Test E/EQ Spring Cycle


New member
This is going to be my fourth cycle and it's going to be from January 10th until Mid May.

Current Stats:
~13% body fat

240lbs w/ single digit body fat
Strength increase in all of my major lifts

The Training Split is going to be as followed:
Day A: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Day B: Back Width, Back Thickness, Biceps, Forearms
Day C: Calves, Hams, Quads

I will be training 4 days a week and the 1st and 4th workouts of the week will train the same muscle groups (optimally Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday). Like DC, I'm not going to be repeating exercises until 3 workouts have been completed (Day A 1 and Day A 4, will end up being the same exercises). I'm going to incorporate some West Side principles like Max Effort, Rep Effort, and Dynamic Effort days. Training will be with one compound exercise, a DC rest pause set, and an isolation exercise, followed by the DC extreme stretch. I will be working in abs 2x a week, on non specific days as I feel necessary. Calves will be trained AT LEAST 2x a week, once on Leg day and another non specific day.

Weeks 1-16: 750mg/wk Test E
Weeks 1-4: 50mg ED Test S
Weeks 17-18: 50mg ED Test S
Weeks 1-15: 600mg/wk EQ
Weeks 12-18: 100mg EOD Masteron
Weeks 2-18: 250iu's e3d HCG

*I have 1 10ml bottle of Sust 250 that I'm going to use at the start of the cycle @ 250mg EOD for 10 injections.

3,500 to 4,000 calories ED with a 40/40/20 macro breakdown

I'll throw in a days worth of food consumption in there every once in a while as well.

As always, I'm going to be putting in some major time logging my progress and will let everyone know about my results as they come and what I think about each compound that I'm running.
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Day 1

250mg Sust, 300mg EQ... upper right quad
50mg Suspension... left delt

Day A1: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Incline DB Press 95's/10, 105's/6, 105's/5, 70's/6RP
Pec Deck Fly 140/12, 180/10, 200/10
Extreme Chest Stretch 60 Seconds

Smith Machine Shoulder Press 155/12, 175/10, 195/4, 135/6RP... a little disappointed with the final set
Side Raises 40's/12, 45's/10, 50's/8
Extreme Shoulder Stretch 60 Seconds

Rope Pushdowns 150/10, 150/10, 90/7RP
CGBP 185/8, 185/7
Extreme Tricep Stretch 60 Seconds

30 minutes of power walking on the Treadmill... 4mph pace, 5.0 incline

*felt pretty good, had a really nice pump... curious if the injection of suspension an hour or so before training did anything for that
*right shoulder felt a little bit weird, going to have to monitor that
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Hey Man - I'm jealous - you're back on again! LOL looks like a good cycle and training plan. Seems like you e strectch concept - how'd that work for you? less soreness, more flexibility, more size gains? just curious. Also what's 250iu's e3d?

Any before pics or after your last cycle? You must be pretty ripped at 13%; singel digits will be beast!

BTW nice work on the incline DB press..... & side raises! You must be killin your delts! LOL Later man
Hey Man - I'm jealous - you're back on again! LOL looks like a good cycle and training plan. Seems like you e strectch concept - how'd that work for you? less soreness, more flexibility, more size gains? just curious. Also what's 250iu's e3d?

Any before pics or after your last cycle? You must be pretty ripped at 13%; singel digits will be beast!

BTW nice work on the incline DB press..... & side raises! You must be killin your delts! LOL Later man

As always thanks for chiming in buddy...

The stretching elevates soreness and stretches out the muscles for supposed better and more pronounced gains... I have noticed some more fullness in my chest since incorporating the stretching.

The 250iu's e3d is for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), I went back and edited that, thanks for picking that up...

I will be taking pics as soon as I get back to school, that will be the start of week 2. If you look back at my 2nd cycle log, those post cycle pics are pretty much right where I'm at now....

I'm curious if all that work on my delts is a good idea, my right shoulder has been bothering me recently and I'm wondering what from exactly. Either way I'm going to monitor the way it feels and hope it gets back to normal really quick.
Great log once again! It's a pleasure to read your logs and track your progress. I've learned a lot form reading through the logs that you've made---thank you. I hope you don't mind a few questions.

This cycle came up rather quickly, how long did you take off between the last prop + tren a cycle and this one?
Did you do time on + pct = time off or did you go time on = time off?

What do you have planned for pct and are you running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (because I'd say your running a hefty amount of juice in the first few weeks with the Test E, S, and sust)?

Good luck with the cycle, it looks amazing! Get ready for 18 months of grade A training :biggthump
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Great log once again! It's a pleasure to read your logs and track your progress. I've learned a lot form reading through the logs that you've made---thank you. I hope you don't mind a few questions.

This cycle came up rather quickly, how long did you take off between the last prop + tren a cycle and this one?
Did you do time on + pct = time off or did you go time on = time off?

What do you have planned for pct and are you running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (because I'd say your running a hefty amount of juice in the first few weeks with the Test E, S, and sust)?

Good luck with the cycle, it looks amazing! Get ready for 18 months of grade A training :biggthump

I'm glad I could help. I really feel like someone telling you what they do is a very easy and informative way to learn a little bit. I guess what I mean is I can preach all day, but when people see it in action, they can better understand what you mean.

