Test E only cycle help

Hmm....look forward to one of the more knowledgable vets to reply but how do u figure(unless gear is under dosed) if u are dosing at 500mg per week that u only get 350mg? Considering the half life of test e...by week 5 T levels should be high enough that some aromatization is apparent........granted my knowledge is limited but can't understand how u could assume diet could suddenly cause these symptoms when OP mentioned he was on a strict high protein diet....especially since test helps to increase protein synthesis?
Diet is out of the question cause I have been keeping it clean. I got my AI's on the way so I hope it clears up my problem. Not sure what doese to run but guess I'll figure it out
Look through the stickies,u will find dosing info. I don't believe u will need both dex and stane tho and they dose differently so check out dosing for both.
Well everyone around here may be quick to jump on the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as a likely culprit, I am not convinced. You are repping 340 which tells me you're not a small guy. You are on only 500 mg of test e a week, which is not a ton of hormone, because of the enanthate ester. It's not actually 500 mg of hormone your getting, more like 350 I think. This is still roughly 6 times what can be produced normally.
But for a big guy, this isn't that much.
You say you are gaining fat, not that you are bloated. Are you eating too much above maintenance? I would knock the calories back a bit.
Also are you positive your gear is dosed well? If not you could be getting even less than you think.
As a guy that's 6'7" and over 350lbs, I can tell you that his body mass isn't enough to preclude him from aromatization even if you deduct the ester weight from his testosterone. The body sees excess testosterone, it cranks out the aromatase enzyme to try to reduce it and maintain a healthy E:T ratio and E2 sides ensue. Yes, you are right though - he could be getting fat from an improper diet or he might have congestive heart failure (NO YOU DON'T OP) or a million other things, but the fact that he's not using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with 500mg of test E a week screams red flag to me. Please don't take my tone to be disrespectful, I just didn't want to "muddy the waters" with an OP that is already apprehensive - I hope you understand. :)

I just ordered arimidex and aromasin. I got 2 to 5 day shipping. Should I pin again tonight since its on its way? What does should I run when I get my AI's? I dont consider my sides life threatning but I want to get it right. Dapperdog, Im not sure if its bloat or not but Im on a very healthy diet that should bring only lean gains. i'm 6' 205lbs and was at 10% bf but not sure now
D'oh! You only needed one of those, but at least you're covered for a future cycle! Please read the sticky now (at the top of this forum) by JimiThing about estrogen. It's really well put together and will help you to understand much of what was said here today. Oh, and yes - you can take your shot tonight.

Hmm....look forward to one of the more knowledgable vets to reply but how do u figure(unless gear is under dosed) if u are dosing at 500mg per week that u only get 350mg? Considering the half life of test e...by week 5 T levels should be high enough that some aromatization is apparent........granted my knowledge is limited but can't understand how u could assume diet could suddenly cause these symptoms when OP mentioned he was on a strict high protein diet....especially since test helps to increase protein synthesis?

Dapperdog is basing that on the fact that the 250mg/ml or whatever concentration of testosterone enanthate the OP is using is not truly 250mg/ml of pure testosterone as the enanthate ester takes up a chunk of that mass. Enanthate takes up about 30mg per 100mg of esterfied testosterone, so he truly is only getting about 70% of the listed value, or 350mg of actual testosterone. He is right, but that's still enough to cause aromatization in most.

My .02c :)
Yeah Halfwit I hear you, it's just I think so many people are so quick to want to play the "Omg you aren't running an AI" card lately... And mostly just regurgitating the same thing over and over. You know nothing in this game is so cut and dry, that's all I'm saying.
I understand that we try to help newbs out around here in the safest manner possible, I just tire of all the estrogen fear mongering that occurs.
Yeah Halfwit I hear you, it's just I think so many people are so quick to want to play the "Omg you aren't running an AI" card lately... And mostly just regurgitating the same thing over and over. You know nothing in this game is so cut and dry, that's all I'm saying.
I understand that we try to help newbs out around here in the safest manner possible, I just tire of all the estrogen fear mongering that occurs.
Totally agreed, but given the symptoms and circumstance it felt the safest and easiest route to investigate. The funny thing is that a lot of guys that really are running around with crazy high levels of E2 don't even know it.
40lb added to your bench in week 5. And ur crying about a lil water wight? Uv only begun to experience the wonders of test. Get ur Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and keep pumping it man. If u get some water weight then run it off or burn it off after. I can't imagine somebody wanting to quite a test e cycle.
Yeah Halfwit I hear you, it's just I think so many people are so quick to want to play the "Omg you aren't running an AI" card lately... And mostly just regurgitating the same thing over and over. You know nothing in this game is so cut and dry, that's all I'm saying.
I understand that we try to help newbs out around here in the safest manner possible, I just tire of all the estrogen fear mongering that occurs.

Which is why I kept saying have bloods done. The A.I., and diet are always good starting points though. Since I was the first to bring it up I'm assuming you're talking about me. At no point did I "fear monger" when it comes to estrogen. I made it very clear that to know if estrogen is truly a problem bloods need to be done.