Test-E only 15 Weeks, MrRicco's time to shine GTFIH!

Messed up on diet yesterday, have no idea how many calories I ate. Went to a buffet place, taking my grandmother out to eat. Of course or her I will screw my diet for her. So at the buffet place, I had 3 plate fulls of chicken breast. I may have eaten up to 3 + lbs of chicken breast. I said if im going to eat like a pig, I might as well eat a shit ton of protein. So more or less yesterday I may have gotten in the range of 400-500 grams of protein. But sadly 300 grams most likely was in 30 minute sitting.
Messed up on diet yesterday, have no idea how many calories I ate. Went to a buffet place, taking my grandmother out to eat. Of course or her I will screw my diet for her. So at the buffet place, I had 3 plate fulls of chicken breast. I may have eaten up to 3 + lbs of chicken breast. I said if im going to eat like a pig, I might as well eat a shit ton of protein. So more or less yesterday I may have gotten in the range of 400-500 grams of protein. But sadly 300 grams most likely was in 30 minute sitting.

There's nothing wrong with eating a lot of protein in one sitting except for maybe feeling stuffed to the brim afterwards.
6/18/13 Day 51 of Cycle

Side Effects- Im sweating like a mad dog today. Also I think the T3 is making me tired.

Gym- Back/Bicep/Forearm/Core

Deadlift- I hurt my back a week ago, and I thought today it was good to go. But for some reason I could not hold onto the bar today. It was a different bar compared to the usual bar I use, it was a bar that is usually on the bench/squat. The Deadlift/Cleaning bar is different in grip. But fuck I could not one bit hold onto that fucker.
Good Mornings- 2x15 2x125lbs (I couldn't do it properly since my back still is a big bruised it seems)
Wide Grip Pull Down 3x10 3x185lbs (Last week only able to do 1 set of 185)
Wide Grip Rows 2x10 1x120lbs 1x130lbs (Up 10lbs)
Cable Rows 2x10 2x130lbs (Up 10lbs)

Underhand Close Grip Barbell Rows 5x6-8 5x165lbs (Up 10lbs)
Weighted Pull Ups 3x10
Weighted Chin Ups 3x10
Preacher Curls 4xFailure 2x85lbs 2x75lbs (Up 10lbs)

A tad bit of core and forearm exercises to get them worked.
Today I weighed in at 148.4lbs which last Friday I weighed in at 151.2lbs thats 2.8lbs gone. Could it be the T3 just eating up all my glycogen. To me I look as lean as I did before cycle, when I wake up. My muscles look a bit flat also. I may begin to eat more now.
Subscribed. This is a great journal, well detail. I really enjoy reading your progress on your first cycle since I'm thinking of starting my first round as well after completing all my research.

I have a question though. Why did you choose not to implement Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) into cycle? I know that the use of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on the first cycle is more of a personal option, but since it seems like you have done a great amount of research, I was wondering what was your reason for not using it.
The reason I didn't implement Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) was many different mixed reviews. The only argument that kept coming up majority was your ball size. Some guys stated other reasons for taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but it was mainly "Take it so your balls don't shrink". It was a bit more extra cash on the checkout, and to be honest I could care less if my balls start to shrink, I got big balls anyways. Plus they come back to normal after PCT, if you have correct post cycle therapy (pct). At the moment, I havn't had any problems with my balls. Now penis is another question.
I bought my Anavar a few days ago, and having problems with the shipping at the moment. They asking questions in an email about my info, and im telling them, but then they send me another email asking me the same things. Was hoping to do 8 weeks at 50mg ED up until post cycle therapy (pct). But it may end up being 7 weeks at 50mg, which is still good enough for me. Reason I chose Anavar was because it was recomended to me by members on this site when I asked about throwing in something at end of cycle. More or less im hoping the Anavar will cut down on some of this bloat (if I truely have it), give me a bit more muscle gains, strength gains, and a bit of fat trim. By god if the Anavar was able to give me 5 more lbs of muscle, and maybe lose 3-5 lbs of fat I'd be happy with it! As usual itsa about diet, and training. Which to me I believe is spot on.

