Test Cypionate and does it contain Benzyl Benzoate


Gettin Swole
Hey I was just wondering if Testosterone Cypionate had any Benzyl Benzoate in it because I am allergic....LOL! Anyways if anyone knows let me know. Thank You
I really just need to know the Percentage of BB in Cypionate cuz I heard alot of people say their brew has been crashing without it. But I didnt want to just come out and ask cuz since the Chemical Research forum has been deleted I thought that I might get in trouble for asking this kind of question. But oh well. I am not allergic to BB...LOL
I'm also allergic to Benzyl Benzoate, found out when I was a little kid and the dogs at home gave scabies to the whole family. Some scabies lotions are 25% Benzyl Benzoate and as soon as mom put the lotion on i started getting rashes all over my body. My question is, this was back when I was 8 years old. And the concentration of BB is super high in those lotions. I had my first shot of Test Prop 3 nights ago and so far I haven't had any major signs of allergy. Maybe it's because the concentration is lower? Or because I'm older and therefore the allergy won't be as noticeable?

Any input is appreciated. I have two vials of Nebido ready to go, but holding off on that because I saw "Benzyl Benzoate" in the excipients.