Test cypionate 500mg FIRST CYCLE

The silence concerning tren should be your answer...no tren. Be careful with the sodium and blood pressure bro. From your pics, you should see good gains and can't wait to see the end result!
One more thing, I wouldn't expect crazy strength and muscle gains with the amount of cals your eating daily and especially with all the cardio your doing. Not saying its impossible but your gains won't be as pronounced as someone toning back the cardio and consuming a tad more cals.

I figured as much and will probably end up doing a serious bulk in January,Feb,March then cut (naturally) April+May.

My maintenance calories are about 1900 when I am lifting. On lifting days probably 2000 and non lifting days 1700. While this isn't really an ideal cutting cycle that I am on now I am mostly interested in how my body reacts and although I am not "big" in the eyes of anyone here I am stronger than probably 99% of guys in my gym. I can rep 225 13x on bench which exceeds where I ever thought I would be naturally. If I can strip away the fat and add a little size I will be happy. Naturally I know I couldn't run this much of a caloric deficit and keep my hard earned muscle.

When I factor in all the cardio I am doing I am ending up at 500cal/day deficit (actually might be greater w/gear idk how that changes things). This will result in at least 1lb/wk fat loss. I am at 221lbs now and I slipped up a few times this week and drank with friends. Bad week at work, we got a pay cut.

My cardio is all on an empty stomach so it should be going straight for fat reserves, then my calories are consumed post workout. I think there's a CHANCE this good be the optimal way to burn fat and build muscle since it makes sense logically. I am forcing my body to burn fat during 1hr intense cardio session but then throughout the day I eat 600 calories higher than my body actually needs. I don't see how my body could retroactively use those calories for the cardio instead of using them to BUILD MUSCLE.
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Just hit chest and triceps. Benching about the same for a couple weeks, usually do 135 warmup, and working sets at 225, threw in a set at 255 today for funsies.

Ordered another 5lb of Gold Standard Whey on Amazon with all the protein I use I can't afford the GNC Wheybolif anymore ($50 for 3lbs when it's BOGO). This is $53 for 5lbs and tastes almost as good.
The silence concerning tren should be your answer...no tren. Be careful with the sodium and blood pressure bro. From your pics, you should see good gains and can't wait to see the end result!

Thanks bro. I will save it for next year. This is just me being impatient that I am 5 weeks in with nothing really to report.

I suppose you could say I have been really successful so far since I am slimming down and have not lost any strength. If anything I am up a little bit.

Lots say week 6 is where the fun starts anyway so I will be trying to increase protein from 220ish grams/day to over 300.
Drinking on cycle is a no go for me. Look like a blimp if I drink even a few beers while on cycle. Glad to see your still pushing man
This week I had a few beers with some friends and now I am wondering why. Every night I drink I feel sluggish as hell the next day. I think I'm switching back to unsweetened iced tea.
If your gonna drink take in lots of water. Alcohol shuts down protein synthesis(probly the number one reason how drinking will hinder your gains) Your not running an oral so it should be to harmful for you, I wouldn't get crazy with it though. I think if your drink selectively in moderation you should be fine
Im in for the ride on this one, def like seeing guys doing there first cycle the right way. Work hard diet harder.
My cycle was short, the 2nd shot in week 10 I had a little less than 2ml left so I just shot it all and called it a day. My last injection was a little over 3 weeks ago. I am going to start PCT here in the next few days. I have noticed the last week I have been even hornier than ever so I am having sex about 5-6x per day, no joke. If my girl manages to not get prego it will be a miracle as I am filling her up constantly. A couple of days we did it twice in a row, started again about 5 minutes after I blew it in her! She was sore the first few days but her vagina has adjusted to the brutal beating I am giving it every couple of hours.

Week 10 I peaked out back at about 234lbs but still skinnier than when I started. The water retention is going away (face thinning back out) and I am 224lbs today. No loss of strength yet!