Test E and D-bol cycle


Hi my 1st proper bulking cycle is going to look like this.

Age; 21
height; 5" 11
weight; 140 lbs
lifting experiance; 4 years

week 1-4 = 30mg D-bol ed
week 1-8 = 500mg Test E
week 1-8 = 20mg nolva

PCT start 2 weeks after last shot of test

Week 1-4 Clomid Therapy

the reason i am taking nova during the cycle even though i know it may effect my gains is that i had a D-Bol cycle only a couple of years ago and i faced gyno so i am being more carefull this time, like i said this is my 1st proper cycle

Gunna stick to a good diet, 2g of protien per pound of body weight and 3g of carbs per pound of body weight

train 4 times a week.

if anyone has tryed this cycle please post back your results and how you found the cycle also any criticism welcome too.
hey yh its no mistake mate, i cant pack on weight i eat loads daily but still no joy, after consulting my doctor and a load of medical tests it turns out i have a high matabolism so a cycle is the ony way to gain weght
You have 4 years lifting experience and have taken steroids before and yet you're only 140lb? Something really doesn't add up.
hey yh its no mistake mate, i cant pack on weight i eat loads daily but still no joy, after consulting my doctor and a load of medical tests it turns out i have a high matabolism so a cycle is the ony way to gain weght

this is bullshit and you're doctors and idiot.

Tell me what you ate yesterday. In detail.

And be honest.
hey yh its no mistake mate, i cant pack on weight i eat loads daily but still no joy, after consulting my doctor and a load of medical tests it turns out i have a high matabolism so a cycle is the ony way to gain weght

I'm new here, been training for years (yet to juice but came here to learn more about it), I have a very very fast metabolism and I can assure you that you CAN gain weight and muscle above 140lbs.
I was around 120lbs for years, thought I was eating heaps (just like you) and wasnt gaining weight...turns out my idea of HEAPS is nothing to compared to what it is now. You have to spread your meals out through out the day to get your required calories.
I'm sitting around 200lbs now and havent touched the juice yet (need to learn heaps more about it before I start). If I can do it, you can do it, it just takes dedication.
cheer kirov thanks for the support much appreciated i think im gunna use 2011 to set myself natural goals in terms of correcting my diet and becoming more dedicated to gain clean weight then maybe in the future if required start a cycle but from reading your post its made me feel much better about my situation. Did you take any supplements whilst on your high calorie diet ?
i'm sitting at 160lbs, was bout 125 a year 1/2 ago..having a good diet, working hard in the gym and i took mass gainers with high calories and protien to help with getting the extra calories i needed to gain.
these guys have said it all.feel free to shoot me a pm if you have any more questions,need moral support etc.
Just stay consistent with your eating, I know you have one good week of eating, then the next week you feel full and bloated so that makes it a chore to eat but that's when being consistent comes into play. You have to keep your calories up or steroids won't help either.
Cheers for the support guys feel much better knowing that some of you guys have been in my situation and have managed to achieve some nice gains just shows it can be done naturaly
another question guys, in my situation (wanting to gains as much mass as posible) i train 3 times a week but is it better to be doing 3 all round body work outs using mass gaining exercises such as bench press, squat, leg press ect. or should i continue on doing split sessions such as chest/biceps monday, legs/shoulders wednesday and back/biceps on friday ??? any advice would be much appreciated cheers guys
another question guys, in my situation (wanting to gains as much mass as posible) i train 3 times a week but is it better to be doing 3 all round body work outs using mass gaining exercises such as bench press, squat, leg press ect. or should i continue on doing split sessions such as chest/biceps monday, legs/shoulders wednesday and back/biceps on friday ??? any advice would be much appreciated cheers guys

try this. with a great diet, you will grow BIG!!
I am doing this same cycle but i'm not running the nolva all the way through unless i encounter any sensitivity with the test early on.

I haven't ran a cycle in years and even then i wouldn't call it a real cycle when i did. This is my first REAL cycle as well running Dbol at 30 mg ED for 4-5 weeks and Test E at 500 mg a week with Proviron at 25 mg a day.

I am one of them people who do well on low doses of stuff. Gained 30 plus pounds on a 4 week dbol cycle and actually kept most believe it on not. Tried EQ and Dbol once ran for 4 weeks as well ( didn't know what i was doing) when i was 23 ( i'm 30 now) and gained a solid 25-30 pounds.
When i did my first cycle of Dbol i ran 25 mgs ED for 4 weeks and gained.

2nd cycle i ran only 150 mgs of EQ and 25 mgs of Dbol and gained.

Both cycles were years ago when i was 21 and then 23 or 24.

I am pretty sure i will do very well seeing how i gained when i didn't even know really what i was doing and now after years of research i finally do.... at least i hope so :laugh3:
I am one of them people who do well on low doses of stuff. Gained 30 plus pounds on a 4 week dbol cycle and actually kept most believe it on not. Tried EQ and Dbol once ran for 4 weeks as well ( didn't know what i was doing) when i was 23 ( i'm 30 now) and gained a solid 25-30 pounds.

I'm sorry but I'm calling :bsflag: on this (for the 20th time). No one gains 30lbs on Dbol and keeps most of it unless its fat and water. That's not what Dbol does. You're certainly not doing it in 4 weeks.

And even if you could gain that much muscle, hell even half that much, your body would revert to homeostasis so fast it woudn't be funny. Again, not happening.

I'd try and refrain from posting bullshit like this out there as its hard enough to get newbs to NOT do Dbol only cycles, much less tell them they can make 30lb keepable gains, all in 4 weeks no less.
I'm sorry but I'm calling :bsflag: on this (for the 20th time). No one gains 30lbs on Dbol and keeps most of it unless its fat and water. That's not what Dbol does. You're certainly not doing it in 4 weeks.

And even if you could gain that much muscle, hell even half that much, your body would revert to homeostasis so fast it woudn't be funny. Again, not happening.

I'd try and refrain from posting bullshit like this out there as its hard enough to get newbs to NOT do Dbol only cycles, much less tell them they can make 30lb keepable gains, all in 4 weeks no less.

lol i kinda figured some one would say this reading other forums and people who have said the same and got flamed for it.

Thing is it don't matter to me whether you believe me or not i know it's true, i really have no reason to lie because i'm not here to impress a bunch of dudes just sayin what happened. Everybody reacts different from different esters and just because it hasn't happened to you or anyone you know doesn't mean its bullshit! I will admit i did gain a lot of water on the dbol but even after i lost the water weight i managed to stay around the same weight after the cycle and fluxuate my weight at 180-185 lbs. I was around 150 when i did the cycle ... again i have no reason to lie :dunno:

Matter of fact after the cycle i wanted to get cut so i did alot of cardio for 2 months straight and i actually lost some muscle due to catabolic spiral not eating right or enough and over doing the cardio. I got down to 165lbs and stayed that weight for years on after. Thats when i did my EQ/ Dbol cycle which was my 2nd cycle ever and went up to 190lbs. Almost got fired from my job because it was so noticeable gaining that much in just a short time.
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One more thing i want to say is my intent wasn't to get newbs to go on a all dbol cycle just cuz i did well all i was sayin is what cycles i did and this same cycle in the topic is my 1st REAL cycle im about to do. Not going to argue on something i really can't prove at this point being that it was nearly 10 years ago and i have no before and after pics. Those who call bullshit so be it to each his own opinion but to be back on topic i hope the topic writer keeps us posted on his results from this cycle as i plan to do in my own thread when i start my cycle.