Test e cycle update.. Give it a read.


New member
Hey guys I've started my test e cycle
Week 1-12 test e
Adex 0.25mg starting day 2
Hcg 1000 iu per week 1 shot
And the basic pct protocol
I'm 26
So currently I'm in week 4, just started today.
It's been a smooth ride, no side effects what so ever.. Been pinning twice a week at the same time.. Just some pimple here and there, which disappear once I apply benzoyl peroxide.. No hair loss till now which is good.. Skin and back is clear too.. No signs of gyno at all.
As for test kick in I felt it at the end of week 3, strength increased a bit..
Week 4 today was legs and I know my strength had increased.. My squat went up from 305 to 325.. So I guess I'm on the high road now.
As for diet been eating 2966 calories..
Approx 230 protein
114 fat and rest is carbs..
Supplements only creatine, whey and multi vitamins.. I drink apple cider vinegar everyday.. I don't know if it's beneficial or no..
I'm thinking of adding proviron from this week to keep the bloat down.. Any suggestions?
Just Want to tell everyone if it's your first cycle please stick to test only. I've made mistakes of doing orals and it has not been the best decision I've made..
It seems like a lot of work of injecting and stuff, but it's safe and worth it, if done properly.. Will be updating my progress again..
Please help me with the proviron question.
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Why are you pinning hcg once per week? Split it up into twice per week. May help with bloat. Get bloodwork done to see if your ai is dialed in. No senss in throwing more drugs into the mix beforehand...
Many users swear to proviron. I have used it at 50-150mg ed and think its waste of time and money. This might sounds strange but i get itchy nips from using it. Some say proviron do prevent gyno. Thats just a joke imo. Might help with sex drive and hold some water away.
just finished my workout.. Did Chest shoulder triceps today, planning to change the rep range for bench press from 5x5 to 4x8-12 and lower the weight..

still no change in body composition, feeling horny all the time, i thought it would be fun.. but its not...

Keeping the ai dose the same at 0.25mg eod..
So you're running your 1st ever cycle, bloating already - and your answer is more drugs???

That makes no sense whatsoever.

You're doing the right thing cycling Test only, however HCG should be pinned twice weekly.

If you are bloating, you have your AI dose wrong, and the HCG peaks and troughs won' be helping either.

How many grams of carbs a day are you running? Are you taking on board carbs prior to your workout?

What form of carbs are you using?

Is your AI from a notable source?
So you're running your 1st ever cycle, bloating already - and your answer is more drugs???

That makes no sense whatsoever.

You're doing the right thing cycling Test only, however HCG should be pinned twice weekly.

If you are bloating, you have your AI dose wrong, and the HCG peaks and troughs won' be helping either.

How many grams of carbs a day are you running? Are you taking on board carbs prior to your workout?

What form of carbs are you using?

Is your AI from a notable source?

Cannot pin hcg twice because it non availability of bac water and the minimum dose of hcg is 2000iu, everytime I inject 1000iu I have to discard the rest. If start pinning 500 it'll take a hit on my pocket..

Im eating close to 3000 calories
230g protein 114 fat and 260 carbs

Carbs are 260 grams
Main sources are
Oats, brown rice, banana, sweet potatoes etc and also 50g dextrose post workout

I'm using Armotraz by Cipla
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Breakfast (pre workout)
Whey 1 rounded scoop
Quaker - Oats , 40 gms
Peanut Butter, 33 gram
Banana - 80 gms
Nestle (India) - Slim Milk , 80 ml

Post workout
Glucon D - 50 g
Whey 1 rounded scoop

Basmati Rice, Brown - 80 grams (uncooked)
5 whole eggs
8 egg whites
Figaro - Olive Oil 1 Tablespoon (15 ml)

American Garden - Apple Cider Vinegar, 2 tbsp (15g)
B-activ Probiotic curd - 200 g
Banana - 150 gms
Whey 1 rounded scoop
Nestle (India) - Slim Milk , 170 ml
Toned Milk, 190 ml

Chicken Cubes - 260.0 gms
6 egg whites
I would get more meat and vegetables in there if I were you. I see a lot of whey, which is good PWO and as a protein supplement but I think it's beneficial to get a greater percentage from chicken/beef/fish/whatever. The eggs, oats, and rice are good but man do you eat a single vegetable? Trade one of the shakes for something else, at the very least a can or two of tuna if time is an issue.

