Test Prop, T3, Anavar,Low dose Arimidex | | Log With Pics


Because as no-one really got a decent Test Prop, Anavar, T3 log. Im going to make my own right now..
Hope this will interrest some other people who might do the same cycle.

Test prop: week 1-4: 150mg EOD From week 4-8 200mg EOD
T3 Cytomel: week 2-7: starting at 25 and going up to 50-75max and down again (Dose will be split, so 2x12,5 to 2x25)
Anavar: week 2-7: 60mg ED
Arimidex: week 1-8: 0.12,5mg EOD (going up when needed)

Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Im using this cycle to cut (go to bout 7%BF) and hopefully gain more mass then i had before(gain bout 12lbs), just wanna get rid of the sticky fat, driving me crazy! cant get rid of it. Possible?


Age: 21
Height: 5.84
Weight: 165.3
Training experience: 7 years
BF: 9%

Diet is clean, alot of lean meats, chicken and fish, low sodium, low carbs(see below)
Carbs: 25 %
Protein: 55 %
Fat: 20 %
Total of 1900 Calories a day

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Day 1 Legs: Squats, Leggpress, Leg exstentions, Leg curls, Standing calve raise, and the groins. (Idk what exsersice its called)
Day 2 Chest/Triceps: Benchpress, Incline Benchpress, Cable Crossovers, Chest Fly, Dumbells Incline, Dips, Triceps pulldowns, Tricep dumbells.
Day 3 Cardio: 1,5 hours of cardio (mainly running) and a 300 training (example: 300 Workout - YouTube)
Day 4 Back/Lower back: Chinups, Pulldowns, Bent over row, Pullups, Chinups, Deadlifts, 1,5 Hours of cardio
Day 5 Legs: Squats, Leggpress, Leg exstentions, Leg curls, Standing calve raise, and the groins. (Idk what exsersice its called)
Day 6 Chest/Triceps: Benchpress, Incline Benchpress, Cable Crossovers, Chest Fly, Dumbells Incline, Dips, Triceps pulldowns, Tricep dumbells
Day 7 Cardio: 2 Hours of running outside

I know no rest days... but i see my cardio days as rest days, so thats thursdays and sundays.

Gonna start my cycle in 2 days.. cause im not going to drink for the up comming 12 weeks, so i at least wanna have a nice fryday before i start hehe.

Maybe anny feedback on cycle/diet/training?


BEFORE: (i know pic sucks might upload new with legs)
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Because as no-one really got a decent Test Prop, Anavar, T3 log. Im going to make my own right now..
Hope this will interrest some other people who might do the same cycle.

Test prop: week 1-12: 100mg EOD (might go to ED pinning to keep stable test levels, depening on how the pins will be)
T3 Cytomel: week 6-11: starting at 25 and going up to 50-75max and down again (Dose will be split, so 2x12,5 to 2x25)
Anavar: week 6-11: 60mg ED
Arimidex: week 1-12: 0.12,5mg EOD (going up when needed)

Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Im using this cycle to cut (go to bout 7%BF) and hopefully gain more mass then i had before(gain bout 12lbs), just wanna get rid of the sticky fat, driving me crazy! cant get rid of it. Possible?


Age: 21
Height: 5.84
Weight: 165.3
Training experience: 7 years
BF: 9%

Diet is clean, alot of lean meats, chicken and fish, low sodium, low carbs(see below)
Carbs: 25 %
Protein: 55 %
Fat: 20 %
Total of 1900 Calories a day

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Day 1 Legs: Squats, Leggpress, Leg exstentions, Leg curls, Standing calve raise, and the groins. (Idk what exsersice its called)
Day 2 Chest/Triceps: Benchpress, Incline Benchpress, Cable Crossovers, Chest Fly, Dumbells Incline, Dips, Triceps pulldowns, Tricep dumbells.
Day 3 Cardio: 1,5 hours of cardio (mainly running) and a 300 training (example: 300 Workout - YouTube)
Day 4 Back/Lower back: Chinups, Pulldowns, Bent over row, Pullups, Chinups, Deadlifts, 1,5 Hours of cardio
Day 5 Legs: Squats, Leggpress, Leg exstentions, Leg curls, Standing calve raise, and the groins. (Idk what exsersice its called)
Day 6 Chest/Triceps: Benchpress, Incline Benchpress, Cable Crossovers, Chest Fly, Dumbells Incline, Dips, Triceps pulldowns, Tricep dumbells
Day 7 Cardio: 2 Hours of running outside

I know no rest days... but i see my cardio days as rest days, so thats thursdays and sundays.

Gonna start my cycle in 2 days.. cause im not going to drink for the up comming 12 weeks, so i at least wanna have a nice fryday before i start hehe.

Maybe anny feedback on cycle/diet/training?


