Yeah, the weight is going up each week which is great to see. Today I weighed in at 191.0 lbs. but that's fine. I'm expecting some fluctuation during the weeks. Today is my first day without the dbol. I feel a little more energetic and positive overall. There is no question im gaining size. I can see it whenever I look in the mirror and other are noticing as well. Strength is up almost every time I step into the gym.
One negative note is a slight pain/uncomfortable feeling in my left shoulder more posterior. Not sure if I pulled one of my rotator cuffs or what, but my range of motion is slightly limited and today when I was doing DB flies on flat bench, it hurt a little but pain went away during the 2nd and 3rd set. Hopefully it's something temporary. I'll take some ibuprofen in a bit.
Good to hear about the weight and that you still feel good coming off the dbol.
As for the shoulder. It could be scapular flaring going on. Get in the push up position either on the wall or floor and have someone look at your shoulder blades. If one is flared out (it will be at the medial spine of the scapula) that is the problem. Easy fix. You will need to work on the following....
middle and lower trap, rhomboid major/minor, and serratus anterior. The middle trapezius and rhomboid muscles function to retract the scapula. Scapular retraction is the action of squeezing your shoulder blades together. The lower trapezius takes care of scapular depression which is drawing the scapula down the thorax. The task of serratus anterior is to hold the scapula’s medial border tight to the thorax. Do simple shoulder exercises everyday before training. you should be good to go within a week. And don't have to slow down on training.
By reducing the flaring....the shoulder pain should go away. Sorry for the technical crap but I know how injuries suck! I work on them all the time and been thru myself.
Good luck and let me know how it goes.
Here is a case study if you want any more info.
The Winged Scapula : Southern Medical Journal
Wow 4 weeks almost a 15lb gain..pretty impressive.
If I wanna catch up I better get my ass in the kitchen right now, hah
so between what days would you say you were feeling the effects of the DBol the greatest?
I ran Var a few months back and remember between days 20-30 were the best. I'm wondering if it will be the same for the DBol. What'ya think?
No pic. We would like to see some progress pix ..
I'm taking progress pics throughout, just not posting yet. Once everything is said and done I'll edit them and post them if I can do it in such a way without giving away my identity. We'll see.
do what i do bro......... Microsoft paint spray can!!!!!!!
hell ya haha im gonna have to spray paint my face and the background. hopefully i can do it without messing up the pic itself!
lolz bro, lolz. quick, where was the pic in my most recent post in my log taken?!?! this should be an easy one for you! you just cant see my face!
haha it would have been funny as hell if you posted that pic and i saw myself in the background..i'd shit myself hahaha
lmfao! yeh, no doubt bro! we were there the same time. and that place ain't that big. lol.
and wtf was up with all the guido lookin' fools?
yeh dude, thats what i remember most about that bar, is all the fuckin' clowns. luckily the other bar doesn't have that.hate em man. bunch of jersey shore, fist pumpin, crusty helmet head wannabes. it's sickening.
They're all over the place these days it seems.
Tommy...Nice gains. How's the shoulder feeling? Back to normal?