Test Flu?


MFF: it's the only way.
Severe case of test flu i think. Have been on 75mg every day of Prop and Var, decided to switch to Test E and EQ, So I was going to overlap the 2 cycles for 2 weeks. Friday I shot my normal 75mg Prop and also 750 mg of Test E in a different spot. By friday night I was feelin like hell. Body aches, joint pain, feverish, plus the inject site, my left glute, was swollen and painful as hell. by mon morn I felt fine so I did another 375mg in my right glute, 6 hrs later same symptoms and just started feeling better this morning. This is homebrew and if I made a mistake in brewing I can only think that either I used too much BA or the concentration is higher than 250 mg. Or maybe 750mg at once was just too much since I havent used Test E in a year. Anyone have any similar problems?
Started Sept 1st. Would Test Flu include Sore injection spots in my arse? Never had any inject pain from Test E before.
Not sure of this, but I think test flu is an allergic reaction to the benzyl alcohol. Many batches of test e and equipoise and some others contain too much BA for some people to tolerate. The more mg per ml, the more likely it will be that there's a buttload of BA in the solution.

Curious to hear what the board vets think.
hammer21 said:
Started Sept 1st. Would Test Flu include Sore injection spots in my arse? Never had any inject pain from Test E before.

The sore injection sites would be from the prop. It's extremely common and should dissipate the more you inject it. As well, this test flu is likely being caused by the fluctuating hormone levels due to the differing esters in your system. Once they begin to stablize the symptoms should lessen.
Rob Scott said:
Not sure of this, but I think test flu is an allergic reaction to the benzyl alcohol. Many batches of test e and equipoise and some others contain too much BA for some people to tolerate. The more mg per ml, the more likely it will be that there's a buttload of BA in the solution.

Curious to hear what the board vets think.
this is homebrew and it is possible that i messed up and put in 3 times the amount of BA that i was supposed to. I might have mixed up my BA and BB amounts by mistake. so if test flu is a reaction to BA then i would have had a 750 mg shot of enanthate that would have been 15% ba instead of 5%.
Aboot said:
The sore injection sites would be from the prop. It's extremely common and should dissipate the more you inject it. As well, this test flu is likely being caused by the fluctuating hormone levels due to the differing esters in your system. Once they begin to stablize the symptoms should lessen.

Problem is that the sore inject sites are the 2 that i injected the enanthate. when i say sore i mean swollen and painful and hot to the touch for 3 to 4 days.
hammer21 said:
Problem is that the sore inject sites are the 2 that i injected the enanthate. when i say sore i mean swollen and painful and hot to the touch for 3 to 4 days.

"Hot to the touch for 3-4 days" = see a doctor and/or get on some antibiotics.
Rob Scott said:
"Hot to the touch for 3-4 days" = see a doctor and/or get on some antibiotics.

That is what I was thinking but now it is fine. Although I havent injected anything since monday, just because I didnt know why it was messing with me so bad.
Normal but sucks

Listen to Aboot. I make homebrew. I inject test prop five days a week and test enan 2 days a week along with other compounds I'm not listing in this thread. I currently have test flu and have had it about two weeks. Injections from both prop and enan are swollen and hurt like a MF!
Like Aboot said, mixing esters and fluctuating levels of test can do this. If you observe, the more your injections start to swell and hurt, the more flu-like symptoms you will get. I take lots of ibuprophen and tylenol.

I don't understand the idea of BA making you sick. I don't know if this is documented or just an idea that got started. I would like to see some evidense of this. I'm not discounting it as untrue I just don't understand why it would give you flu-like symptons. Its just alcohol with an ester.

I am only going to be able to handle a couple more days of prop and then i'm done for a while. I will still continue to use test enan and other compounds for the duration of my cycle. I got what I wanted out of the test prop but now this flu just isn't worth it any more. I will use prop in the future( I have enough for a whole football team) but it will be for specific times and specific durations.
Also, if you are adding prop in your cycle to get more cut, it probably won't work. If anything it adds mass quicker. Thats why i periodically use it in my cycle to boost gains for about four weeks.
I also learn to cut my injections up two or three smaller injections in different areas, less swelling, less pain, less flu.

Anyway, you are not alone! Decide if the sides are worth the gains.
Rob Scott said:
"Hot to the touch for 3-4 days" = see a doctor and/or get on some antibiotics.

Have you ever injected test prop? Sustanon (sust)? Test prop and test enen?
It will hurt,swell, and feel hot for up to a week somtimes. If you believe you need to see a doctor then quit injecting anything for four days and see what happens. Taking antbiotics during a cycle, especially if you don't need them will hurt your cycle.
mustanged77 said:
Have you ever injected test prop? Sustanon (sust)? Test prop and test enen?
It will hurt,swell, and feel hot for up to a week somtimes. If you believe you need to see a doctor then quit injecting anything for four days and see what happens. Taking antbiotics during a cycle, especially if you don't need them will hurt your cycle.

thanks for the info, why do you say antibiotics will hurt cycle? Didn't I read somewhere that motrin and other pain killers were bad for anyone trying to build muscle? Something about inhibiting protien synthesis?
I shouldn't really say antibiotics wil hurt your cycle. Its just that antibiotics are a strong drug and affect the body adversly. When taking antibotics you usually need to stay in bed. But if it doesn't affect you that much then go for it. If it was me I would stay off of them if it was at all possible. As far as advil or motrin, I haven't heard anything about that. I take advil and tylenol all the time.
There are multiple threads on every board about motrin and someone posted a study showing that motrin practically halts protien synthesis, thus preventing recovery from your w/o.
Hmm. Well I guess I need to look that up. I just never heard that before. I know its not good to take em when you are using orals because it puts more stress on the liver. But honestly, I take over the counter pain relievers all the time. I'm 39 and I ache! LOL
I appreciate the info