BEFORE: (i know pic sucks might upload new with legs)
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ull have to wait for that hehe :bikini:
Why the t3 with those stats and a goal of dropping 2% fat. Ive lost that much fat in the last 10 days and I'm natural.
Why the t3 with those stats and a goal of dropping 2% fat. Ive lost that much fat in the last 10 days and I'm natural.

he also said he is looking to gain 12 pound while losing 2% bf. That can't be done naturally unless you are a beginner just getting into lifting
he also said he is looking to gain 12 pound while losing 2% bf. That can't be done naturally unless you are a beginner just getting into lifting

Didn't say it could be done naturally. You don't need t3 for these goals is my point. He's already pretty lean and very light in weight, why would you use T3?
I tryed to get to 5/7% BF but i dont really get annywhere, still looking the same, even with diet + cardio, so im going to try low dose of t3, not going up to 100mcg's. its just to help me burn the fat a little. its just for the sticky fat i cant get rid of..
annyways 12pounds could be easy cause my leggs are tiny, i work hard on my legs, i even do 170kg squats but they dont get bigger so now im going to train hard on legs with prop and anavar and hopefully my leggs will get half times bigger
If annyone is interrested to follow, im going to start fryday.. supplier had some problems so vryday i begin
Day 1:
Srry for the extend of cycle,
Last saturday i messed myself up with alcohol, and had a hell of a night! and now.. 12 weeks not even a drop of alcohol/coke/sprite or annything else..

i did my first shot test prop (1ml) about 6 hours ago, im my upper right leg (idk name in english) i have a little weak feeling in my leg, the kind of feeling u get from an injection if u understand what i mean.. and my legg muscle also feels sensitive when i touch it

Shot went very good, no pain at all, i even loved it, i felt like a doctor lol
cleaned the vials top and my injection site with alcohol and i injected,
when i injected, i aspirated(spelling?) to check if i got into a vain, i didnt got blood in my needle altough i got a little air bubble in my needle thing(srry guys idk names in english pls tell me?)

is it normal to get an air bubble in ur needle when u aspirate? i am 100% sure there wasnt anny air in needle before i injected

drawed the needle out and finished, went very good.

after i pulled out the needle, it was like the testosterone was going down to my feet, a feeling that was going down my feet and i got a wierd feeling for bout 20-30secs, maybe because i was a little tense cause its my fiirst inject on my self and i did it alone.

Tomorrow i will see if my leg has a less "weak feeling" cause squatting and leggpress on injection day as how i have expeienced now isnt optimal (still doable)

Also, i will make better pics tomorrow and re-check my stats (Muscle%,BF%,Weight,Height ETC)
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Day 2:
Ok, i take back what i said, it hurts a little the day after lol seems like my right leg is a little bigger..and i walk like a paralympics kid..
Altogh not bothered! Workout went like usual, nog extra gains or something, altough i am very motivated
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day 3:
did my second shot today after workout, this time very very very slowly.. i also warmed up test prop bottle a little and i think it went better then first inject.
this time i injected 1.3ml (cause of the bubbels i get when i pull back the needle to check if i hit a vain) so i didnt inject all of it, but still 100% sure i dont get bubbles.
workout went fine, did alot of back work and lower back, my leggs are still killing me. i hope i will be able to do squats tomorrow or else i have to skip legs till my legs start working normally. (most people say 2 weeks)
2nd shot and i dont feel anny strenght gains or muscle gains.... yet:P

still im 200% motivated and im going trough te pain in my leggs,
i know this is my first injecteble cycle but.. Whoever made the quote: "no pain, no gain" is deffenetly a test prop user lol

Day 4:
Yesterdag i did my second shot, this time i shot in my left upper leg, i warmed up the test vial a little in warm water, after injection i massaged my leg, and guess what????? 50% less pain then my left leg ;D
now im hedding off to the gym for a good chest/shoulder/tricep workout
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Day day 5,
So 15min ago i did my glute injection, first injection i hit a vain, saw it when aspiring,
it was only at the platic bottom of the needle, so i did needle out, and attachted a new needle on my needle thing.. no blood at all in injection gear, and went for a 2nd time.

by the way, shooting in ur glute (in ur own) is harder then doing 69 sex while standing.. seriously, i need to get used to do this

When i did my second time i didnt get blood in needle when aspiring, and i injected my test prop, when i pulled out needle i was bleeding a little, this is a normal thing btw?

Upped the dose to 1,4ml

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Day 8:

Did the crazyest workout so far! Chest,Triceps,Legs,Shoulders.. after my workout i was veiny ass hell! didnt even started t3 yet.
yesterday i did my 2nd glute injection.. and my needles are soo annoying.. i aspirated too much and really got a pain in the ass.. o wel, still doing good.


Day 9:

I am at the toilet now looping a brown one.. My right leg is 100% cured now.
Left reg and left glutes are still painfull, in about 9 hours i will do my first shoulder injection and luckely i have a friend who is willing to help me inject. So today.. Shoulder day!!! Going to do alot of shoulder, back, biceps
Day 16:

Good increase of strenght, 242.5lbs of bench 8x, easy now, also gained bout 4.4lbs, dropped 1% of bodyfat, now its 8%, still didnt do cardio, lazy me.. going to start soon with t3.
Also i havnt started the t3 yet, currently im doing 150mg of test prop and 50mg of anavar, starting t3 next week.
Still no sides, test prop is so far very good, no hair loss, no smal balls, no agression, no gyno, no acne.. very litte water redemption.. so still good.
Day 16:

Good increase of strenght, 242.5lbs of bench 8x, easy now, also gained bout 4.4lbs, dropped 1% of bodyfat, now its 8%, still didnt do cardio, lazy me.. going to start soon with t3.
Also i havnt started the t3 yet, currently im doing 150mg of test prop and 50mg of anavar, starting t3 next week.
Still no sides, test prop is so far very good, no hair loss, no smal balls, no agression, no gyno, no acne.. very litte water redemption.. so still good.
didn't read anything above, however i would run test prop for 10 weeks, and would run var for at least 8 weeks in my opinion.
Run t3 for like 6 weeks, i would top out at 50mcg honestly. Thats more than enough man, esp if you have a clean diet.