Test Enanthate + Anavar + Winstrol Cycle


New member

so this is my 2nd cycle . the first was Test Enanthate + Anavar for 12 weeks..

Now im planning a 10 week cycle ,

Test Enanthate 500 mg/week
Anavar 40 mg ED
Winstrol 40 mg ED

Stats:- 185 lbs, 16% bf, 26 year old..

my main goal is to bring my bf % down to 10. Not really concerned with building mass. just want to get lean. Diet is in check. post cycle therapy (pct) standard protocols..

Workout : 3x a week
Cardio: 3x a week

i know some may say run Test Prop if yu want to cut down the fat but i really want to avoid injecting OED, which is why im going with Test E..

your thoughts on this cycle . any advice and tips are more than welcomed..

thanks a lot..
You cut just as good with test e as prop but your not getting as much test as propm

, just make sure to keep your water intake to a gallon or a little more watch your sodium intake, with a anti e on deck just in case, if your diet is intact then you should have no type of water retention on test e.

On this cycle you should stack your Orals 5 weeks apart if your not. Imo I would drop the Winstrol (winny) cause of the hair issues and especially with test hell no.

People have joint issues with it which I dont, I would use tbol instead of winny.
so if i use tbol along wid anavar n test e, can i use them alltogether, or shud i space the anavar and tbol out, and if so, how do i do dat?

also not much info available on tbol anywhere regarding it being a cutting agent..

could yu shed some more light on how tbol can help me cut fat..
yeah i know that. my diet was spot on in the first cycle and i lost a lot of fat on a test n and anavar cycle..

this time however, i want to add another compound, preferably oral, so can anyone help me with that.

should it be winstrol or tbol or anything else?
yeah i know that. my diet was spot on in the first cycle and i lost a lot of fat on a test n and anavar cycle..

this time however, i want to add another compound, preferably oral, so can anyone help me with that.

should it be winstrol or tbol or anything else?

adding another compound will not increase the amount of bodyfat u'll lose...
If test and anavar worked well for you in the past I would run the same cycle again! Increase the anavar 20mg per day over your previous run with it.

What brand anavar did you run last time?