Test E & Dbol - Domination Time

Once won't hurt, but I would ALWAYS (but especially when taking a C17 oral)avoid Tylenol, it is the number 1 cause of acute liver failure. Take motrin or something instead. Check your blood pressure. Also, consider dropping the creatine due to blood pressure/water retention issues, some say you should cycle that stuff anyway. Just looking out for you bro.

Thanks for the heads up. I'll check my BP tomorrow. I'll drop the creatine.

good to hear bro!

Dunno if I misread, but you are "sliding your pin" into the site? Its better off (and properly done) if you just stick it right in, hold it like your going to throw a dart, its easier if your put your wrist ontop of your thigh, and just slap it in. a 1" aint gonna do you any harm, and thats how your supposed to give a "shot" anyhow. Maybe that will help with any tension you might be drawing. I dunno but ive never used anything smaller than a 21g needle lol.. I guess its because I didnt take any smaller from my department. Anywho..

Sounds great man, hope the best for ya!

I pretty much just poked it in. I didn't mean "slide" as in sliding the needle in. I guess I chose that word because it went in real smooth and quick like a "slide" haha.

just wandering how your dosing the dbol
how are you splitting your dose through out the day?

I'm just taking 30mg around early afternoon/late morning. I just take the 30mg at once which is 3 10mg tabs. If I split the dose throughout the day, I'm afraid I'll miss a dose or go over. I have a tendency to foget crap like that.
Day 4: 2/10/10
181 lbs. (+1)

Down 2 pounds from yesterday. Could have been water retention. No big deal. I'll be doing my second pin of 250mg Test E shortly followed up by a nice hot warm shower. We are snowed in here in my area so I can't make it to the gym today. I have some crappy weights around the house that I'll try my best to get some sort of shoulder workout in.

Just did my second pin. Man, smooth as butter. My first pin wasn't bad by any means, but this was cake. I did the same exact thing, but to my left quad this time. Aspirated and all was good. Injection went smooth. Wish it would go in a little faster, but it's no big deal. When I took the pin out, there was no blood or anything. Unlike like last time where I massaged the area for a few minutes, I didn't have to do it at all this time around. In fact, I can't even tell where I pinned. No soreness at all. :dance2:
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snowed in here too bro.. yeah, I always injected really slowly too, I jabed the needle in fast but I was pushin through a 25g so I took my sweet time probly 20 seconds for .7cc
other than that I think your cycle looks good.
most guys say to split up the DBol dose though as it has a real short half life. (only about 4 hours)
When I run it next month Im gonna go 20mg 8:30 then another 20 at 4:30
I was nervous and to make matters worse, the rubber stopper popped out of the vial and a small tiny tiny tiny bit of the test came out. If I had to guess, I'd say it was probably .2-.4 cc which isnt a big deal. Anyhow, I put the rubber stopper back on and crimped the metal band a little more so it would hold better. QUOTE]

LOL, the same EXACT thing happened to me! I think it's becuase I pushed air into the air tight vial and the pressure just made it pop right off! lol.
some debate taking the orals all at once or splitting them up, I think one dose would be higher amounts in your system, since you'll lose some do to filtering through your liver. IMO
I'm feeling pretty darn sluggish and fatigued during the early day. In fact, I just took a small nap. I'm heading to the gym shortly to hit chest and tris. I've also been moody the past couple days. One moment I'm down in the dumps all depressed and the next I feel happy and ready to go.

edit- just got back from the gym. worked chest and tris. felt like a champ. pumps were real nice. i dont remember the last time my tris felt so solid. strength is increasing as i was able to do more reps on every single exercise.

left quad is sore after the pin yesterday but nothing major.
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Up another pound today to 182. Once Sunday rolls around, I'll give a brief summary of week 1 and i'll do this week by week. anyway, my left quad is sore as hell today. feels like i had a killer quad workout yesterday. no bruising or swelling, just soreness. did back and bis today and had a pretty good workout. more reps on certain exercises and pumps are ridiculous.
Week 1 Recap

Duration: 2/7/10 - 2/14/10

Starting Weight: 180.0
Week 1 Weight: 183.5 (+3.5)

Net Weight Gain: 3.5 lbs.