*edit* also my cycle is a bit long, might end up being longer then 15 weeks. I hear at 10 weeks the gains start to go down because your levels just get to used to the Test-E. So its either raise the Test-E or imput something. Figuring the Anavar like many have said, will make the Test-E gains become normal again. Not having diminishing returns.
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6/20/13 Day 53 of Cycle Injection Day

Cycle- Tonight injecting 250mg of Test-E

Body- Yesterday morning I started having a sore throat, throughout the day it progressed. Then got with my girlfriend who is a bit sick also. Now this morning I got sneezing, and sore throat, and heads a bit foggy.

Gains- Today at the gym, this old man I know and see weekly at the gym said "Your getting bigger. your shoulders are getting big". Also saw a girl up in the cardio room mirin me from downstairs so went up there and got her number. Yeah got a GF, but its more of a friends with benefits relationship so nothing serious. Also girlfriend the other day kept rubbing my legs, she said "their so muscular". So either im getting more muscular, or women are just plain dumbasses that don't know the difference between "Do you even lift" and muscular.

Diet- A bit hard to hit 3500 clean calories. Trying to keep the fat macro down to 75 grams, and protein 275-300. But its hard to eat 50-75 grams of carbs in 5 meals. Carbs is 400-450.

Gym- Legs/Core

Barbell Squat 5x5-6 3x165lbs 2x175lbs (Up 10lbs)
Leg Press 2x10 2x670 (Going up Next week)
Leg Extension Machine 3x15-20 3x185lbs (Up 15lbs)
Leg Press Machine 2x20 2x350lbs (Up 20lbs)

Stiff Leg Dead Lift 2x10 2x135lbs
Smith Machine Lunges 2x20 2x160lbs (Up 25lbs)
Single Leg Plated Leg Curl 3x10 1x130lbs 2x140lbs (70lbs on each side woo, 140lbs total. Up 10lbs)

Barbell Calf Raises 4x10 1x345lbs 3x355lbs (Up 10lbs)

Did some Core workouts, I honestly think my core will show nicely after PCT or even when the Anavar comes into play.
Weighed in today at 149lbs




6/21/13 Day 54 of Cycle Weigh In

Weight- Today weighed in at 149 lbs which is an .8lb increase from Tuesday, but last week is a decrease of 2.2lbs. Hmmm where am I!!

Cycle- I know I havn't posted this in a while, but still taking .5mg of liquid Armidex EOD, and T3 40mcg ED. I should be getting my Anavar next week!

Body- I think I got test-e flu for the second time. I rarely get sick, but when I do im sick as fuck. All yesterday had sore throat, and my nose and head were cloggy. My nose ran like a damn waterfall. Decided to go to bed early last night, no reason to stay up and be sick. Also could use the rest. So went to bed at 11:30, probably fell asleep around 12. Woke up at 10, but every hour during sleep I woke up twice to blow nose and hack mucus from throat.

Diet- Yesterday I felt so stuffed, I ate around 450 grams of carbs. Getting around 3300-3500 calories on workout days.

Gym- Shoulder/Forearm

Dumbbell Overhead Press 4x6-8 3x55lb DB's 1x50lb DB's
Face Pulls 4x30
Bent Over Rear Delt Raise 3x10-15 3x40lb DB's (When I look in the mirror, I notice my back is looking extremely well)
Front Lateral Dumbbell Raise 2x20 2x40lb Db's (I am power housing these reps, it may be bad form but fuck its working them. May go up to 45's)
Side Lateral Dumbbell Raise 2x10 2x25lb DB's

Barbell Shrugs 4x4 4x265lbs (Up 1 set on 265lbs compared to last week)
Dumbbel Shrugs 2x10 2x100lb DB's
EZ Bar Up Right Row 3x10 3x95lbs (Should go up next week)

Did a variation of some forearm exercises. Also maybe go a few more sets in on shoulders doing random machines easy weight.
6/23/13 Day 57 of Cycle Injection

Cycle- Injection of 250mg of Test-E. Waiting on my Anavar to come in the mail, hopefully its here soon. With Pin it usually takes a week, so it may be here Thursday. But please be sooner!