I kinda go with time on = time off... obviously people preach both, but knowing how well I recovered and feeling ready to cycle again, I don't see any problems. I don't recommend it for everyone, but for me it works...

PCT is as followed:
Week 1: 40mg Nolva, 100mg Clomid
Week 2: 40mg Nolva, 50mg Clomid
Week 3: 20mg Nolva, 50mg Clomid
Week 4: 20mg Nolva

Let me clarify the whole using Sust thing. I'm using the Sust in place of Test E for the first 20 days. So, the estered Test amounts to 875mg/wk and the Suspension is 350mg/wk. I will probably throw some AIFM as soon as I notice some estrogenic side effects.

Thanks man, it should be a fun filled 18 weeks. I'm looking forward to putting on some quality mass and cutting down a bit.
Ok that makes more sense now, I misunderstood, I thought you're running the test e and the sust simultaneously. thanks for the clarification.
Ok that makes more sense now, I misunderstood, I thought you're running the test e and the sust simultaneously. thanks for the clarification.

I just wasn't very clear. The test dose is high for sure, but nothing quite as high as Test E, Sust, and Suspension would be.
separate injections, sub-q in the belly fat...

Lemme know if you can't find any and I'll send some along after I visit the Discount Liposuction Hut at the Mall! (That's only if the ckd diet doesn't work....)

Are you doing the HCG primarily to avoid atrophy? I may want to add that to my next cycle 'cause that "side" really freaked me out on the last one!

BTW - I like your optimism "Spring Cycle" - isn't it winter in NY? hahahaha
Lemme know if you can't find any and I'll send some along after I visit the Discount Liposuction Hut at the Mall! (That's only if the ckd diet doesn't work....)

Are you doing the HCG primarily to avoid atrophy? I may want to add that to my next cycle 'cause that "side" really freaked me out on the last one!

BTW - I like your optimism "Spring Cycle" - isn't it winter in NY? hahahaha

You look good my man, don't fret about a little bit more body fat than you would like... you just came off a bulk, that's bound to happen

The hcg is going to be used to combat atrophy and also keep LH and FSH levels reasonable which IMO keep my mood better and gives me an overall better sense of well being.

Funny I called it the "Spring Cycle" because there is snow on the ground right now, but I suppose it will be getting nicer in the coming months of spring.
Day 2

50mg Suspension... right delt

Day B1: Back Width, Back Thickness, Biceps, Forearms

Lat Pull Down 180/12, 200/8
superset w/
Hammer Curls 45's/12, 50's/9

One Arm Rows 120's/10, 120's/10
superset w/
Cable Preacher Curls 50/10, 60/8

Lying T-Bar Rows 115/10, 115/9
superset w/
Straight Bar Curls 80/10, 70/10

Lying T-Bar Rows 70/5RP
Lat Pull Down (hands close supinated) 120/4RP
Straight Bar Curls 40/7RP

*got to the gym at 5:37pm thinking it was going to close at 8pm, but it closed at 6pm instead... hammered out this workout in 21 minutes
*really surprised by how much I got done so quickly
*right shoulder feels a little bit better

Are you gonna stick to DC principals the whole cycle??
Also are you goind EOD workouts.. if not what does your week look like? curious to know.

Good luck Bro

Are you gonna stick to DC principals the whole cycle??
Also are you goind EOD workouts.. if not what does your week look like? curious to know.

Good luck Bro

check out the "Training Split" in the first post, it lays everything out, but in short...

I'm going to be using some DC, some Westside, some 5x5, some traditional BB... It's going to be 4x a week M, T, Th, F and I might only take one day off after the 4 workouts rather than the 2 that are prescribed. I will assess all these things when the time comes and assuming my recovery is incredible, I might end up training 2 on 1 off the whole time.
Day 3

250mg Sust, 300mg EQ... upper left quad
50mg Suspension... left bicep
50mcg Clen

Experimented with Sumo Deadlifts today because my back wasn't too sore from yesterday...

Sumo Deads 135/8, 225/8, 315/5, 315/5
DB Shrugs 100's/12, 110's/12

30 minutes on the Elliptical... wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be
Have never been so hungry. I attribute it to the Test Suspension solely. I woke up in the middle of the night and had to eat something because I couldn't sleep otherwise.

Very interesting experience.
Most excellent log my friend, subscribed.

I myself am doing a dc and westside mixture program and having excellent results! Looking forward to reading more if i can get more ideas into my own training!
Day 4

50mg Suspension... right bicep
50mcg Clen

Day C1: Legs, Abs

Leg Press 2plates/15, 4plates/15, 6plates/12, 7plates/12, 9plates/6 widow maker 5plates/20
Plate Loading Leg Curl 90/15, 110/11, 110/9, 65/6RP
Seated Calf Raise 90/9, 90/8

Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 10

*constantly hungry and I've been desiring nothing but clean calories... a real positive
*sex drive is already through the roof
I have read lots of mixed advice as to use HCG through out the cycle and at the end of the cycle. I use at the end and it seems to work well for me. have you odne both?