Test cyp and enanthate

pullinbig said:
you shared your experience, thats why we here. thats what i share. i dont post studies, i dont give my opinion unless asked specifically for it.

i just hate seeing folks make home brew into something more than what it is. it is a simple process that dont need complicating. its like lifting, keep it simple for the best results. the guys making lifting complicated are almost always the weaker smaller guys.

how may "swole" rocket scientists you met? :D

on a side note what kinda training you do gpas? you compete? dont remeber if you have a training jouranl up.

Please tell me you didn't just use the word 'SWOLE'. :goof:
GPAS said:
Yes, the TestE and the TestC are mixed into the same solution, 50/50, to create a total 500mg/ml solution.

Thanks for reminding me how important it is not to cross-pollenate information between these forums as it can sometimes affect the internal validation. I'll go back to lurking and gleaning now. Please forget that I responded to this thread.
GPAS, that's the info I was looking for and thank you everyone for your advice. But GPAS I would like some more details on how you make your TC/TE 500.
yo i just made some test enan at 500mg/ml using oil and 2%ba as my preservative.went to solution just fine. no solvent whatsoever.it did however hurt like hell for me to use.so i cut it with some oil for about 375mg/ml so far so good.now after reading this the guy gpas said he put 2 difrent solutions of 250mg/ml together in a vial.i dont get it wouldn't that still just be 250mg/ml concentrations of product.just because you throw 20mls of this and 20mls of that in the same bottle dont change the concentration up does it?it just means you got 40mls of test e/test c mixed.why would you do that at all?seems retarded to me!
i beleive he had a total concentration of 500g/ml. 500 of ea hormone. that why i asked 3x. :D

rick didnt your first batch or 500 go pain free?
nope.it went fine no problem to make at all just oil and ba,but the pain was a little bad for me.i have had it no pain but the stuff i just made was a little harsh so i just cut it with a little grapeseed oil ran through the trusty ol watson.
ok so he had test e and test c both at the concentration of 500mg/ml.test c that high would no doubt if you could get it to hold? hurt me.lower dose test c has a bite and higher dose test e now seems to be getting me aswell.wow tets cyp that high.
im sure he mixed the powders in the beaker then added oil and solvents from there.

example 25g enan and 25g cyp ends up being 500mg/ml @ 100ml.

im guessing thats what he did.
yeah but you think the cyp would hold?and damn that would have one helluva bite to it!well i guess it did hold if he said he made it.did he say how it went using it?
Skyfire (at Chemical Fitness) commented on an original posting from Superchicken (at a now defunct forum):
600mg/ml test in oil recipe by superchicken


origional posted by superchicken at http://www.anabolic-alchemy.com/sho...?s=&threadid=25

use 300mg/ml of cyp and the other 300mg/ml of enanthate. use 3-5% ba and 15-20% bb. use a thin oil such as cottonseed or grapeseed.

this will make a suprsingly thin injectable(for being 600mg/ml). it will hurt if you shoot it straight, but not really that badly. if you mix it with some other gear it doesnt really hurt.

this is much more stable than if made as 600mg/ml pure cyp or pure enanthate. the reason is the different esters of testosterone do not have the ability to form crystals with each other, they only see each other as another solvent. so by mixing half and half, much less solvent is needed and the depot is much more stable. so less pain for you.

The idea of a high-saturated mix (600mg/ml) scared the crap out of me. So I reduced it to 500mg/ml.

• 7.5g Test Enanthate Powder
• 7.5g Test Cypionate Powder
• 1.5ml BA (5%)
• 6ml BB (20%)
• 10.5ml Grape Seed Oil

Mix (with heat), filter and use. Makes 30ml @ 500mg/ml (total) test.

I never have a problem with this solution. But, it is pretty thick. I can get it through a 25ga pin after warming it, 23ga pin with no problems.
Please keep in mind that this is the mix that I found works for me. Some may be sensitive to BA or BB. You have to adjust the ratios of the mix until you dial in what works for you. I have found that high-potency mixes are a lot more cranky. They may not work for everyone. But, we are talking about chemistry here.
It may not be as simple as making beer afterall...
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hmm, thanks for posting that.

different esterfied tests cant join together. never thought about that before. enan cant crystalize anyway but it does make sense. may have to give this a shot and see what happens.

occasioanlly 2ml of cyp at 333 has a bite to it if done stand alone. however by adding 1ml of eq 400 in the syringe with the 2ml of cyp its smooth as silk.

i have done the same with enan 500. adding 1ml of eq at even 500mg/ml stops the pain factor. and yes enan at 500 does occasionally bite. but not unbearable by any means. in essence its cutting 500 down to 333mg/ml as far as the enan goes. i havent tried it but i wouldnt be suprised if injecting strainght eq wouldnt be painful. it must be the undcl ester as base boldenone can be painful as some of you know.
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why does the eq stop the pain?do we know is it the undec ester thats doing it?i'm gonna be mixing some up anyway and the eq is nice at 400mg just did not know it helps with the pain.i would rather do more gear with less ml's.so if 1 ml of eq will help the bite of my 500mg test e thats a very good thing!!
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i still don't know why you would mix up Cyp and Enan at 500mg/ml combined. What is the need? Enan will hold at 500mg/ml no problem.

I don't understand.
I wish I could remember where I read it, but it was well over a year ago. It gave a very clear explaination as to how the two esters seem to hold better together allowing more hormone in the oil. It was enough to convince me to try it and when I did I loved it. I did not feel the same way about a 500mg Test E. That to me was seriously painful.
I made up another batch of 500mg test combo yesterday and shot some last night. It was absolutely smooth as silk. I do not even feel it in depot today.
THAT's why I do it...
GPAS said:
I wish I could remember where I read it, but it was well over a year ago. It gave a very clear explaination as to how the two esters seem to hold better together allowing more hormone in the oil. It was enough to convince me to try it and when I did I loved it. I did not feel the same way about a 500mg Test E. That to me was seriously painful.
I made up another batch of 500mg test combo yesterday and shot some last night. It was absolutely smooth as silk. I do not even feel it in depot today.
THAT's why I do it...

thanks for the heads up gpas. im gonna give this a try jes to see if..........

il do the original 600 conversion though and see if it works out. the higher the concentration the better for me if its tollerable.
pullinbig said:
thanks for the heads up gpas. im gonna give this a try jes to see if..........

il do the original 600 conversion though and see if it works out. the higher the concentration the better for me if its tollerable.

Good luck on that T-600! Like I said before, that amount scares me, though I don't really know why since the T-500 is so easy. Also, I'd recommend that you use the cottonseed (or safflower) oil over grapeseed oil. It will be thicker but the hormones (esp. the cyp) might crystalize in depot before being fully utilized.

BTW...since yesterday's injection, I can feel it if I push on it. Otherwise, nothing...

I am gonna go back and try TE (no BB) again. This time, I will stick to 300mg. If everyone is having sucess with this, I should be able to have some success too!
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GPAS said:
Good luck on that T-600! Like I said before, that amount scares me, though I don't really know why since the T-500 is so easy. Also, I'd recommend that you use the cottonseed (or safflower) oil over grapeseed oil. It will be thicker but the hormones (esp. the cyp) might crystalize in depot before being fully utilized.

BTW...since yesterday's injection, I can feel it if I push on it. Otherwise, nothing...

I am gonna go back and try TE (no BB) again. This time, I will stick to 300mg. If everyone is having sucess with this, I should be able to have some success too!

thanks for the info. :D