6/23/13 Day 57 of Cycle Injection
Cycle- Injection of 250mg of Test-E. Waiting on my Anavar to come in the mail, hopefully its here soon. With Pin it usually takes a week, so it may be here Thursday. But please be sooner!
Body- I've been sick since I think last Tuesday. This weekend was horrible, all the nasty mucus and pressure in my head. Was so drugged up from all the medication. Today I still have cough, and bad mucus but I will survive.
Body fat- I'm starting to get pudgier in the stomach, and chest, but my legs are getting less fat. So I can't tell if my body fat % is going down, or up. Please be down!
Gym- Chest/Tri/Calf
Incline Bench Dumbbell Press 4x6-10 1x65's 3x60's (65 was good to go, needed no help first time. But second time I couldn't get in position. I know I can do it, its just a matter of time)
Flat Bench Dumbbell Press 4x6-10 4x75's (Feelin good!)
Decline Bench Dumbbell Flys 3x10 1x50's 2x55's (Up 5lbs)
Cable Flys 4x15
2 Random sets of Flat Bench Press, Decline Bench Press, Incline Bench Press, Fly Machine
Close Grip Bench Press 2x6-10 1x4 2x155lbs 1x165lbs (up 10lbs, but only manages 4 reps)
Reverse Grip Bench Press 2x6-10 1x5 2x135lbs 1x145lbs (up 10lbs, only manages 5 reps)
Skull Crushers 3x10 3x75lbs
Weighted Dips 2xFailure (Stopped early on this cause my chest felt like it was about to burst)
3 random sets of Tricep Extensions added on
Barbell Calf Raise 4x10 4x355lbs (Finnally hitting the 4 sets, up 1 set)
Some extra calf raises on other machine