Update week 5 day...?
Was facing some issues with low sex drive because of increasing my ai dose to 0.50mg
To continue, I did my blood test today for e2, I'll get the result in the evening.. I have skipped yesterday's ai dose.
Todays workout, did back biceps (pull)
Deadlift, it seems my strength is ever increasing, hit another pr with 355 lbs. Did 5 sets was able to do more reps than usual on each set except last for which I did 2 easily.. Earlier my last 2 sets used to be 1 rep..
Lat pull down, t bar row, shrugs all was 3x12 increased reps not too much weight was concentrating on my form. But the weight was more than usual.
For biceps did, seated dB preacher, db curl 3x12. Again was focusing on form with atleast 12-15 reps.
Today morning I was lazy, maybe because of the blood test.. Lack of motivation till the time I reached my gym, but once I started I was in another zone.. No fatigue, I had to stop myself in the end. Didn't do cardio today, except for 10 minutes before I started..
I guess I've lost some fat on my belly, I'm not sure.. Strength wise everything is good, size wise still waiting for it.. I can Feel some changes in my body, but nothing noticeable. Lower belly fat is irritating me..
No side effects till now only low sex drive, that might be because of my ai dose..