Test e, clen, winstrol cycle would appreciate some opinions!


New member
Hi, so the cycle im thinking of running in a month or 2 is a 15 weeker my goal is to use the first 10 weeks to bulk and the last 5 weeks to cut. my previous cycle experience is 1 500mg tet e cycle for 12 weeks with nolva pct. here is the purposed plan:
Week 1-10 750mg test e pwk
week 10-15 500mg test e pwk
week 10-15 winstrol 50mg ed
week 10-16 clen run continuosly with the use of ketofine
week 17-21 40/40/20/20 nolva pct

heavy clean bulk diet for first 10 weeks
low carb possible keto diet for last 5-6 weeks alongside hitt cardio 2-3 times pwk

now for my questions..
would it be worthwhile to add in dbol at 25mg ed for the first 4 weeks? i ran it last cycle for 2 weeks at 25mg ed i got from a mate and didnt notice anything at all.
would it be worthwhile to add in t3 with the clen?
should i be taking the ketofine everyday when on the clen or the 3rd week?
how should i go with my clen dosage since it will be contious would it be best to taper up then maintain a comfortable dose?

Thank you!!
You need to add Clomid to your PCT @50/50/50/50

Screw all the Winny/Clen crap and just use Var as a cutter towards the end of your cycle. 50-100mgs/ED should be good for the final 6 weeks. Keep your Test at either 500 or 750mgs continuously throughout your cycle. No need to change the dosage, it will mess with your blood levels.

Don't rely on drugs to cut, rely on your diet...
Agree with Mustang. I would go 750 on the test throughout. And 75-100 on the Winny for 6 weeks. Add clomid 50/50/25/25. Dbol good at 40.