Test Prop 200+ mast p 100 question

Okay so basically I have to go 50/50 EO GSO 2%BA 20% BB to get the concentration. So if I find out im allergic to EO Im shit outa luck and you boys are getting my batch(If you want it). Also Is EO actually considered a solvent, or a synthetic oil? Apparently it is safe to ingest, but no studies on injections have been done. Question is if its safe to ingest, does that mean it doesn't cause some for of tissue damage. I know its excreted in your system when you drink alcohol. I really hope 15 years down the road it doesn't bite me in the ass haha.
i honestly see no point at all doing 50% EO unless you want the finished product thinner. And it is a carrier oil.
I don't see how 200mg/ml test prop is possible (never attempted).. If you succeed, update us on the pip, its probably going to be out of this world
To make a 200mg/ml Prop
35% EO
rest GSO

I made it this way while ago, and was working fine, never crashed, there was a little pip, but surely easy to live with