Test Cypionate


New member
Is there any real difference in the amount that one would use with either ethanate or cypionate? I was planning on running 600mg a week of cypionate, but have never done it before, I've only done ethanate.
Different length esters. Besides that, they are virtually the same. Test E is generally cheaper as well.
Onswoll said:
Different length esters. Besides that, they are virtually the same. Test E is generally cheaper as well.

Really My Test C cost more...Oh Well. Im doing 600mg right now and am happy with the results. I would not go lower than that. 600mg a week is my cruising dose....
hmlacrosse said:
What are the other differences.

to make a long story short there very similiar! but i do know people that prefer one over the other for there own personal reasons! through experience id say that cyp is a little milder.