Test enanthate hurts like a bitch??

The Analyst

New member
Has anyone ever had Test E cause serious pain? One batch was about 3% BA at 250 like to kill pain last three to four days?

Second batch was no BA at still as painful? I mean you can “stand it” but Test E is for the most part is normally pain free? Could it be the powder?
Ive never used any test enanthate that hurt. Theres really no reason the powder would hurt more than other test enan...its the same hormone.
unless it higer concentrations (approaching 500mg/ml) there should be no pain. I would bet the farm that it's your injection technique. The pain is coming within 24 hours or so right? If it takes longer for the pain to show up it could be an abcess......just a heads up.
Well maybe a little longer that 24 hours but hurts for three days... Sometimes I can not move my arm. After a week it fades fast and all is well?