Test E + Dbol cycle


New member
Hello guys,

l'm 21 yr's old 5'7, 177 lbs at the moment and dunno about my bf.l have been working out for 3 years now.

NOW l am starting a cycle on Monday:

Test E 1-10 Weeks 500mg/week
Dbol - 1-4 Weeks 30mg/day

l will try to update my progress.

And here are the pics of "Before" :
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Okey guys, so today was my first pin. Right Glute didn't feel a thing, wasn't even nervous lol just prepared everything and did it. Though there was some problems.

1. l am using aburaihan test E and l only got 0.6ml from the ampoule ? They are underfilled or what?

2. When l took out the needle l was bleeding for a minute ar two why is that ? ;/

l was doing the pin with 23G/1 , needle was looking very small.. maybe it;'s too small for glutes? Though it was very easy .. too easy ;/
Update 2010.06.25 2nd Pin Left Glute

Everything went fine. No pain, no blood.

3 Days in, already up by 2lbs and feelin hot through the day, think dbol does the job.. Also feel some libido increasing each day.

Today will do Chest/Back/abs, will tell u how it went. Hoping to get some crazy pumps, becouse l'v done 2 days ago delts and l was only 1 day on dbol and the pumps were unbearable.
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damn what dbol you takin bro ...good before pics you going to get some good gains off this cycle cant wait to see the progression pics
l'm taking balkan 10mg's dbols. They seem to work perfect so far. l'm on only 6th day on my cycle and this morning l'm up by 4.4lbs already. It's crazy, every morning l wake up my scale is up! This brings the mood for the day :laugh4: . Now speaking about pumps they are soo crazy. On Friday l did chest and back, the chest pumps weren't so impressive but the back... l'm feeling it pumped even now when l'm sitting near my pc. Yesterday l've done legs/calfs and the shit was crazy. l couldnt finish up my legs with extensions couse my quads were so pumped that l had to sit for 5 mins till l could walk again. l will post progress pic after 3-4 weeks. Today l am having a rest day and tommorow will be shoudlers/arms. Oh and by the way waiting for the next pin lol l could pin each day ! :laugh4:
^^^ lol i love that shit ..waiting for the next pin day it's addicting!...funny how first time or 2 is scary but than u cant wait till that pin day ! I love that balkan dbol i had that shit last cycle and was VERY good i got geneza now and on my 3rd day of taking it so far it's a lil early to tell. What is your workouts like you doing 5x5's or what seems like you know what your doing w. those stats.
Well speaking about my workouts l change them now and then u know l use variety different things and techniques. For this cycle l am doing so far a big circle like this :

Monday Chest/back/
Tuesday Legs/Calfs
Wednesday Shoulders/Bis/Tris
Hey bro!

Are you Russian? I just saw your pics with carpet on the wall and I thought so =)

I want to run the same cycle within few weeks. Keep your log updated. Wish ya good luck.
WEEK 1 177lbs -> 183lbs = Total 6.6lbs gain in a week.

l'm pretty happy with the results. dbol is doing his job pretty well so far. Today will be my third pin of test E. Can't wait for test to kick in though l know that l will need atleast 2 more weeks for that. But that's no problem since dbol is doing his job now. Libido is kinda normal maybe a bit increased but not too much. Appetite is perfect. My goal is to get up to 200 lbs by the 10th week for this cycle. Pumps are pretty good in the gym so far strenght is up a bit not much but is going up slowly. My Calorie intake so fat warries from 3600 to 4000 lots of carbs medium fat and lots of protein about 3-3,5g for a kilogram. l won't be upping my cals so far couse it seems enough to grow now.
this your first cycle bro? and good gains for first week dbol is def. doing it's job. The dbol gains is where you will gain the most weight the quickest since its a lot of water retention but stil nice to see. When that test kicks in the gains wont be as much each week but you will feel 1000xs better and stronger, it's all legit gains since your strength is going up and it's not mostly water.
Sounds good bro!

About the irani test, yes ise the same test and every amp I had so far was underfilled except one. Most oc them will get 0.6-0.8 out.

Bleeding issue, you prolly hit a little vessle while going in or out happens sometimes nothing bad.

Hope you enjoy your cycle man

Im on the exact same cycle, im actually going on to day 9 tomorrow. My first week I was up from 195 to 205.

Its kinda weird cuz i dont feel any different but I feel like a new breed when im at the gym. When i was natural and did Incline bench, I struggled banging out 90s!!! YESTERDAY HOWEVER... I wish throwing out 105s like it was my F-ing job!

My 4th Test dose will be on friday, i really dont know what to expect around week 3-4. I can also feel my muscles getting alot more harder which is a amazing.
Hey Unleashed, nice to hear that it works for u, l also don't see any things in mirror, maybe just a bit but in gym it's gettin better and better.

Oh and my PCT will consist OF : Nolvadex , HCG , Clomid, Vitamin E, Zink. l will do a heavy pct to get those nuts producing that natty test as fast as possible.

dude, can you write how you will Nolva, HCG, Clomid and other stuff (how many weeks, how often and your dosage)


Im going to run the same cycle aswell ))))
Well it'l depend on how l will feel like. So far thinking of doing it like this :

10-12 week HCG 1500 IU/week
12-15 week Clomid 50/50/50
12-15 week Nolvadex 40/20/20

dude, can you write how you will Nolva, HCG, Clomid and other stuff (how many weeks, how often and your dosage)


Im going to run the same cycle aswell ))))

I'm have nolva and I was taking forvthe first 4 days of my cycle but then one of the guys on here told me to stop taking of I'm not prone to gyno because apparently it takes away from the dbol . And I gotta admit since iv been off iv been getting nice pumps at the gym, maybe it's mental maybe not. One thing I notices once I was off it wasthat I. Was leas itchy lol. Thank god!!! I was going insane.

When i was taking it I was taking 1 20 mg tab a day....

What are we suppose to be seeing / feeling on dbol. Like I said and champion said we don't see much on the outside buy we can deff see/ feel the diff in the iron jungle. Once the test kicks in are we just going to explode the dbol ???
Once the test kick in probably we will be off dbol couse it will be the best way in week 3 but l doubt it and normaly in week 4 or 5. But when it kick's in it's the time when we will start seeing things "outside".
Okey guys, so today l noticed first side effect. My urine was always white/light yellow and today it just started to appear blurry brown. Anyone had something like this ? Wondering if this could be some serious problem.. Though l think this is from dbol.