Test cypionate 500mg FIRST CYCLE

2009, 180lbs
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2013, 220lbs
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View attachment 551823

Not sure if you guys can tell there is a huge difference. In '09 I could only bench about 205lbs, now I don't know what I max but I did 225lbs 13x today.

Most of the mass I put on I would say is from deadlifting. I never did deads before and started 16 months ago, can do 405 now but usually stick to reps of 315.

I never monitored my macros until about two months ago and up to this point am 100% natural
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I don't no how to start thread. I was just wondering if anyone can help me with my question.... I just brought a 10ml vial of sus 300 today from fureza labs which I've used before but this vial is full to the kneck Way over filled !!! Whole vial completely filled ,,,, Dose this mean anything bad??? Should I be worried??? I haven't pined it yet bit worried or is this nothing ???
Lookin good man, definitely interested in following your log. Seems like you put on a lot of weight for 10 days but keep it up!
Lookin good man, definitely interested in following your log. Seems like you put on a lot of weight for 10 days but keep it up!

Yeah no strength gains yet as to be expected with cyp. I am sure that most of the weight is water as I look a bit fatter/bloated. Some glycogen too since I ate a lot of carbs this week perhaps?

Hunger is off the charts....eating about 3000 cals a day, twice what I was eating previously.
keep eating can only really bulk if you eat a lot of food! Make sure to adjust your calories as you gain weight
Most first cycles I have read about seem taper off and they never update so I will try and remember to post.

Still hitting the gym hard, deadlifts last night 315 is feeling lighter and I am up a little on curls. Can do 90x10 barbell curl (I know my biceps suck)

When I curl heavy I end up with bad pain for a couple days in my forearms and usually a random bruise near where I broke both bones when I was a kid. Weird.

Not feeling any difference in libido (it was high before but not unusual), and absolutely zero evidence that I am on anything. This is the beginning if week 3. I am really looking foward to feeling SOMETHING other than more hunger, which is prob making me fatter.
Bicep workout today and idk if something is off with sleep or what but I couldn't lift as much last week.

Just one of those days I guess.
will definatly be following along with your cycle, as ive recently started my own (also got a log up if you want to follow).
scheduled to do pin #8 sunday night.

good luck with your cycle bro and keep the gains comin
Not sure if this is related to the test but I have suspected my semen volume is down. It is hard to judge because I always blow it inside my girlfriend. This morning I pulled out to check and yeah there's less than usual for me. I can usually shoot like 5 ropes all across her belly up to her neck but today it was like 1/2 that.


On the flip side it only took like two paper towels to clean herself up she usually requires much more so I am saving money there.
Not sure if this is related to the test but I have suspected my semen volume is down. It is hard to judge because I always blow it inside my girlfriend. This morning I pulled out to check and yeah there's less than usual for me. I can usually shoot like 5 ropes all across her belly up to her neck but today it was like 1/2 that.


On the flip side it only took like two paper towels to clean herself up she usually requires much more so I am saving money there.

Hahaha... Weird, usually I can buss a big ass nut when on cycle... Good shit though on saving money :biggthump. Maybe you were a little dehydrated?
Hahaha... Weird, usually I can buss a big ass nut when on cycle... Good shit though on saving money :biggthump. Maybe you were a little dehydrated?

Yeah idk what's up with that. Won't have many chances to compare though I prefer to bust it in her and she does too.

In other news fucked up my shot this morning, switched to pinning needle and forgot to push the air out. Realized it once the needle was in already, so I took it out, changed the needle and did the same thing! Third time I remembered but ended up with three holes and blood running down my leg, second hole bled a lot lol.

Wiped it up with some toilet paper then swabbed the whole area with alcohol wipes and put on a fresh Hello Kitty bandaid. Good as new.
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lol that fuckin blows. Hopefully it don't leave you to sore

This is why I love pinning ventrogluteal. Even if there is soreness it's not a muscle you sit on or really feel. When it's sore you have to press on it to notice the soreness so it doesn't affect anything.

I also cramp up easily no matter how much water I drink or potassium I eat so not having to reach around to my ass is nice.
It is now the beginning of week 4. I have upped my cardio to 45mins every day since I really want to get the fat off. Doing this around 11am before my first meal and I have SOOO much more energy since I started doing more cardio.

Chest workout yesterday went well, repping 250 on the pec fly machine and 225 is now my norm for reps on decline (used to be 185). I have had no sudden strength increases everything has been normal/gradual so I am sure the test is not doing anything YET but expect it within the next week. I am lifting hard and focusing on the muscle being trained- mind/muscle connection if you believe in that.

I know I should stick to the test only but with post cycle therapy (pct) and time off I won't be able to do another cycle until 2014 and that seems so far away so I am considering adding in a high dose of tren ace for the last 4-6 weeks of the cycle.

I am not having any bad reactions to the test (ok a little chest acne) and would add 400mg/wk tren. I think it would help me shred down some at the end of the cycle. I am a very calm and slow to anger person. Emotionless. I don't think tren would mess me up emotionally as I have always been a bit detached to begin with.

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Based on the plethora of good advice on this forum I am probably not adding tren (not srs, NO replies wtf guys).

Still up in the air though honestly.

Selling one of my handguns for $500 soon so that will leave plenty of extra cash to pick some up and my guy has everything in stock all the time. If I add it it will only be 4-6 weeks

Received my Nolva order the other day and ordered some Clomid from the same site (wanted to make sure it was legit before spending too much $$ there).
I can totally see why people start posting about their cycle and never finish haha.

Starting week 5 today. No appreciable gains yet but since I upped my cardio a LOT (45 mins high intensity 6 days/wk) the fat has been melting off. Watching sodium intake too...was 233, down to 222. Eating over 200g protein every day and about 2500 cals.
Definitely believe in mind/muscle connection! I use the same method of training which honestly IMO the best way to train. Don't get me wrong i like throwing around heavy weights sometimes and using forced reps and a little cheating here or there(slight momentum usage).

As far as the tren, I wouldn't do it man. You have plenty of time left in your cycle to experience some really mind blowing gains! Also I really wouldn't recommend running a high dose of tren. ESP. The good thing with tren A is if you do decide to run it being a short ester you can up the dose accordingly until you find that sweet spot. Man you are about to hit the better parts of your first test cycle, take it in and experience it and see what happens before you throw different compound in. That's just my .02. See how your body reacts with the test, then maybe next cycle you combine the compounds.

Yea man fuck sodium while running gear. Shit will have you looking like a blowfish and seems like your trying to get real lean, if your sodium intake is up while on cycle you def. will look smooth and retain water. Glad to see your training hard and can't wait for your test to really kick in.

One more thing, I wouldn't expect crazy strength and muscle gains with the amount of cals your eating daily and especially with all the cardio your doing. Not saying its impossible but your gains won't be as pronounced as someone toning back the cardio and consuming a tad more cals.