test/deca or test/fina


New member
i know for cutting many people will choose test/fina, but what about when bulking? would you all choose test/fina as well or back to the basics and use test/deca?

Bulk or Cut, it doesn't really matter what anabolics you use... its your diet that will dictate what will come about. I say fina, but I never used deca.
FINA ALL THE WAY......who wants some Trenbolone.......hehehe....

I do, I do.

alright......this dnp must be making me tired
I loved fina but I want to try a test/deca and some d-bols for my next bulk. I heard that shit will blow u up.

Test/Deca has always been my favorite for bulking. Kick start it with a little prop. I have to agree though fina kicks ass.
Id go with deca. about 600-800mgs of deca and equal amount of test for straight bulking bro. And while your at it add some dbol. There cheap and highly effective. Youll change so damm much even your mom wont recognize you.