Test Enanthate QV 250 or T-400



Which is better and easier to use?

Test Enanthate or T-400.

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The T400 is a little painfull. It depends on the brand, Qv enth hurts too. No one is better just personal preference.
I used Qv enanthate and didn't have a problem with the pain. But I must say I am leaning twords T-400 for my next bulking cycle. People seem to like thier results once they get past the pain.
I like the t-400 over QV's Enanthate. Just mix the t-400 with something else to alleviate the pain and your fine.
Thanks for the help / QV enanthate 250 it will be.

I guess I will place my order.
I've done both Qv after week 5 always makes me get a bad cold/flu for a few days but hurts a little less then t400.. You'll see good gains with either one, if it were me I would get the t400 and some eq or deca to mix with
T400 shuld be labeled T 170 (under dosed dog shit)IMOI think peeps are growing offof what theyre stackin it with or else i got a bad batch.
Their Stanozolic seemed underdosed also.Screw Denkall!....
Culdnt sleep on the side i inj. ed for 3 nights w/ the T400....Screw that.

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QV enanthate is not painful at all. When you hear people say this they mean it makes their muscle sore in that area, and it 'hurts' when they sleep or walk on it. gator i shot a ml of enant in each one of my shoulders the other day and that was the most terrible sleep i probably have ever had. the next sleep day i slept like a baby though
QV enan is a bit painful but not life changing from experience. Never did t-400, but sustanon really fucked me up bad. All it takes is a quarter ml of sterile oil to COMPLETELY kill all the pain.