Test cypionate 500mg FIRST CYCLE


New member
Started lifting four years ago and pretty much never kept track of my diet because I was doing so much cardio in the Army it never mattered. I could have put on muscle a lot faster if I was working out progressively and tracking my diet/lifts.

I am almost 25 and 6' tall. I wanted to run a cycle years ago but stuck with the conventional wisdom to put on natural muscle and wait until I was 24+. Also going with a test only cycle to see how my body reacts and in the future I can stack if I choose to keep pinning.

4 years ago (started lifting):
168lbs 11%bf (miss those abs!)

Start of cycle:
219lbs 18% bf

12 weeks of Test-C 500mg, shooting once a week
Goal is 10-12% bf and 15lb muscle gain resulting in a body weight of about 215-220 but looking a LOT different.

8 months ago I got serious about my lifting program and started keeping track. I have seen serious gains in this time and two months ago I started logging every calorie that goes in my body. 3 weeks ago I quit drinking entirely because I knew it was holding me back from my goals.

Day ONE 6/10/2013

Got my test from a friend, it is British Dragon Test-Cyp 250mg/ml. Also have Nolva, Clomid, Forma Stanzol, and Post Cycle.

Planned PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20, Clomid 50/50/25/25, Post Cycle (whatever the bottle says, 2am 2pm I think) and Forma Stanzol 3 pumps AM 3 pumps PM. Also running the Forma on cycle since I am afraid of gyno.

I have a REALLY LOW BMR, I usually eat about 1700 cals/day net (ie 1700 on days without lifting more on lifting days). I will be having over 200g protein every day and about 2000 net calories. Please don't tell me to eat more calories I am never hungry as-is and when I eat more cals I gain body fat and my strength gains are no greater. If my appetite increases I will add more calories later.

I cook every meal ahead of time and weigh everything with a digital food scale. I eat about 80-100g of protein and drink another 120g in shakes. I can't eat any more food than this, seriously. I have a shake (40g) at 1200, a meal at 1300, another shake around 1500, a meal at 1700, and my third shake around 1800.

I can't eat 6 small meals I just get sick of food by meal 2 and end up WAY UNDER on calories and protein. I am an endo-meso, I gain muscle very easily but also gain fat just as easily.


Decline BB 1x10 warmup, 5x5
Incline DB, 4x10
Machine Flys 4x10
Skull crushers 3x10
Tricep rope 4x10
Kickbacks 3x10
Around 200 pushups

Deadlifts 1x10 warmup, 5x5
BB row 1x10 warmup, 5x5
Lat pulldowns 4x10
Barbell curl 4x10
Preacher curl 4x10
Con. curls 4x10
Hammer curls 4x10
Overhand curls 4x10

Legs/Shoulders/Abs (backed off legs since they are as big as I want them right now, just front squats for me)
Front squat 1x10 warmup, 5x5
Shrugs 4x10
DB side raise (elbows bent) 4x10
DB front raise 4x10
Cable int/ext rotations 4x20, 4x20
Leg raises 4x25
Planks one minute 4x
Ab crunch machine 4x20
Supine bicycle if I'm feelin crazy

PS when I say 4x10 I usually mean 10 first set and end up 6-8 by the last...when I can hit 10 on the last set I increase the weight

Also, a LOT of my workouts have been gradually tailored around my left shoulder injury (dislocated a BUNCH). I can't flat bench or incline bench or do flys with free weights. I can manage incline DB if I stay LIGHT. Back squats are also a no-go since I can't reach that far back with my left arm to hold the bar.
Update I am 6' tall, but actually 6' not like most 5' 10" guys who claim 6' on the internet for some reason

FIRST PIN 6/10/13

Let test sit in hot water for a few minutes
Swabbed the vial
Drew up 2ml of test with 20g needle on 3ml syringe, drew some air in after
Chose ventrogluteal injection site after A TON of research
Swabbed injection site
Switched to 25g 1.5" needle and removed air from syringe
Inserted at 90 degrees all the way
Aspirated, no blood
HOLY S*** I can't push the plunger in
Wrapped BOTH hands around the syringe and pressed HARD with both thumbs. Took about two minutes to get all the test in
Removed needle slowly
Swabbed site again
Applied Hello-Kitty bandaid

Ordered 23g 1" needles immediately, they should be here before my second injection. My test seems too thick to shoot with a 25g.

Next day extremely sore, day two (today) much less sore, might be able to go for a run tonight

SECOND PIN 6/13/2013
Hey don't all rush in at once to critique!

23g 1" needles arrived, shot 1ml in right ventrogluteal. Plan on doing "standard" Monday morning and Thursday evening pins, 1ml each time.

Barely felt the 23g going in.

Since I bought 25ml Test-C and am doing 500mg (2ml) per week I would have 1ml left over after 12 weeks so I decided just to do 750mg (3ml) my first week to front load a little.

PS Shooting 1ml is WAY easier than shooting 2ml so if anyone is considering 2ml once a week vs 1ml twice go with the twice a week. I hate needles as much as anybody but after the first injection I was already over it. Ventrogluteal is the way to go!!

Obviously not feeling anything yet and not expecting to until week 5-6

Did some HIIT last night (sprints)
The 23g. We perfect IMO. Looks like you have done your homework and your diet and training are in check, should be a fun log to follow. Good luck!
Looks good imo only thing i would change is to spilt up the test injections into 2 pins twice a week.