Body- I've been sick since I think last Tuesday. This weekend was horrible, all the nasty mucus and pressure in my head. Was so drugged up from all the medication. Today I still have cough, and bad mucus but I will survive.

Body fat-
I'm starting to get pudgier in the stomach, and chest, but my legs are getting less fat. So I can't tell if my body fat % is going down, or up. Please be down!

Gym- Chest/Tri/Calf

Incline Bench Dumbbell Press 4x6-10 1x65's 3x60's (65 was good to go, needed no help first time. But second time I couldn't get in position. I know I can do it, its just a matter of time)
Flat Bench Dumbbell Press 4x6-10 4x75's (Feelin good!)
Decline Bench Dumbbell Flys 3x10 1x50's 2x55's (Up 5lbs)
Cable Flys 4x15

2 Random sets of Flat Bench Press, Decline Bench Press, Incline Bench Press, Fly Machine

Close Grip Bench Press 2x6-10 1x4 2x155lbs 1x165lbs (up 10lbs, but only manages 4 reps)
Reverse Grip Bench Press 2x6-10 1x5 2x135lbs 1x145lbs (up 10lbs, only manages 5 reps)
Skull Crushers 3x10 3x75lbs
Weighted Dips 2xFailure (Stopped early on this cause my chest felt like it was about to burst)

3 random sets of Tricep Extensions added on

Barbell Calf Raise 4x10 4x355lbs (Finnally hitting the 4 sets, up 1 set)
Some extra calf raises on other machine
6/24/13 Day 58 of Cycle Weigh IN

Weight- Today weighed in at 149 lbs on the dot. That means since last Friday I havn't gone up in weight, even though eating 3500 calories, I guess I need to start eating more.

Side Effects- I am warm all the time, and sweating my fucking ass off. I went to the gym today and 5 minutes in was drenched in sweat. It's like im on fucking Tren!

Body- Even though I stayed the same weight, I almost want to say im leaning out a bit in my legs (or just growing more muscle there). But my stomachs still pudgy looking, unless the muscle in my abs are getting bigger pushing the fat I had there out a bit more making it seem like I gained fat.

GYM- Back/Bicep/Forearm/Core

Deadlift 5x5-6 1x255lbs 4x265lbs (Up 10lbs)
Barbell Good Morning 2x15 2x135lbs
Wide Grip Pull Down 3x10 3x185lbs (A bit easier then last week)
Wide Grip Cable Row 2x10 2x130lbs (Up 1 set compared to last week)
Cable Rows 2x10-15 2x130lbs (Getting easier)

Underhand Close Grip Barbell Row 5x6-8 4x165lbs 1x175lbs (Up 10lbs)
Weighted Chin Ups 3x10
Weighted Pull Ups 3x10
Preacher Curls 2x5 1x10 2x85lbs 1x75lbs (Up 10lbs)

Did some forearm exercises, and some core exercises.
6/27/13 Day 60 of Cycle, 2 MONTHS!, Injection Day!

Cycle- Injecting 250mg of Test-E tonight. Also I received something in the mail!! My Anavar came in today, so for the next 8 weeks I will be taking 50mg ED of Anavar spread out 25mg 8 hours apart. Most likely 1 at 10am when I wake up, the other at 6pm. Also received my Test-Prop, which I will use for bridging into PCT also.

Body- For some odd reason my nipples the past two days have been really sensitive at the gym. It may just be that I trimmed my chest the other day, maybe cutting a bit of flesh on the nipples. But its only sensitive during training time. I've been taking my .5mg EOD of my Armidex so estrogen shouldnt be a problem.

