Test/Deca cycle new member

Test/deca have mostly impacted my mood and behavior in a positive way, it has made me more agressive, but in good areas like the gym and in bed. So it has only amplified the positive characteristics i already had. Tren sounds like the opposite. For sure if and when i go that route i will be sure to be mindful of my behavior
To add another note, the dbol was def getting my blood pressure and anxiety up, wasnt terrible but noticeable. It was a fair trade for the pumps and my strength went up big time. Now almost a week off the dbol and i am down a rep or 2 on certain lifts, tryin not to sweat it too much, damnit
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Test/deca have mostly impacted my mood and behavior in a positive way, it has made me more agressive, but in good areas like the gym and in bed. So it has only amplified the positive characteristics i already had. Tren sounds like the opposite. For sure if and when i go that route i will be sure to be mindful of my behavior
To add another note, the dbol was def getting my blood pressure and anxiety up, wasnt terrible but noticeable. It was a fair trade for the pumps and my strength went up big time. Now almost a week off the dbol and i am down a rep or 2 on certain lifts, tryin not to sweat it too much, damnit

Ive tried almost everything and tren is the best but i also think its the only one that changes behavior or brain chemistry..... Now im just trying to sound smart lol it seriously does change you though
I'm taking your word for it bro, and will be careful with it if i try it. Next cycle is already planned out and on deck so i have a lot of time to think about it
Here's a pic i put together first 2 is when i got back in the gym about 4 years ago at a hefty 265, 3rd i was down around 210 and 4th/current is a couple days ago sittin at 250
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Didnt bother blurring my face anyone who saw the other pics i have posted with my tats would know right away who it was lol
Here's a pic i put together first 2 is when i got back in the gym about 4 years ago at a hefty 265, 3rd i was down around 210 and 4th/current is a couple days ago sittin at 250
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Didnt bother blurring my face anyone who saw the other pics i have posted with my tats would know right away who it was lol

Looks like you put on quality size..... Guess i should realize what people wont understand when i say deca makes me look worse or my friend looks worse on deca. I guess im always comparing the look to tren, youll see for yourself when you try it its a much harder dense macho look. Deca seems more softer looking swole type, hard to explain but you will understand once you been on it.
Looks like you put on quality size..... Guess i should realize what people wont understand when i say deca makes me look worse or my friend looks worse on deca. I guess im always comparing the look to tren, youll see for yourself when you try it its a much harder dense macho look. Deca seems more softer looking swole type, hard to explain but you will understand once you been on it.

Yea i am def a bit on the soft side but not too bad at least i dont think lol. Depends on who you compare me to ya know, i have a lot of work to do still but I'll get there i am a stubborn mother f'er and will not give up
Im fat thats no secret but when im on tren everything tightens up delts pop out its just a way better look than anything else and makes you super stupid strong and no i wasnt trying to hide my stomach we were deadlifting that nightView attachment 566293
So 1st pic 230 lbs i'm trying to flex a lil, 2nd 250 lbs no flex at all and i look better. I gotta find some good pics to show how much bigger my traps have gotten thats been the biggest change for sure. No matter what shirt i wear my traps look pretty big.
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Ur too hard on yourself as i am, i think your look is good man and you got the right kind of personality that attracts friends and women I'm sure. I was pulling tons of pussy off pof.com when i was weighing 265 in those first pics, now its retarded girls are batting thier eyes at me everywhere i go. I am a pretty chill dude as well so that helps
Tren will heighten your anxiety. If you already have anxiety, it can make it a lot worse. Tren is probably the only compound that can be a mental fuck fest lol! I've noticed tren e doesn't give me the mental bullshit as bad as tren ace does. I haven't used tren in a couple years. Ironically 49er, I'm on deca now lol. That was a good post 9er. Hopefully blakey you don't have the issues with tren. Some just consider the physical sides like constant sweating, no sleep, cramping, etc... Mental sides with tren are existent and can take ya for a ride lol!

Lol well hopefully I'll be ok you guys are getting me a little worried now ah well we will see .my wifee isnt shy about telling me when im being a dick so that should be a good gauge lol
I told you i almost have my upper 2 lol. Keep in mind there is a 20 lb difference between those 2 pics. And i am flexing a lil at 230, at 250 completely relaxed a lil buzzed up lol and i look bigger and leaner. My back/shoulders and traps have had the best improvement. Overall i am happy with my results in 4 months. Give me 2 more years and you won't recognize me. I feel i put on tgis size and changed the right way which is most important. So much room for improvement i am so damn self conscious, but hey you guys are bros and we share a lot between each other, i like to keep it real
Training wise... hit chest/legs today. Worked out with a gym bro for the first time, I'm always solo, maybe ask for a spot here an there. So we hit incline bench, flat dumbell press, incline dumbell press, incline champagnes then i split off to do some leg work. It was cool, both of us like to keep our ear buds in for the most part, i encouraged him to get a new pr on the bench which he got and its nice to have another guy motivating you and a spotter there so you can go for that extra rep you most likely wouldnt have. He knows about me being on cycle and is always in the gym when i am and he's seen how much my strength has increased so he asks me a lot about it and is interested in doing a test e cycle. I pointed him in the right direction (here) and referred him to our awesome board sponsor for if and when he makes the decision. He's as passionate as i am about it so chances are he will go this route eventually.
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