That's what I am doing, 250mg (1ml) Monday morning and 250mg (1ml) Thursday night.

Interesting note: the 2ml injection with a 25g made me a lot more sore than the 23g 1ml...I guess it's the oil not the gauge that causes the soreness?

I only shot 2ml the first time because I have 25ml and I'm doing 12 weeks. I would end up with 1ml leftover so I figured it was better to front load w/750mg than do 12.5 weeks or take 750mg at the end.

Heading out for back/bi workout now!
Looks like a good log bro. I'll be following this, make sure you train hard, sleep, and eat. Also be as accurate as possible in this log. It'll be good for some of the new guys to see jsut how well a test only cycle works.
Thanks for the log. I'll be starting something similar in the near future, so I'll be soaking up the information in this thread. Thanks again!
I would defeanatly agree that's its the oil not the needle. But I do use a 25g needle. I draw the oil up and place it in a heating pad for a few min and it warms it nicely and flows better. Twice a week will help keep ur blood more stable as well.. Keep up the good work. Sounds like u no what ur doing do it should b a fun ride bro.
The 23 didn't slide in quite as easily but it really doesnt hurt. Also, for ventrogluteal I like the 1" the 1.5" seems too long like it will hit bone (although it didn't my first inject). My 23 flows much much better. I can control the flow as opposed to moving the needle all over the place while having to force it in. If I had pharma grade stuff it would prob go fine with a 25g but I am using UGL test.

Let the test sit in hot water for a few mins prior to drawing to make it easier.

Back/bicep workout was good, I am doing a "sort of" 5x5 routine. I am doing other lifts but on the compound movements like bench, front squat, dead lift, and barbell rows I am doing 5x5.

I usually do deads at 315 but have dropped back to 275 to do the 5x5. I always do 225x10 as a warmup and didn't have to put the straps on until third set of 275 (I always do overhand grip I feel under/over will lead to asymmetry).

Had great pumps today but this was due to the C4 samples GNC gave me. I hate that itchy feeling.
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The 23 didn't slide in quite as easily but it really doesnt hurt. Also, for ventrogluteal I like the 1" the 1.5" seems too long like it will hit bone (although it didn't my first inject). My 23 flows much much better. I can control the flow as opposed to moving the needle all over the place while having to force it in. If I had pharma grade stuff it would prob go fine with a 25g but I am using UGL test.


Let the test sit in hot water for a few mins prior to drawing to make it easier.

Back/bicep workout was good, I am doing a "sort of" 5x5 routine. I am doing other lifts but on the compound movements like bench, front squat, dead lift, and barbell rows I am doing 5x5.

I usually do deads at 315 but have dropped back to 275 to do the 5x5. I always do 225x10 as a warmup and didn't have to put the straps on until third set of 275 (I always do overhand grip I feel under/over will lead to asymmetry).

This is just me but I typically like doing lighter weight higher reps weight on cycle in hopes to prevent injury from strength gains that will be obtained while using gear. Not saying its a must but just be careful while on cycle and listen to your body.

Had great pumps today but this was due to the C4 samples GNC gave me. I hate that itchy feeling.

C4 is no joke. Highly recommend this pre workout supp. I actually grown to like the itchy feeling the beta alanine gives you. Problem is I am developing a tolerance to it and plan on taking a break for a month or so
Also while on Cycle I like to do higher reps lighter weight and more volume. I do this in hope to prevent injury from all the new obtained strength gains you will receive while on cycle. Idk maybe it's just me. I think the biggest thing is to just listen to your body and train accordingly
Also while on Cycle I like to do higher reps lighter weight and more volume. I do this in hope to prevent injury from all the new obtained strength gains you will receive while on cycle. Idk maybe it's just me. I think the biggest thing is to just listen to your body and train accordingly

The C4 gives me super strong forearm pumps that I don't like and I have always hated the itchy feeling so I usually don't use a PWO
I was drinking over a gallon a day of water already but I have been really thirsty the last few days, having to drink more like 1.5 gallons
Hunger is increasing as well. I was intermittent fasting for months but now I have to eat much earlier. I am very hungry by 9am or so whereas I used to not eat until 1pm.

Have gotten over 200g of protein EVERY day (average is more like 220-230) and I have had to increase my calories to 2500 in order to quell the hunger pangs.
Back and biceps workout today. Stepped on the scale for the first time since my first injection 10 days ago. I expected to be up a couple LBs since my hunger has been increasing so much this week. I am up to 233lbs!! I have never weighed this much in my life!

I may be getting a little bloated so I might up my forma dose from 3 pumps AM/PM to 5.

Still moving up the weight on my lifts and pushing HARD in the gym. I watch Arnold interviews for motivation sometimes.
Fourth shot was tonight. Still pinning ventrogluteal. Injections are painless, I think next time I have to get a shot I am going to ask if I can do it myself.
Love your test only cycle...you should post pics! We like before and after pics! Are you running an AI? If not might explain water weight gain...
PS- Please don't ask what an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is...just sayin...
Love your test only cycle...you should post pics! We like before and after pics! Are you running an AI? If not might explain water weight gain...
PS- Please don't ask what an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is...just sayin...

No worries, I know what an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is. I did a LOT of research and talked to several users before ever touching gear.

I am using Forma Stanzol as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), 3 pumps 2x a day.

I heard it might be sodium intake and that if I watch my sodium it will help. Will try that.