Test E Powder

boston snasa

just grabbed some new powder from a new person it looks different from the last stuff i got. it was a white waxy powder that had thick grains. so the melting test i did was i ran the water and tested it with a thermometor til i got it at a steady 100degress and then i held the bag of powder under it and it melter to a thin off white liquidy oil. but when it cooled down it turned into a hard wax almost like a candle wax. now when i hold it under the water it melts at about 95 degrees give or take. does this sound right. the other test e i have melted over the summer and stayed like a hard oil consistency.. cant figure out which is real or if they both are. dont want to post pics so i tried to describe them the best i could.. thanks if anyone can help me out!!
I use to brew a ton back when I could still get powders...
All I can say is that the consistency I'm use to resembles nothing too grainy and nothing very hard. In fact, once out at room temperature, mine usually took on the feel of very sticky honey. Do the sniff test... If it smells like monkey piss, it's all good!...LOL Kidding aside, message me when you get a chance.
the quality of test E powder are different from different manufacturor and different batches...

This is so very true, I remember back in the day when I made it while it was still widly available, there were times it was literatly powder, and times it was waxy like you have discribed and sometimes in between.

But they all smell about the same.
if you trust your source , then go for it . if not , send it to me and I will take it off your hands lol
Test E will not differ from batch to batch... Test E is ALWAYS waxy.. Like Nandrolone Decanoate.

If you got a white or powdery enanthate... Then you most likely received cypionate