Test cyp and enanthate


New member
Can both these esters be combined for say 150 mg cyp and 150 mg enan for a total of 300 mg / cc. I assume they can and I have an idea of how it should be done but I would like to get some second opinions.

I think the theory is that you can get more total test into solution with less solvent. I don't know whether or not it is true.

I will say that I recently brewed test cyp at 250 mgs. per ml. using 2% BA and 18% BB and it is the most user friendly test I have ever injected. No soreness whatsoever.
Trevdog said:
I think the theory is that you can get more total test into solution with less solvent. I don't know whether or not it is true.
It isn't.

Testosterone enanthate goes 500mg/mL without any BB according to the gurus of this forum.
mranak said:
It isn't.

Testosterone enanthate goes 500mg/mL without any BB according to the gurus of this forum.
Not true. I tried it and it doesn't work. I also tried 500mg TE using BB and it too was painful as hell (knots and all).
On the other hand, I have made a 500mg TE/TC with 30% BB and it is excellent.
GPAS said:
Not true. I tried it and it doesn't work. I also tried 500mg TE using BB and it too was painful as hell (knots and all).
On the other hand, I have made a 500mg TE/TC with 30% BB and it is excellent.

what didnt work? it didnt go to solution? it was painful?

t cyp is harder to work with than enan. it is not soluable in oil, it will not go as high a concentration and it is not uncommon for cyp to crash at even 300mg/ml with high solvent ratios.

te was painful but tcyp and enan together at same concentration wasnt? you did somethig wrong.
I made my last batch of TE at 500 using 20% BB. It didn't crash, so I was not concerned with it. But everytime I used it, I ended up with painful knots that lasted over a week. Thank God for ibuprofen!
I am going back to my TE/TC combo because I know it works.
One thing I did note was that I made the TE-500 with 20% BB when I usually make the TE/TC (ST-500) combo with 30% BB. I did that because I thought I was sensitive to BB.
Another test mix made with 40% BB has shown me otherwise (another story for another time).
Besides, Pull, you have been pinning this hi-test crude forever. Do you even have any nerve endings left?
GPAS: So why did you say 'not true' when I said that test enan will go 500mg/mL w/o BB? Ah well, it doesn't matter.

I think that pullinbig has mentioned that test enan can have a little bite to it at 500mg/mL. I suppose it is possible that test cyp is less painful. Kind of hard to compare test enan at 500mg/mL to test cyp at 500mg/mL since you can't really get test cyp anything near 500mg/mL.

If the 250mg test cyp+250mg test enan works well for you, then great. But it might be cheaper for you to just make test enan at like 333mg/mL since oil is usually a good bit cheaper than BB.

Or if you want to experiment some more, make the test enan at 500mg/mL again (no need for BB). If it hurts, then dilute it with more oil to bring the concentration down. Figure out what concentration you can handle.
mranak said:
GPAS: So why did you say 'not true' when I said that test enan will go 500mg/mL w/o BB? Ah well, it doesn't matter.

I think that pullinbig has mentioned that test enan can have a little bite to it at 500mg/mL. I suppose it is possible that test cyp is less painful. Kind of hard to compare test enan at 500mg/mL to test cyp at 500mg/mL since you can't really get test cyp anything near 500mg/mL.

If the 250mg test cyp+250mg test enan works well for you, then great. But it might be cheaper for you to just make test enan at like 333mg/mL since oil is usually a good bit cheaper than BB.

