Test ace Tren prop and winstrol 12 week cycle

Whats up guys . This cycle is coming to an end . This will be my last week . Two days ago i pined my last tren shot for this cycle . One more week of prop 100 mg eod and winstrol 50mg ed . I added some t3 last week . Going to use it one more week i hope that will be enough . After my last prop shot i will do 10 days straight of pregnyl 500 iu ed . After that nolvadex .
And also this week will be keto week 2x cardio day and gym offcourse . Than will carbload without fluids and some photos for you guys to check on me , cause i promised to post some pic .

What can i say , never satisfied :((
Ok guys i have one week left so i thought i post a pic of my progress . Before and after this cycle . View attachment 551963

So guys what do you think ?

fucken sweet results bro, u look like a different person. your shoulders got alot bigger, as well as your chest. your arms and stomach got alot more fuller. and them traps boyyy got big and wide. No joke man great results!
Wow those are some killer results dude! Great work!!! Now I need to go back and read the rest if your log lol
I was hoping you will be the first to comment and see me . I must say this pic was taken after 5 days of jubk food i swear tO god . But i will prove this after ten days when i clean my shit up . You will se bro .
Thank you bro it means a lot . It was a crazy cycle haha lol .
Lol hahah thnx bro :) . I should post some pic earlier i would get this thread more going lol .

Haha yeah we do like us some pics around here! Not sure why, but it just adds reality to the words I guess. That btw is the exact cycle I want to try next spring! Did you end up adding the T3? I've tried it and it works great but you really want 6-8 weeks on it so you can ramp up and down
Yes i am on t3 right now . I will br using it in total 28 days increasing and decreasing dosage . And i add winstrol these last 3 weeks . So t3 and winstrol 50mg ed ,4 weeks more or less .
Hey guys whats up . its good that this thread ia still here . Anyways I am back on my cycle again . Its the same just added hygetropin 4 ui ed , and masteron . I am on my 8th week , 8th more to go . My diet goes verry good (for the moment:) , I am leaning out verry fast . I was a mess when I started . So this is my form when I first started this cycle I was 112 kg and did not train for 3 months .
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