Test E half life load up thread


New member
If it takes 6 weeks to load up 500mg in the blood,

then 3 weeks for 250

and 1.5 weeks for 125..?

Does this hold true or what would it be at week 1 or 2 if 250mg e3d?

always get confused on half lifes for esters. Can anyone help explain.. Rather than link me a sticky. Would be easier if it was put into more simple words. THanks
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A half life simply means in x minutes ,hours, days---- half of a compounds presence and hopefully effectiveness is still in your blood treating whatever.....

Let s say you are in extreme pain ( after surgery ? ) and the doc say s take 2 whatever every 4 hours to keep your meds effectiveness in countering the pain from overcoming the med he s determined will recquire x meds to counter said pain e 4 hours..

I am not gonna do the math dude but NO the concern you have or question your asking w respect to aas doses is differant. Read steroid profiles. Test Enanthenate. it s right there..sometimes it be s like dat...
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If you take 100mg a week and it has a 1 week half-life, the build up would be like shown, below. After 5 half-lives, a substance is considered to be done and gone for all intents and purposes.

Week 1: 100mg
Week 2: 100mg + 50mg = 150mg
Week 3: 100mg + 50mg + 25mg = 175mg
Week 4: 100mg + 50mg + 25mg + 12.5mg = 187.5mg
Week 5: 100mg + 50mg + 25mg + 12.5mg + 6.25mg = 193.75mg
Week 6 through forever look just like Week 5.

As you can see, the initial build up is quick, then tapers off to a slow increase to almost twice the injection amount. If you pin more often you will still have the same results, just more math is involved if you want to know the total each time you pin. If you pin higher doses, the numbers simply go up but the math is the same. I used 100mg because that makes the math easy.

If you want your end result to be 500mg, you would need to ensure you do slightly over 250mg a week, divided up however you want it. If the shots are weekly, the following would happen:

Week 1: 250mg
Week 2: 250mg + 125mg = 375mg
Week 3: 250mg + 125mg + 62.5mg = 437.5mg
Week 4: 250mg + 125mg + 62.5mg + 31.25mg = 468.75mg
Week 5: 250mg + 125mg + 62.5mg + 31.25mg + 15.625mg = 474.375mg
Week 6 through forever is the same as Week 5