Or if you want to experiment some more, make the test enan at 500mg/mL again (no need for BB). If it hurts, then dilute it with more oil to bring the concentration down. Figure out what concentration you can handle.
"Bite' was not what I experienced! More like clawed... :)
At any rate, I have not tried it, but in all the research I have done, I have never seen anyone successfully produce a TC-500. So, I don't really see it possible to compare it with TE-500. To that point, we agree. Kinda makes me wonder what point you were driving to where we wouldn't agree. Nonetheless, we move on...
I am not the first to produce a 500mg Test combo. In fact, it is posted on several bodybuilding forums. That's why I tried it in the first place.
As far as cheaper? There is a reason why so many have made high potency and combo solutions. It wasn't until I worked through the numbers that I realized that it actually requires less solvent to produce them. They are picky, temperamental little beasts, so as pillinbig implies, you do need to be careful.
As far as more oil is concerned, how many acne patches do you need to see before you think you need to cut back? For some of us, it is about aesthestics.
I'll pass on doing the TE-500 (no BB) experiment again. I want to be able to function enough to get through a good workout and make all this injecting worth something...
GPAS said:
"Bite' was not what I experienced! More like clawed... :)
At any rate, I have not tried it, but in all the research I have done, I have never seen anyone successfully produce a TC-500. So, I don't really see it possible to compare it with TE-500. To that point, we agree. Kinda makes me wonder what point you were driving to where we wouldn't agree.
The point was that cypionate and enanthate aren't the same.

GPAS said:
Nonetheless, we move on...
I am not the first to produce a 500mg Test combo. In fact, it is posted on several bodybuilding forums. That's why I tried it in the first place.
As far as cheaper? There is a reason why so many have made high potency and combo solutions. It wasn't until I worked through the numbers that I realized that it actually requires less solvent to produce them.
Test E requires no solvent. But these costs are really meaningless in the schema of things, I suppose.

GPAS said:
As far as more oil is concerned, how many acne patches do you need to see before you think you need to cut back? For some of us, it is about aesthestics.
You're blaming acne on the oil? I've never even heard that suggested before. The difference between, say, 3mL and 5mL is less than half of a teaspoon of oil.

The negative influence on acne is hormones, not a fraction of a teaspoon of oil.

But like I said, if 250mg cyp 250mg enan works for you, then great.
I'm curious, because you have never said. Have you actually made TE-500?
Most of us tend to stack Test with other things, so those 'oil fractions' can add up.
And yes, I do think that injecting oils directly into the body without passing the digestive system can have an effect on how it is disposed (possibly through the skin). Of course, this is only an opinion.
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GPAS said:
I made my last batch of TE at 500 using 20% BB. It didn't crash, so I was not concerned with it. But everytime I used it, I ended up with painful knots that lasted over a week. Thank God for ibuprofen!
I am going back to my TE/TC combo because I know it works.
One thing I did note was that I made the TE-500 with 20% BB when I usually make the TE/TC (ST-500) combo with 30% BB. I did that because I thought I was sensitive to BB.
Another test mix made with 40% BB has shown me otherwise (another story for another time).
Besides, Pull, you have been pinning this hi-test crude forever. Do you even have any nerve endings left?

Test E doesnt require a solvent.

if test e and test cyp mixed together for a total concentration of 500mg.ml is less painful than test enan at the same concentration something is wrong.

are you adding cyp 250 and enan 250 togther? or is it a total concetration 500mg/ml.
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Here is another thread where someone stated making TE-500 with no solvent. It got a lot of push back.
I found this after I made it and went through the experience that I did.

I am looking for the forum where Spidie introduced his TC/TC-500 combo. I'll let you know when I find it. Spydie (the Alchemist) has also posted some other ideas that I have tried and find amazing. Some of his ideas I've used to produce a oil-based TNE-100 that is crystal clear, flows like water and is smooth as silk. But again, another story for another time...

Incidentally, I think I tried the TE-500 (no solvent) mix after you mentioned it, in some way, somewhere else on this board. I did use 2%BA and grapeseed oil. So I don't know it that matters. I don't remember if you ever stated the type of oil you use in your mix.

I am not trying to cause an argument here. But, I do hope opposing views are ok. Balance is important. and not everything works for everybody.
GPAS said:
Here is another thread where someone stated making TE-500 with no solvent. It got a lot of push back.
I found this after I made it and went through the experience that I did.

I am looking for the forum where Spidie introduced his TC/TC-500 combo. I'll let you know when I find it. Spydie (the Alchemist) has also posted some other ideas that I have tried and find amazing. Some of his ideas I've used to produce a oil-based TNE-100 that is crystal clear, flows like water and is smooth as silk. But again, another story for another time...

