Test Deca Equipoise cycle plan good/bad ?


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No need for stats Im a long time user LoL
Just basics - 96kg @ 12% bf @ 32 age

Week 1-14 Test Cyp & Enanthate mix 1000mg
Week 1-14 Deca 500mg
Week 1-14 Equipoise 650mg
Week 1-4 Dbol 40mg
Week 12-15 Dbol 40mg
Week 15-16 Test cyp/enan 600mg (was my leftovers got me 600mg)

I know this is a massive amount of juice but surely its not as bad as some people taking like 2000mg test & more ect...

Diet has to be good but I'm not a PRO I never been...

Comon people critique it Im sure there will be bad replies ?
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People typically drop the Deca two weeks before dropping the test (longer ester + horribly suppressive.) Since 14weeks for deca is kind of cutting it fine anyway, I'd increase the test to 16 weeks.

I'd rethink running dbol again at the end of the cycle.. kickstart or tailend imo.
People typically drop the Deca two weeks before dropping the test (longer ester + horribly suppressive.) Since 14weeks for deca is kind of cutting it fine anyway, I'd increase the test to 16 weeks.

I'd rethink running dbol again at the end of the cycle.. kickstart or tailend imo.

Actually you are 100% correct I need to re-end it, thanks..

Dbol beginning an end I always do this as I get that extra size towards ending cycle then basically after PCT Stangely those last weeks of Dbol weight I end losing BUT with after pct the weight I lost was basically that extra I gained in the end boost... I also run in the past ghrp2 & Cjc combo but not anymore since il be cruising

I know this sounds strange but it works for me I have done it twice in a row
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It's a lot of gear, but then again - I tend to run heavy cycles. A Lot!

I would drop the test just a little - you really don't want to lower it on the last two weeks.

This way you can keep your test steady throughout the whole cycle, and in the end you are still using
the same amount of test... plus drop the deca for the last two weeks as mentioned above.

I would also run hCG 500mcg twice a week with a cycle this heavy... I run mine at 500mcg twice a week
5 weeks on, 1 week off - then repeat.

You would just have to adjust your hCG to fit into the timing of your PCT...
- You want to stop the hCG four days prior to starting your SERM.
I would also run hCG 500mcg twice a week with a cycle this heavy... I run mine at 500mcg twice a week
5 weeks on, 1 week off - then repeat.

You would just have to adjust your hCG to fit into the timing of your PCT...
- You want to stop the hCG four days prior to starting your SERM.

Most deffinitely using HCG on my blast 250iu x2 a week first session then second session I was thinking 500iu and a power pct after this blast...

Hcg 1500iu eod for 4-6 jabs
Clomid 2 weeks 100mg
Clomid 3 weeks 50mg
Proviron 50mg 5 weeks during clomid use
Any point running proviron during my deca test equipoise ?
More libido I guess maybe better "hard on" also maybe keep some slight water out ?
No need for stats Im a long time user LoL
Just basics - 96kg @ 12% bf @ 32 age

Week 1-14 Test Cyp & Enanthate mix 1000mg
Week 1-14 Deca 500mg
Week 1-14 Equipoise 650mg
Week 1-4 Dbol 40mg
Week 12-15 Dbol 40mg
Week 15-16 Test cyp/enan 600mg (was my leftovers got me 600mg)

I know this is a massive amount of juice but surely its not as bad as some people taking like 2000mg test & more ect...

Diet has to be good but I'm not a PRO I never been...

Comon people critique it Im sure there will be bad replies ?

I like the gear you're planning to use, with the exception of the gram of test. little excessive.
good combo but I'll let the chemists lay out the schedule.
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My stash :jump:

40ml Decatest500
40ml tntmast250
20ml trenoxyprop200
20ml tritest400
30ml test enanathe250
30ml Tren Enanthate200
30ml sustanon250
10ml test cyp200
20ml equipoise500

150 winstrol 50mg
60 Anadrol 50mg
100 Dbol 20mg
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