test E 300 very painful


New member
I did my first injection yesterday of 300mg in my shoulder. I did not sleep 5 min. ! very painfull, my whole body was sick, I had nausea, etc... Today I feel very weak, and not hungry at all and it's still painfull but less than last night.

Is it normal? is it always going to be like that when I inject myself.

I used 1" needle 22g
22g is not a small needle but that's not the reason for the pain, Sounds like test flu to me. Give it a few days, keep eating even though you don't feel like it, and most importantly of all, KEEP DRINKING WATER! It'll pass and has happened to most all of us.
Yeah first cycle and the lab is bioscience. I will pin myself in two days, do you think it will make the same effect on my other shoulder? Should I wait before injecting again? I dont want it to get worse.
Yeah first cycle and the lab is bioscience. I will pin myself in two days, do you think it will make the same effect on my other shoulder? Should I wait before injecting again? I dont want it to get worse.

You should discontinue use of the steroid if it is that painful. Its not worth using then.
on my first cycle, i remember one glute pin made me walk like a retard for 3 days. this one time i couldn't sleep all night too. it's normal. you will miss that pain when your muscles get used to pinning. you would want to feel the pain to make sure the test is in there lol
Yeah next time go with Exoscience that way you know you'll be getting pain free testosterone and you'll know its there. Trust me on that one.
Thank you bro! it's now much better 24 hours later !! you walked like a retard, ........... today I was moving my arms like robot ! :)
im on my first cycle. Pinned prop into virgin deltoid.. zero pain. slight pip.. must be the lab and/or injection procedure. make sure to use alcohol swabs for the vial and the area and change pins. that being said I'm using Pinnacle.. :D
post some pics of the vial... i have used bioscience and the test e has some bad PIP but your body gets used to it this stuff is very strong when compared to other labs test e... your libido gains and strength will sky rocket around the 3rd week