Test Enth 300 15week cycle


New member
week 1 - 450mg 1.5ml
week 2 - 600mg 2ml
week 3 - 750mg 2.5ml
week 4 - 750mg 2.5ml
week 5 - 750mg 2.5ml
week 6 - 750mg 2.5ml
week 7 - 900mg 3ml
week 8 - 900mg 3ml
week 9 - 1050mg 3.5ml
week 10 - 1050mg 3.5ml
week 11 - 1050mg 3.5ml
week 12 - 1050mg 3.5ml
week 13 - 750mg 2.5ml
week 14 - 450mg 1.5ml
week 15 - 450mg 1.5ml

i have done my research, and also know already that enanthate should be pinned every 5th day, is this essential? and also/ the jumps up in strength as the weeks go up, is this to much of a jump? and the fall down in dosage after week 12 isit to steep? or should i start slowing down the high doses from week 11 already?

also to add winstril to this cycle, where would you guys implement? beginning or end? and for how many weeks.

thankyou guys
How many cycles you have done?? why go over 1g of test? why you want to add winni??
We need more information to he;p you out cause is this your first cycle this is too much test for a beginner
i have run, 3-4 cycles of test and dbol in the past quite awhile back.

stats atm

94kg bodyfat is around 16percent

my height is 174cm

highest dosage of test iv used, in a cycle is around 900mg per week of enth.

post cycle therapy (pct) would be tomaxofin (kessar,nolv) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (preg) shall post cycle therapy (pct) with clen aswell. or what would you guys recommend?.. iv found testosterone does not shut me down that badly.

adding the Winstrol (winny) in the end to harden up the gains.
hey guys, would just like to know your guys opinions on the way this cycle has been formed? any good? or should the dosages stay more consistant?.. and were whould you guys implement the winstril? in the begining or the end ?