Test E + Dbol cycle

championgain, it's common issue while taking the juice. Even if you're going to sleep only 5-6 hrs it will b enough for you to recover, imo.
Well yeah, speaking about recovery even when l wake up at middle of night after 5-6~ hours sleep it's hard to fall asleep again as if l am ready to start the day already :laugh4:

And a good example would be that after arm day for example l had pains in my arms for 3-4 days, now l wake up the day after with even less sleep and l actually feel them recovered..
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Hey guys,

Maybe u can suggest to take something to lower blood pressure a bit ? Couse now l'm after my chest/back/abs day and l'm freakin hot all over and my heart is bumping like crazy. Kinda nice feeling but high bp isn't that good for the health so thinking to take something? Any suggestions? :scratchhe
As far as I know you can't really do much about it.

Try to cut down sodium as much as you can, get some fish oil, celery seed extract, hawthorne berry extract, ubiquinol. But Im pretty much sure they wont really do much about it. But you can try them anyway. It took about 2 weeks before this stuff start working.
Heh.. oh well then l guess l just have to face it. Maybe my test starts to kick in also a bit couse l am coming into 3rd week now and l will have 5th shot of test tommorow. Couse this hot feeling is crazy :devil2:
hi there new to this and this is my 1st post and would like some advice

first of all some stats

6ft 2''
214 pounds
maybe 12-14% body fat dunno

ive been training since i was 16 on/off but only coz of some work issues(12 hour shifts waaaahhh) but got lost of that job!!.... but now i have a good 2 constant years under my belt. (jobs alway fuck up my training sessions)

anyway im looking to do my 1st cycle but not untill the winter, ready for summer next year. This is how its gonna go.......

week 1-10 test e @ 500mg split (maybe 12 week ive read the gains are better and you benefit more)
pct nolva or clomid maybe both?????

2 weeks after last pin start pct nolva @ 40/40/20/20 or clomid @ 100/50/50/25

diet will consist of 3500-4500 cals that high in protien a good amount of carbs and obviously some fats. ive read up that it should be 40%protien 40%carbs 20%fats.

also i want draw out and inject with same pin? what do you think!!!!!!

like i said this is my 1st cycle and any advice would great coz i want this to go as smoothly as possible thanks in advanced.......
no you should prob. not draw and inject with same pin but your should also put this up on your own thread

l think u should create your own thread this way u will get much more information. Though l draw with the same size pin as l inject just that l change the pin when l inject to new one. There's no problem to draw and inject with same pin BUT :

1. If u are drawing from vial your pin won't be as sharp as new one would be.
2. There is a bigger probability to get infection or smth. like that. Chance is small but pin's are cheap as hell so l actually see no point in risking when a new pin cost few cents. It's ur health man don't save on ur health..
thank 4 the quick reply...

i dont no how to start my own thread im a forum virgin lol but have been reading over the forums 4 about 6-9 month now....but what do you think about my cycle, do you think i should go 4 a kick start?
Well, from my experience l would say for sure. Becouse l'm with a kickstart and gained some nice pounds and it's still not enough, so without it l would go crazy just waiting for the results so much. On the other had for everybody his own.
Hello guys

So l am 2 WEEKS ON so far, starting the week 3 now.

l am at 189lbs now and l started at 177~ so l am up at about 12lbs so far. Training is intense good pumps, strenght is going up slow and steady now, same with the weight. l dont really see a big difference in mirror, l think that l gained some bf also don't really know. So l will post pics now of my week 2 and let u decide if there's any difference now from my starting pics( which are in my first post) and the new ones. The picture quality is not best couse l took them with my phone camera as always and the lightning is shit but oh well.
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dude, you know, steroids isnt a magic pill that will turn you into a hulk within 2 weeks =) They just help you to achive your results faster, but its not an overnight process :)

Im sure that at the end of your cycle we will see significant difference between your start and end pics :)

As for current progress, your back now is little bit wider compare to first pictures :) Watch your diet, because your waist also getting bigger :) Eat clean and get big!
Thanks for comment's Warbird, yeah l know that it won't happen over night l've been many years there natural bro and it's 10 times worse being that. Well but u know when u gain 12lbs so fast u force urself to think that something should be different there. Though strenght is going up each workout 4-5lbs on each excercise.

Speaking about my waist yes, l know that it's gettin bigger also. But l don't eat any junk food or smth all l eat is chicken breasts, eggs, cottage cheeze, tuna, rice, cereal. My diet is like 3700-4000 kcal/day consisting of 370 carbs ; 340 protein ; 90 fat. Though l eat clean l gain fat anyway and it was always like this. And u know f*ck it. l better gain fat with muscle than later be sorry for not eating enough and wasting my cycle. This is bulking cycle - so be it, l plan a cutting cycle after winter something like test prop + masteron + clen.
Yeah, dont worry about fat and water retention, you'll get rid of them later. You're doing everything right :)

I hope you will finish your cycle with good results.
Heh, thanks man, l hope that my cycle will end also with good results. My goal was to weight 200-205lbs after this cycle. l am almost at 190 now so 10-15lbs left and still have 8 weeks for that. Today speaked with my trainer he told me also that the biggest gains should be from week 4 till week 8~ and then they will slow down and last 2 weeks it will actually by like just strenghtening the gains which were made.

Also guys what sites do you like to pin? Couse today l had 5th ping in my glutes ( l pin right glute tuesday , left glute friday) and it is getting more painfull and harder to get through the skin each time now so l don't really think that l will be able to keep up to those 2 injection sites the whole cycle :angel2:
Why glutes bro? I think you should pin in glutes only if you are some 12yr old boy or starving african man who have no muscules at all. Try to pin your delts and quads.
Heh, thanks man, l hope that my cycle will end also with good results. My goal was to weight 200-205lbs after this cycle. l am almost at 190 now so 10-15lbs left and still have 8 weeks for that. Today speaked with my trainer he told me also that the biggest gains should be from week 4 till week 8~ and then they will slow down and last 2 weeks it will actually by like just strenghtening the gains which were made.

Also guys what sites do you like to pin? Couse today l had 5th ping in my glutes ( l pin right glute tuesday , left glute friday) and it is getting more painfull and harder to get through the skin each time now so l don't really think that l will be able to keep up to those 2 injection sites the whole cycle :angel2:

Hey Champion,

Its been a while since iv been on here to follow this thread. I think staying at the 30mg is a perfect, thats what im doing and i feel great from them. in my second week i was thinking of doing 40 but said forget it i dont want to increase the sides of it.

Your gains are comming along nice from the pics I saw. Dont worry about the Bf increasing, like one of the other guys said its just water retention. My Bf has increased as well, im not sure what it is but i know when i started i was sitting around 17%.

Im in my third week now and i feel amazing from mine I have 2 more week left on Dbol before i Start Anavar. My strength is rediculous, the amount of weight im pushing around is something i would of never thought i would of been capable of doing... EVER.. finally im benching 300lb, curling 110 straight bar,i pretty much doing the whole machine for rope pull downs, hahah its a amazing feeling. If you dont mind im going to post my before and after to date pics on this thread so you can see my results. Im thinking of throwing some Winstrol (winny) into my mix but im going to start up a new thread to get some info from that man... anyways. good work keep it up.