Test P & Tren A M1T or Anadrol Thughts


New member
Pre-Cycle Info: 3rd cycle, first with M1T or Anadrol. 24, 6'5" 215 lbs 17% bf. Pre-Cycle bloodwork done. Diet will shoot for 300p/250c/80f 2920 cal. HIIT 25min 4 times per week
I plan on running M1T or Anadrol with Masteron and whichever length ester test and tren I choose. I have heard mixed rumors of 2 weeks on 2 off 2 on, and 4 week-6 week straight use at 10-20mg per day for M1T. I know both orals hepatotoxicity are very high, so I plan to take milk thistle, fish oil and NAC to combat. As best I understand, M1T and anadrol does not aromatize. Anyone with experience with M1T and/or anadrol feel free to describe how it worked for you. Here is what i have come up.

Short Ester
Test P : 50mg ED for 12 weeks
Tren A : 150mg E ED for weeks 1-10
Masteron : 50 EOD weeks 1-12
M1T : 2on/2off/2on (10mg/20mg/20mg/20mg) OR 4 straight weeks 10/20/20/20 Input Please OR Anadrol 50mg for 4-6 weeks For the beginning of the cycle
Anavar 80mg ed week 4-12
HCG: 250 iu x2 per week week 1-13
Prami: .5 ED Weeks 1-10
Liquidex: .25 EOD Weeks 1-12

PCT (1 week after last test p pin)
Nolva 40/40/40/40
Clomid 100/50/50/50
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50mgs of mast every other day is very pointless. Try 600-1000+mgs per week boss. Why are u concerned with anadrol and anavar??? Why are u 17% bf with your stats? What's your cycle history?
M1T is a nasty piece of work. Stick to anadrol 4 weeks. I don't understand the full cycle length masteron? At your percentage body fat you should running it last half after you have dropped fat %. To be honest at 17 % I'd never run mast even at a high dose (your dose is pointless). It's pointless. You will get almost nothin from it.
I do not plan on starting this cycle for another 6 weeks. Hopefully I can get down to around 15% by the time I start. I really do not even know my bf% just a guess from pictures I've seen. I am not concerned with anavar. What concerns me about anadrol is the trend I hear of losing most of the strength you gain once you stop taking it. Also from what I've read it is pretty taxing on the liver as well.
first cycle: test e 500mg
second cycle test e 250mg/week for 10 weeks tren e 500mg/week for 8 weeks anavar 40mgED for 4 weeks HCG- 1000iu last 3 weeks and I ran an AI and Prami the whole cycle. Standard PCT done after second cycle. Last cycle was done about a year and a half ago. I decided I needed to learn more about the system before I plan my next cycle. I had no reactions to tren E other than night sweats and maybe 4-5 nights I couldn't go to sleep very well. Never had problems with gyno or anything else.
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Thanks for your input. I do not plan on starting this cycle for another 6 weeks. So by then I should be down to around 15 percent. What would you suggest I run if you don't think mast would be beneficial? Thanks
so youre currently cutting.. you want to bulk on this cycle??

youre planning on running 3k calories on the bulk??
I want to add lbm with this cycle. That is the goal. Whether or not I have my macros right, I don't know. Expect an email from me 3J. Thanks
these guys nailed it on the head
also for cycle support I highly highly suggest picking up mr supps tudca to go with what you have already
for your liver m1t is a nasty mf solo with anavar in there thats just piling it on.
also Id say up your calories to 4k at least
M1T is a nasty piece of work. Stick to anadrol 4 weeks. I don't understand the full cycle length masteron? At your percentage body fat you should running it last half after you have dropped fat %. To be honest at 17 % I'd never run mast even at a high dose (your dose is pointless). It's pointless. You will get almost nothin from it.

I'm with you 88 on M1T. nasty is a good word for it.
Even with the liver supplements you don't think they will be enough?

2 bottles of tudca running through your cycle and pct should be fine but if you want to go the extra mile you can pick up our cycle support stack


also watch your eyes for yellowness and your pee for dark urine or blood these are exremes but when M1t first came up guys didn't know about real cycle support and really fucked themselves up
Alright guys, after listening to different opinions I've decided to go drop the mast, give M1T a try (if I get the slightest jaundice or liver pain i'll just chunk it out the door but I am willing to give it a try) and use long ester test and tren. Also I will be upping my calories to 4k-4500 and look to add lean mass with minimal bloat. I went ahead and ordered anavar for the last 6 week, but im still not sure if I will use it this cycle (depending how M1T treats me and how my liver enzyme results come back from my intra-cycle bloodwork.) I will start a new log from start to finish regarding this cycle. Here's what I have now.

Test E: 1-14 400mg/ week
Tren E: 1-12 600 mg/week
M1T- 1-4 20mg ed
Anavar 8-14 80 mg ed
Milk thistle, NAC, tudca throughout cyle and pct. HCG 500iu weekly throughout cycle. Clomid & Tamox PCT for 4 weeks (start 2 weeks after last pin)
Alright guys, after listening to different opinions I've decided to go drop the mast, give M1T a try (if I get the slightest jaundice or liver pain i'll just chunk it out the door but I am willing to give it a try) and use long ester test and tren. Also I will be upping my calories to 4k-4500 and look to add lean mass with minimal bloat. I went ahead and ordered anavar for the last 6 week, but im still not sure if I will use it this cycle (depending how M1T treats me and how my liver enzyme results come back from my intra-cycle bloodwork.) I will start a new log from start to finish regarding this cycle. Here's what I have now.

Test E: 1-14 400mg/ week
Tren E: 1-12 600 mg/week
M1T- 1-4 20mg ed
Anavar 8-14 80 mg ed
Milk thistle, NAC, tudca throughout cyle and pct. HCG 500iu weekly throughout cycle. Clomid & Tamox PCT for 4 weeks (start 2 weeks after last pin)

looks alot better very interested to see the log here