Overall, the first week went well. I wasn't anticipating the dbol taking affect so quickly. Of course I don't feel the test just yet, but all in all, I would say week 1 was a productive one. Other than some soreness following the injections, they went as smooth as can be. Here are some pros and cons.

Mood swings

Insane pumps
Increase strength
Increase mass (+3.5 lbs.)

Early on in the week, I was taking 30mg of dbol at once. I'm not sure if the fatigue can be attributed to the fact it increases the breakdown of glycogen or what, but on Thursday I decided to split it into three 10mg doses spaced evenly throughout the day. Since doing this, I feel less fatigued and tired through the day. As for the mood swings, sometimes I find myself feeling a bit depressed and confused while other times I feel completely content and happy. Keep in mind I have a lot of stuff going on in my life that's influencing my mood, so I wouldn't look too deep into that. I've never had bad acne problems before and nor do I now, but I had a couple small ones pop up on my cheek (never had any on cheek before) and a few on chest area. Nothing major. I'm applying ointment and keeping it under control.

As for the pros, everyday I went into the gym I felt as though I had a little bit more energy. Not sure if it was placebo or not. Got some killer pumps and hardness in my workouts and it lasts pretty much the whole day. Weight has gone up slightly on some exercises, but most notably I am increasing reps rather rapidly which is an indication of an increase in strength. There is no doubt in my mind the dbol is doing its job. I don't know how guys can handle 40-50mg of this stuff. I'm getting great results at 30mg/day.

Anyhow, that's a quick recap of week 1. Today (2/14/10) will be my third injection of 250mg Test E into right quad.
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I took some pics the other day. I'll take pics each week. I'm undecided on whether or not I should post the progression once everything is all said and done. There's a chance others can find out my identity and I don't want them holding this against me or using it as ammo to shoot me down in the public eye.
I took some pics the other day. I'll take pics each week. I'm undecided on whether or not I should post the progression once everything is all said and done. There's a chance others can find out my identity and I don't want them holding this against me or using it as ammo to shoot me down in the public eye.

Good idea Dude. Especially if you have tatoos or other identifying marks.
Good idea Dude. Especially if you have tatoos or other identifying marks.

No tattoos but just taking precautionary measures. I have stats and everything to compare and give you guys. Like I said, I am taking pics weekly. If by chance I can edit a few things here and there without compromising the pictures, I'll post them. I still have 11 weeks! I just don't want to post them and end up having all this used against me :bash:
Yo man!

I was reading your post, nice thing...

I'm going to start the same cycle VERY soon.

Week 1 - 12: Testosterone Enanthate 2x250mg/week

Week 1 - 4: Dbol 35mg/day

and for PCT: Clomid

What are you using for PCT?

ps: Your not eating enough proteins man, you should intake like 300/400gr proteins a day and less carbohydrates, well I'm a Ectomorph so I should take 300/400gr proteins a day.

Did you lose any hair?
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Yo man!

I was reading your post, nice thing...

I'm going to start the same cycle VERY soon.

Week 1 - 12: Testosterone Enanthate 2x250mg/week

Week 1 - 4: Dbol 35mg/day

and for PCT: Clomid

What are you using for PCT?

ps: Your not eating enough proteins man, you should intake like 300/400gr proteins a day and less carbohydrates, well I'm a Ectomorph so I should take 300/400gr proteins a day.

Did you lose any hair?

PCT just doing clomid. probably 100/100/50/60.

as for my diet, im eating what i can. i can only eat so much. getting in 275-300g a day is an accomplishment in my opinion. im gaining weight and it's only week 1 so im happy. and no hair loss. im not prone to it to begin with, so im not too worried.
Day 8: 2/15/10

Weighed in at 184.5 which is a net gain of 4.5 lbs. thus far. Pretty decent. I'm going to start my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) either today or tomorrow @ probably 12.5 mg ed or maybe eod..all depends. I have no signs of gyno or anything, but maybe a little bloat..it's hard to tell.

edit: Just got back from the gym. This dbol is definitely kicking in. I felt pretty damn strong today. I was flying through my DB bench press like it was nothing. Strength was up on every exercise. Also felt bigger. Dbol is definitely doing its just as a good jump start to this test cycle.
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