Test E/EQ Spring Cycle

Nice Milk I an glad you made it man. When I found out about Cellis was a month before I left Steel City sucks!

I wonder if Ryans max is over 6 still Raw? Theres some heavyweights in the burg no doubt.

Glad to see your squatting again wish I was. Are you using a belt? I picke up a nice Inzer 13mm all suede for 35 bucks.
Nice Milk I an glad you made it man. When I found out about Cellis was a month before I left Steel City sucks!

I wonder if Ryans max is over 6 still Raw? Theres some heavyweights in the burg no doubt.

Glad to see your squatting again wish I was. Are you using a belt? I picke up a nice Inzer 13mm all suede for 35 bucks.

Celli's was awesome man, thanks for the info about it. I had a great lift. Ryan says he does mid 5's raw and low 6's in a single ply shirt. He's a powerhouse.

I do use a belt when I squat. I'm really working on keep the back arched, the arms elbows pinned under the bar and driving through my hips. I don't need any lower back injuries.
Cycle Wrap Up

So after 20 weeks on Test, 15 weeks on EQ, 6 weeks of Var, and 24 days of post cycle therapy (pct), this journal is coming to an end. I think this cycle was absolutely invaluable because of how much I learned about my body and the way I need to train. No long am I going to be training 5-6 days a week with super high volume, etc... I just find there to be no reason to do so.

Overall, I was very happy with the cycle as I went from about 235lbs to 245lbs and I managed to actually drop bodyfat. I was a little bit under impressed with EQ, but the Test and Anavar combination was pretty awesome. I was plagued with a little lower back problem and some dry joints, but I still managed to gain a shit load of strength and size, so thumbs up.

I appreciate everyone who stopped by and posted and I hope that everyone learned a little bit from it. I'm going to be working strictly on Powerlifting from now until who knows when and I'll be logging everything in a journal on here as well, so keep checking back.
Great job Milky - give yourself a pat on the back - if you can still reach it now that you're so BIG! LOL