Diet- Depending on my weight tomorrow, I may jump up in calories if I havn't gained weight since Tuesday.

Gym- Legs/Core

Barbell Squat 5x5-6 3x175lbs 2x185lbs (Up 10lbs)
Leg Press 2x10 1x670lbs 1x760lbs
Leg Press Machine 2x20 2x350lbs (Getting easier)
Leg Extension Machine 2x10-15 2x190lbs (Gettin good)

Stiff Leg Deadlift 2x10 1x155lbs 1x185lbs
Plated Single Leg Curl 3x10 3x70lbs (140lbs total getting easier)
Smith Machine Lunges 2x20 1x150 1x170 (Up 5lbs)

Barbell Calf Raises 3x10 3x355lbs (Back didn't feel much up for this today)
Did a few extra random calf raises on other stuff

Did some core stretching, and did a few weighted ab exercises.
Weighed in today at 148.8lbs my weight has stopped gaining, and is actually going down. Time to eat pass 3500 calories I suppose...



6//28/13 Day 61 of Cycle Weigh In

Diet- I guess if im not gaining at 3500 calories I need to go up to 4k.

Weight- Today weighed in at 148.8 lbs which is .2lbs decrease since Tuesday. I think I need to up my calorie intake to 4000 :/


Overhead Dumbbell Press 4x6-8 3x55lb DB's 1x60lb DB's (up 5lbs, had to have spotter help with the 60's getting it up)
Face Pulls Machine with rope 4x30
Rear Delt Dumbbell Raise 2x15 45lb DB's (swinging them but I can see my delts stretching)
Front Lateral Dumbbell Raise 2x20 2x45lb DB"s (Up 5lbs)
Side Lateral Dumbbell Raise 2x10 2x25lb DB's (25 getting easier)

Barbell Shrugs 3x5 3x365lbs
Dumbbell Shrugs 2x10 2x100lb DB's
EZ Bar Close Grip Upright Row 3x10 1x95lbs 2x105lbs (Up 10lbs)

Did a bit of forearm exercises, hit chest twice with machine, hit biceps and tri's twice with DB's
7/1/13 Day 64 of Cycle Injection Day Week 10

Cycle- Injected 250mg of Test-E. Getting my 50 MG ED of Anavar. Getting my .5mg of Armidex EOD. And taking my 20mcg ED of T3.

Diet- Since lowing my T3 by half and now getting Anavar im going to be boosting calories up till 3800, maybe 4000 by next week. With the Anavar kicking in im going to try and shoot for 1 and 1 1/2 lb a week. Im hoping to get my months worth and obtain around 20-25lbs of muscle for this cycle. Its week 10 and I still have 7 full weeks to go till post cycle therapy (pct). Im alrdy up 14 + lbs so hopefully add another 10 by the end of it.


Incline Dumbbell Press 4x6-8 4x65lb DB's (Last week I only hit 1 set of 65, this week a full 4)
Flat Dumbbell Press 4x6-8 2x75lbs 2x80lbs (Failed on 2nd attempt up 80's so went to 75's and 4th set tried 80's again. Up to the 80lbs now!!)
Decline Dumbbell Fly's 3x10 3x55lb DB's (Getting my lower chest good)
Machine Cable Fly's 4x10-15 2xlower chest 2xmiddle chest
Barbell Bench Press 1x5 1x185lbs
Barbell Decline Bench Press 2x6-10 2x185lbs
Barbell Incline Bench Press 2x6-10 2x135lbs

Skull Crushers 2x10 2x75lbs (Not liking skull crushers anymore, never feel much for my triceps)
Close Grip Bench Press 2x5-6 2x165lbs (Extra set this week with more reps)
Reverse Grip Bench Press 2x5-6 2x145lbs (Extra set this week with more reps)
Weighted Dips ( I can't do this anymore, everytime I do it my chest feels as if its about to explode)

Barbell Calf Raise 5x10 4x355lbs 1x365lbs (Up 10lbs, first time hitting 365lbs!)