Test Dosage for 1250 blood level?


New member
Im on TRT. I was wanting a guesstimate on how much test it would take to get my total test to about 1250? 175mg a week brings it to about 800.
It's impossible to say. Every one will have varying levels at different doses. I know 200mg/week puts me at 1200...
Depends on so many things also. Peak or trough levels etc. May want to move over to the TRT forum. I know a guy who uses IMT and 200mg get him over 1700. He got bloodwork 3 days after a 200 mg injection.
To illustrate what people are saying. 175mg a week gets you to 800. 140mg a week gets me to 1000-1020. If that 800 is trough level are you injecting twice a week, or once? Switch to twice if you are doing once, and your peak will rise from 800, as the peaks are lower, and the troughs are higher when you inject more frequently. For me it was a mathematical equation. When I was around 700-800 at trough I divided my test level by the mg of test I was taking and then multiplied until it was around 1000 and it was pretty spot on.
Must be something screwed up with me 100mg pharm test puts me in the mid 600's. UGL Test at 200mg a week put me at 680. I uped my UGL dose to 400 a week and tomorrow is blood draw day. I got a bad feeling...
I inject twice a week. 800 was 5 days after last inject. Waited an extra day so blood test wouldnt be high

Oh, ok well the way I calculated you would need the absolute trough level. For instance when I was getting dialed in I would take the blood test as soon as the lab opened at 7:30am, fasted and not take my injection for that morning. Then right after the blood test, I'd take my Monday morning injection. To me that's the absolute lowest I'm ever going to be.
Must be something screwed up with me 100mg pharm test puts me in the mid 600's. UGL Test at 200mg a week put me at 680. I uped my UGL dose to 400 a week and tomorrow is blood draw day. I got a bad feeling...

Sounds under-dosed.
100mg twice a week has me at 800 3.5 days after my last injection.. so im likely peaking around 1200 myself.. everyone metabolizes testosterone differently.. you have to experiment to find your number
why is that exact number important in the first place ? wither your at 900 or 1100.. plus add in fluctuations in the body,, it don't really make much a difference.