Incidentally, I think I tried the TE-500 (no solvent) mix after you mentioned it, in some way, somewhere else on this board. I did use 2%BA and grapeseed oil. So I don't know it that matters. I don't remember if you ever stated the type of oil you use in your mix.

I am not trying to cause an argument here. But, I do hope opposing views are ok. Balance is important. and not everything works for everybody.

First off, becuase Spydie is referred to as an 'ALCHEMIST' on the boards, doesn't mean he actually is one.

Fact is, TE can and always will be able to go into solution at 500mg/ml with no solvents. Did it hurt you? Maybe. Does it hurt everyone? No. Like you said, everyone is different. Trying to make a point while using a contradictory statement such as 'everyone is different' is asinine.

Test Cyp will NEVER hold at 500mg/ml, so don't waste your time. I have made it at 400mg/ml with about 15 different solvent ratios, and none of them held for more than an hour.
RJH8541 said:
First off, becuase Spydie is referred to as an 'ALCHEMIST' on the boards, doesn't mean he actually is one.

Fact is, TE can and always will be able to go into solution at 500mg/ml with no solvents. Did it hurt you? Maybe. Does it hurt everyone? No. Like you said, everyone is different. Trying to make a point while using a contradictory statement such as 'everyone is different' is asinine.

Test Cyp will NEVER hold at 500mg/ml, so don't waste your time. I have made it at 400mg/ml with about 15 different solvent ratios, and none of them held for more than an hour.
One of us is over reacting, and I don't think its me. Everyone of us ARE different...whether you think it is asinine or not.
As far is TE-500 hurting me, you betcha. That's why I spoke on it. Horay that it doesn't bother you.
I never said that TC would ever hold at 500, so don't get your panties, I mean posing trunks, in a knot.
One note: in a previous posting, I typed TC/TC-500 combo, when I meant TC/TE-500 combo.
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is the test enan/test cyp a total concentration of 500mg/ml or is it 250mg/ml each added together?

im not trying to argue im just trying to get an answer foir the third time. =0l

and yes test enan at 500 will bother some people. im not one of them. however test cyp at 333 does have a bite to it for me.

and i hope the guys at the board you mentioned didnt say somethig like "well the solvent helps absorbtion so it dont leave a depot, thats what makes it sore".

what kills me about home brewing is alot of folks make it sound so technical. like ya gotta be a chemist or a rocket scientist to do this stuff. how complicated can it be? mix some oil, powder, solvent (if needed), heat a little, push or pull it thru a filter into a bottle and enjoy. anyone who can make lemonaide can make home brew. most of the time the guys spouting off all this technical jargon cant even bench their own body weight much less squat and pull deads.

and btw i made clear as a bell test sus 4 years ago in oil at 100mg/ml. thats old news. you still gotta shoot it everyday, so whats the point of it?
Yes, the TestE and the TestC are mixed into the same solution, 50/50, to create a total 500mg/ml solution.

Thanks for reminding me how important it is not to cross-pollenate information between these forums as it can sometimes affect the internal validation. I'll go back to lurking and gleaning now. Please forget that I responded to this thread.
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GPAS said:
Yes, the TestE and the TestC are mixed into the same solution, 50/50, to create a total 500mg/ml solution.

Thanks for reminding me how important it is not to cross-pollenate information between these forums as it can sometimes affect the internal validation. I'll go back to lurking and gleaning now. Please forget that I responded to this thread.

you shared your experience, thats why we here. thats what i share. i dont post studies, i dont give my opinion unless asked specifically for it.

i just hate seeing folks make home brew into something more than what it is. it is a simple process that dont need complicating. its like lifting, keep it simple for the best results. the guys making lifting complicated are almost always the weaker smaller guys.

how may "swole" rocket scientists you met? :D

on a side note what kinda training you do gpas? you compete? dont remeber if you have a training jouranl up.