Test E & Deca cycle


avi changes as i do
Getting gear together for my next cycle, plan on running 500mg/ test e & 500 mg/ deca. Couple questions: What ancilliaries will i need for deca during/post cycle. Plan on having amiridex on hand for test during cycle, still need to get a good pct though. Input on that is appreciated. Lastly, what is a good pinning schedule for this cycle?? Thanks!!
best to read the PTC sticky, also the deca might be too high base on what others say about test to deca ratios.
Pin every 3 1/2 days so twice a week , something like Friday morning at 8am then Monday night at 8 PM
best to read the PTC sticky, also the deca might be too high base on what others say about test to deca ratios.
Pin every 3 1/2 days so twice a week , something like Friday morning at 8am then Monday night at 8 PM

O.k., so would I mx the test & deca together in same barrel or pin seperatly??
you can mix them, but you're talking a boat load and thats only going to fit in the glut, thats at least 2 cc
Or you can split your doses into 3x a week. I do that when using high quantities of oils. Ex: Instead of 250 x2 and 250x2, you can do 167mg x3 for each. You're going to have to rotate in an additional muscle group, but I tend to have less pip this way than trying to force 3+ml into a single site.
What would be the other option, just pinning twice in two difernt sites, right?

you can do the 2 cc if you drop the deca to 400 mg a week, assuming you have 250 test and 200 deca (typical source) in the gluts, but you wont enjoy that at all in the quad, hell you might not walk for 3 days lol so if its not a glut shot split it

Listen up soldier. :) 500 deca 500 test is a perfect cycle. Run it for 18-20 weeks.

Run some arimadex. .25mg every other day.

Have some caber just I case. You won't need it though I bet.

Pin 2x per week on Sunday and wed. Rotate between 4 spots on your glutes and mix the shit. It don't matter. Yiu glutes can hold a shitload of oil so 2 cc's is nothing!

Read some pct stickies before you ask anymore questions. We can't do it all for you. Gotta put in some work on your own
Thanks 4 feedback, y'all. Yeah, this will be my second cycle, so I'm trying to get my shopping list together w/ how to instuctions. Right now I'm on my first cycle running 500mg/test e/ week & loading w/ 50mg dbol, first month. so caber is for deca side, huh?
Thanks 4 feedback, y'all. Yeah, this will be my second cycle, so I'm trying to get my shopping list together w/ how to instuctions. Right now I'm on my first cycle running 500mg/test e/ week & loading w/ 50mg dbol, first month. so caber is for deca side, huh?
yes, caber is for progesterone sides. You might not get any though. It varies person to person. Make sure you continue to run the test a couple weeks after you drop the deca. Because of the long decanoate ester, the nandrolone is going to be in your system for a pretty long time. Most guys I know prefere NPP, but you might love deca. Just have to try it out I guess.
Thanks 4 feedback, y'all. Yeah, this will be my second cycle, so I'm trying to get my shopping list together w/ how to instuctions. Right now I'm on my first cycle running 500mg/test e/ week & loading w/ 50mg dbol, first month. so caber is for deca side, huh?

good article about reducing prolactin with vitamin B-6 in the classics section , a nice to try before you reach for the caber
Who said run test 200 mg higher than deca. That is ABSOLUTLY false!

1 gram per week of test deca is awesome if you run it for a long time. 500x500 works every well.

Do what I told you and you will be good to go!
I have run deca with test in a 1:1 ratio a few times with absolutely no libido issues or bad sides. I have also run test slightly higher than deca with great results. Everyone is different and SOME people need more test than deca, but many people can run deca and test 1:1. You kinda gotta learn that for yourself.

Also I can pin 3cc in my quads without any issue. I do have big legs but just saying 3cc isn't totally crazy.

Any advice given about an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and a prolactin antagonist is good advice. For pct I would suggest clomid and perhaps nolvadex. Some ppl say no nolva because its tanks igf and some ppl have problems with using nolva and a 19-nor.

Also deca is known for hard shutdowns so I suggest taking some hcg during the cycle.
glutes....quads...can easily handle 3cc's. Depending on how big your delts are they might be able to as well. Most likely only 2cc's for delts though. Most other muscles just 1cc...unless you're a monster.
glutes....quads...can easily handle 3cc's. Depending on how big your delts are they might be able to as well. Most likely only 2cc's for delts though. Most other muscles just 1cc...unless you're a monster.

Delts are 1cc bro.