test injections


New member
i read alot about people saying sustanon injections are painfull, and some tests are painfull too. which test is painless(painless, in that it won't hurt more than deca or something like that).
also, people have posted that test causes acne for sure, or at least more than other roids. i am asking all this because im going to do deca/dbol and am begining to get worried about deca dick. i was thinking to replace the deca with some test..... help is apreciated...
I personally would rather do a test/d-bol cycle over a deca/d-bol one.

As for pain, I have never had any pain from Sus., everyone complained about T400 but I used 1:2 ratio to cut it and had minor to no pain. Some of them are just chumps!:D
well i don't want to find out im a chump and have it hurt like hell and my leg get sore for days, thats what i hear alot about Sustanon (sust). anyway, what about the acne and other sides, aren't they more definate and worse with test than with deca??
I wanna do the same cycle...but my source is gone and don't have enough money to start!!!....:((

If any of you guys is a source and need an order deliver in south florida let meknow!!...i accept juice instead of bills...LOL