(Test E) 12 Cycle Log/journey, Pictures, 18 years old.


New member
Been training for about 2 years now sorta on and off if im being honest but the last 8 months have been mostly 5 times a week and me and a buddy decided to try a cycle so ive stopped drinking and started cleaning up my diet and im about to start my first cycle of test e in 2 weeks i will post pics ect soon.

Age: 18
Weight: 81kgs/178lbs
Bf: will post when know

Week 1-12 500mg Test e
PCT - nolvadex

Any advice would be greatly appreciated thank you :)
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That cycle is very incomplete. Your about 5-7 years too young. Chances are if you run that as is, your lil red rocket will disappear for who knows how long. Your 18. Stop being lazy and eat lots and train hard!
The only advice you'll get is to stay natural for another 4-6 years. I can't tell you how many people I know started cycling too young and seriously regret it. Myself included. I went through my 20's with the testosterone levels of an 80 year old with type 2 diabetes. Seriously....you don't want to mess with hormones during this sensitive period in development.
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Yea man, you don't realize it right now. But you'll be mad at yourself 5-7 years from now. And if your sex drive goes down after this cycle, simply because you messed up your HTPA. Then you'll really be pissed. Drop the cycle while you can. Your still not shut down 100% and in 2 weeks start PCT. add clomid too buddy.
The only advice you'll get is to stay natural for another 4-6 years. I can't tell you how many people I know started cycling too you and seriously regret it. Myself included. I went through my 20's with the testosterone levels of an 80 year old with type 2 diabetes. Seriously....you don't want to mess with hormones during this sensitive period in development.

Thanks for this personal share, these kids need to know this.
Probably the biggest reason LE is concernef with AAS use is because so many teens are using gear at such a young age.

At least you have done some research though. Many teens know almost nothing. You should take the advice given in this thread.

8 months of even serious training is in no way a foundation for the use of PEDs. You could do the same if not much better with a solid understanding of nutrition, training and rrecovery.

Good luck. Hope you are smart and listen to what these guys have to say.
Probably the biggest reason LE is concernef with AAS use is because so many teens are using gear at such a young age.

At least you have done some research though. Many teens know almost nothing. You should take the advice given in this thread.

8 months of even serious training is in no way a foundation for the use of PEDs. You could do the same if not much better with a solid understanding of nutrition, training and rrecovery.

Good luck. Hope you are smart and listen to what these guys have to say.

Half the problem is the women, as they have been programmed to obsess over well defined muscular figures in males. at the end of the day, you can't take it with you.
Hey everyone thanks for all the replies i understand that its probably not the best idea to be getting on the bike but i will make the decision when my stuff arrives i may chose to wait for another 6 months but waiting 4/6 years is not an option :/ so with that i ask is it possible to store test e? like when ive got it or will it go bad? also @tebonexl how do you mean its incomplete? this is what seems to be the best for a first time cycle? please reply thanks all.