But that's just me. Good luck! Get blood work done to check AI dose before you fiddle with any other drugs.
You should only be injecting 250iu of HCG per injection (500iu per week)

Cannot pin hcg twice because it non availability of bac water and the minimum dose of hcg is 2000iu, everytime I inject 1000iu I have to discard the rest. If start pinning 500 it'll take a hit on my pocket..

Im eating close to 3000 calories
230g protein 114 fat and 260 carbs

Carbs are 260 grams
Main sources are
Oats, brown rice, banana, sweet potatoes etc and also 50g dextrose post workout

I'm using Armotraz by Cipla
I would get more meat and vegetables in there if I were you. I see a lot of whey, which is good PWO and as a protein supplement but I think it's beneficial to get a greater percentage from chicken/beef/fish/whatever. The eggs, oats, and rice are good but man do you eat a single vegetable? Trade one of the shakes for something else, at the very least a can or two of tuna if time is an issue.

But that's just me. Good luck! Get blood work done to check AI dose before you fiddle with any other drugs.

I'm not too bloated.. I mean i might just be thinking too much.. And as for veggies, I eat a variety of vegetables as I'm an Indian we cook different vegetable all 7 days.. As for fish, I eat fish twice a week, be it shrimps, basa, salmon etc.. This is what I eat for sure, if I'm eating anything other than this I adjust it here and there..
Bro its just to preload your syringes and keep em in a box in the fridge..

If that's the case I have pre mixed hcg, I had started a thread on this.. It already comes in a vial, can I can just keep it in the fridge.. I can post some pictures too. If this works out for me it'll be great.. But can I use sterile water? Because bac is not available..
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Week 4*

Today did legs again, but different variation...*

Front squat. *did 8-10 reps.. Except for last which went for 6 with 205 pounds.. Earlier used to do 5x5.. So strength has gone up..*

Leg extension 3x12

Leg press 3x12

Calf raise and seated calf raise 3x12

Glute ham raise 3x12

Did cardio for 20minutes post workout*

Abs 4x20 cable crunches..*

Didn't feel tired, though was sweating like a pig,but overall today was a good workout.. Weight has gone up on all lifts, not drastic amount but approximately 5-10 pounds..*

No change in body composition, no vascularity, still looking the way I was before cycle, weight has gone up by 5 lbs approx in 4 weeks, clothes are a little tight, and I feel I've lost someone fat on my belly and still have a little muffin top when I sit.. *

I sleep like a baby, libido is through the roof, there comes a point in a day where it hurts, no signs of acne, just a little whitehead near my nose, but benzoyl peroxide does the trick.*

Today have a test shot in the evening between 7-9.. Took hcg yesterday 1000iu, it did sting a bit but I feel good and calm..*
just wondering how do you train for compound movements?? 5x5 with your last set being the heaviest?? or normal 3x8-10?

Today did chest, shoulder, triceps.. Overall workout was good.. Did not feel tired at all, did 1 set or a few reps extra on each exercise..

Workout was

Incline bb press 5x8 except for last set which was 6.. Used to do 2 reps with 205, now could easily do 6..

Incline dB press 3x12. Not to heavy.. Just focusing on form..

Seated dB shoulder press 3x12.. This I increased weight.. Use to 30 pounds.. Today did 50 for 15 reps

Tricep press 3x12.. Increased by 20 lbs. And machine dips..

Not increasing weight on any exercise, except a few where I feel confident, just the number of reps.

Did cardio for 20 minutes. 5 minutes pre and 15 minutes post..

No change in BC.. Feeling a bit full and tight.. My Tshirt was a little tight on my arms.. Again sleeping good, libido is not as first week, but just a touch and I'm there. Haha.. No signs of acne, hairloss or gyno.. Just water retention or I'm just thinking too much..

Supplements everything is the same

Creatine, multivitamins, fish oil and zinc..

Will be increasing my adex dose to 0.5mg eod and see what happens, I've broken almost 6 tabs trying to get 4 pieces..
Week 4 it's I guess day 27

Todays workout was good. My workout was. Did back biceps today

Rack pulls

Did change it a bit from 5x5.. Was able to pull out more reps so basically did 5x8 except my last set which was a pr for me did 3 reps for that.

Pull downs, again increase in weight and reps

Seated row, same as above

T-bar row, same did extra reps

Preacher curl, bb curl, hammer curl.. Increased reps and did 3-4 sets for each.. Overall a good workout.. Didn't feel tired at all.

Increased my ai dose to 0.50mg eod.

Woke up in the morning I could see my facial hair was a bit thicker..

No change in body com********** Although I'm feeling a bit full and tight.. Waiting for the magic to happen..