do you guys do when carvings kick in ? Or maybe its mentaly when you know you are on gear and feel like its going to be easy and you give in in junk food :( . Feeling a lil bit depresed right now .
Day 18 .

So far so good , week 3 started today . No big visual changes so far , strength is noticable i am in calorie deficit do cardio every morning for an hour but in the gym i feel strong not tired at all .
So the nex two weeks i should notice my body changing . The diet is good back on track eat like 2.500 cal .
No sides or what so ever , trying to keep my temper down . Today i ll be injecting test and tren in glutes no pain as i had when i was starting . Everything goes smooth . I am now 99 kg but look sharper than i was 95 kg . Next update in a week .
Day 11

I have some issues about sleeping . Nightmares dude scary shit :)) . And last night i slept like 3 hours , but the rest just kept in bed with closed eyes .
I got 3 kg up but i am on 2000 calories extreme low carb and every morning cardio for an hour on empty stomach but still i went up . No water retention but i do drink like 10 l of water each day . Other than that its all good . No increase in strength still but agresion is present in the gym .

nice bro, i remember my first time with tren i had the craziest dreams ;). And woke up 3x a night, now is up and down for me, either sleeping like a baby or waking up
Day 18 .

So far so good , week 3 started today . No big visual changes so far , strength is noticable i am in calorie deficit do cardio every morning for an hour but in the gym i feel strong not tired at all .
So the nex two weeks i should notice my body changing . The diet is good back on track eat like 2.500 cal .
No sides or what so ever , trying to keep my temper down . Today i ll be injecting test and tren in glutes no pain as i had when i was starting . Everything goes smooth . I am now 99 kg but look sharper than i was 95 kg . Next update in a week .

keep updating bro, i just added more kcal to my diet, I'm taking pictures everyweek, to see at least if the tren is doing anything, but my strength in shoulders has gone up, was doing 90lb dumbbells shoulder press 8x of 4 sets. I always do like 4-5 of 2 sets.
Thats verry good . I am taking pictures every first of the month since February . Cant wait for rhis photo shoot to see where i am :) .
Today is leg day and i am going to up the kcal carbs mostly .
Last time i did legs i threw up lol so bad idea low carb on leg day :)) .
Feel good none the less :)