Test E + Dbol cycle

Thanks Warbird, thats was helpfull. Well Yesterday when l just saw my brown urine l started to drink twice more water and from then it gotten much brighter but still not as clear as before. l will be drinking very much water today and see if it's working if yes everything is fine. Oh and also l am using milk thistle 400mg/day l will up it to 600mg from today and l will try to buy some Cranberry extract if l will find it. Hope it will help couse don't really wan't to stop the d-bol since it's starting to work really great now.. yesterday at the gym l had some nice strenght gains doing chest/back and my weight scale is up by 8lbs from starting the cycle ( so it's in 10 days).

Oh and also this night when l laid to sleep l had some sweeting and hot feeling, maybe the test is starting to kick in slowly ? :thinking:
Ok so today just took 2 random pics For comparison Before and Week 1 after. Don't really see anything special maybe a bit fuller in back. though l'm 8lbs heavier :40oz:
Im getting real hot at night when I'm trying to sleep and even just throughout the day I was wondering the same seems to early though to feel sides from test...maybe dbol? idk
Hey bro, can you check production date of your Dbol? Some people say 2010's Balkan orals are not as good as 2009.

Warbird, l dont have the box of my dbol's so l cant tell u what year they are made, but what l can tell u is that they kickass. l'm only 11 days into this cycle and l'm 10lbs heavier already this morning. Training is really intense and strenght is going up through the roof!
Heh, Goodluck for you man if you will do everything right u will be happy for sure. Today l had one of the worst injections ever lol... l wasted 1 ampoule of my test. Couse after loading syringe there was 1 f*ckn buble stuck near the needle and it didnt come out whatever l did. So l wasted 0.5cc trying to get it out and then l opened another ampoule loaded again 1cc and said fu*k that bubble and injected with it. Though loaded next syringe for my next injection without that problem.. hope it won't happen again and now l will have to search where l can buy extra ampoule.. :sadwavey:
wouldnt fret it my man. I usually hold it upright and flick it a little bit and if you warm it up for some reason it makes it easier for the bubbles to pass through and after i get that lil bitch to the top of the syringe i just push it out and always let a lil. drop roll down the needle for that lil lube ;) love that shit! Anyways at least you didnt fucking crush a whole amp just trying to open the lil fucker! KEEP IT UP
I just did mine about 30 min ago. 250mg of cyp, and i usually have a little air bubble at the top then pull back the plunger to see some air. Went in fine, just had 2 baked potatoes and a 16oz steake... in like 45 min im going to hit legs.. Im so pumped already LOL

Couple things I just want to update champion and everyone else on this thread on.
Today my urine was yellow but a little cloudy, not sure if it was because i havnt had that much water today, so im forcing it down now. Second thing, I went into work last night and everyone was complementing and asking me if i starting working out again cuz i looked thing( made me smile... hahaha i couldnt hold it back). I think the first week on dbol was the best and the wrost just becasue i wasnt use to all the bloating, i dont get as bloated anymore, and im eating and drinking as much as i can. is this a good thing or bad?

My urine is now clear as water since l started to drink 1-1.2 galoon of water a day. So the darkening of urine was for lack of water l think. And Craberry juice helps kidneys not liver :)
Hey guys,

Thinking of upping my dbol intake from 30mg/day to 35mg/day. What u think is it worth it or no ? Just feel that l could take a bit more.
Just go up to 40 mg - classic dosage :)

Hey guys,

Thinking of upping my dbol intake from 30mg/day to 35mg/day. What u think is it worth it or no ? Just feel that l could take a bit more.

Id say just stick with 30mg, for a first cycle 30mg i hear is good enough, Its hard on your liver as is uping it 10 mg more is just gunna take it for a harder ride.
If you got it I say go for it, seems like you have been taking all the protocols and if you dont like the way you feel on it than back it down some more. Either way the dosage you got now is good.
Hey guys,

l decided to leave it at 30mg/day couse l now it seems like l get the decent weight/strenght gain with so far minimal sides, so no point to rush it. You know it's addicting u feel it works but u want more and more.. :evil:

By the way guys, any of u running cycle like mine have sleeping problems ? Couse it start's to p*** me off.. l wake up at night every 3-4 hours and sleep only 8-9 hours compared to when l always slept 10-11.. Maybe it's just summer and becouse it's very hot, but l haven't suffered from such sleep disorder the previous summers.. :squint: