Test Flu every time after injection


over into the darkside
I first read about test flu that guys get it for 2-3 weeks during a cycle. It has the same symptoms as a flu bug. My first experience was a few cycles ago, I went away for a week so I loaded up before and after then continued with my reg shots. I ended up getting sick so I cycled off. Got better after 5 days so I figured I would finish off my cycle then. 1 shot and I was sick again when I woke up. I ended up figuring out that it was based off volume. If I shot .5cc of test I was ok. If I shot 1cc of test + EQ and or DECA I was sick the next day. Ran a small dose of test and came off.

Just started my winter bulk now, first shot was test/deca/eq totaling 2.7ml. I had some headaches the next day so I dropped the EQ. Didn't want to go down that road again.
I'm 4 weeks in shooting 1cc of test and .7 of deca on mon/wed/fri for a cycle of 750test 500deca.
Everything was great til last week, I started waking up with fevers and headaches. After a few days it's gone. Take a shot, 6-8 hours later (in the middle of the night) I wake up with a fever and headache. advil takes the fever down and I just have headaches for the day, second day is pretty much gone. Everytime I take a shot it comes right back.

So seeing how it was volume related last time, I was thinking of changing to shooting 6 days a week instead of 3. more gear wasted, more needles for scar tissue kinda sucks but it's the only option I can think of other then quitting.

Has anyone else had similar experience and figured out a way to get around this?
It's not the gear because I have friends running the same and are fine. Also changed gear and still same problem.
benadryl and advil seems to help but I don't want to be eating bottles of that along with dbol
Some brands did that to me. Seems like it got a bit better after i cooked some of th BA out of the UGL gear i bought. That was a single experience that i had. Nothing else to back it up.
Normally I'd say to try a different lab but its obvious that you've already tried that. Could it be the different compounds ? How does your body react to 1cc+ of only test ? My buddy had a similar issue as you and found out that for whatever reason his body didn't cope well with Decca but was fine with eq. Maybe try using slin pins ? I know some guys who are on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) do this to help deal with the volume of pinning. Wish I had better info for you, I'm sure a vet will be able to help more, either way GL bro
man I've noticed the test flu shows up randomly throughout my cycles. certain pins it would be that achy flu feeling that ibuprofen would help. lower back, some aching in the arms and legs, almost like the type you get with a cold or before flu or cold. hot water bottle or heating pad, ibuprofen works for me but the ache seems to be totally random for me, not on any specific amounts, but seemed to get a little more bare able after awhile. hot water bottle, heating pad definitely helps though.
hope this helps brother.
Thanks for the input. I was thinking it was the alcohol content doing this.
I should try boiling a few vials but I'll have to read up on it.

Before I tried 1cc of test, wasn't as bad. At .5 test I was fine.
I've ran deca a few times before. I don't think its the compound. it's volume related like amount of alcohol.
I spoke with the manufacture when it happened before, they said to lower the dose, maybe my body couldn't handle the mg. They suggested running Arcoxia125 but when I looked into it is not available over the counter here, only by prescription
This is all in the same pin, right? Did you try just test or just deca to see which one was doing it to you? I had some bad experience (test flu, same) with a brand of tren, and it turned out to be the prop in the blend, not the tren. I do fine with other esters... I just kinda hate prop :(
This is all in the same pin, right? Did you try just test or just deca to see which one was doing it to you? I had some bad experience (test flu, same) with a brand of tren, and it turned out to be the prop in the blend, not the tren. I do fine with other esters... I just kinda hate prop :(

I've shot 3cc of prop esters before with no problem. Seems to be the thicker oils doing it

Happens to me time to time from test. I just suck it up.

I would to if it was just a few weeks.
I'm going to put the vials in the oven at 250 for 20-25 min to release some BA. Try a shot and see how it goes.
I took a half dose after I put them in the over. .5cc of test and .3cc of deca. Woke up the next day fine. Two days later, I took 1cc of test, .6cc of deca. Woke up in the middle of the night with sweats, chills and headache. So I guess I will continue my cycle shooting 6 times a week :S
It seems every time you got issues you ether cut dose to cycled off cycle not allowing your body to get used to it?
your body (atleast my theory) is shutting down its own process of making hormones when taking high levels of aas that along with BA and body (at first start of cycle mainly) fighting it. I believe this is the main reason for the "test flu" just a thought, histamines from your body can do this alone as well.
I found just sticking with plan that after a few days I would be fine, but still from time to time I will still get achy the day after a shot, even weeks in. but it wont last very long.

there is also the possibility of allergic reaction that may play a role.

if you have this issues for weeks and not changing doses, then i would wonder if you are allergic to something.
Have you ever gone for an allergy test?
Just started my winter bulk now, first shot was test/deca/eq totaling 2.7ml. I had some headaches the next day so I dropped the EQ. Didn't want to go down that road again.
Why do people get head acks from gear .. Dos it have something to do with blood pressure ?
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I never cycled off , just sucked it up and trudged on to the happy road of BIG destinations. YO Porky...guess who this is ???? Been a long long time.
Did you ever solve the problem dark side?
I get the same thing!! End up taking deca and eq because im fine with them!!! No flu