Test Prop, T3, Anavar,Low dose Arimidex | | Log With Pics

Day 21:

Sorry for not updating everything soon enough, im kinda busy with work atm.
i have a good gain now, went from 165.3 to 171.96lbs still lean but i got a bit more "belly" because of the prop lol, today i start out with T3.
Only bad thing is.. i havnt started cardio ... yet. so i lost 1% BF Dieting only.. so from today i add cardio with it.
Lenght of cycle will be about 10weeks, i will see how it goes and exstand it maybe

Cuurrent stats:
8% BF, 171.96lbs, 48% Muscle mass.

No sides so far.. only horny as hell 24/7 and really motivated to go to the gym, only thing is(sometimes) overall tiredness, and (sometimes) im very energic.

Also, while injecting, i rotate between 4 spots (Glute :Left/Right) and (Delts :Left/Right) i know i should do 6 to 8 spots.. but so far it goes good with 4 spots.
Day 22, i started t3 yesterday. Took 12.5mcg in the morning and 12.5mcg in the night.. And wow the shit starts working emediatly! Last night i couldnt sleep, i kept sweating and my bed was soaking wet of all the sweat. Also i drink alot of water now (15-20 glasses a day) today i went to the gym for a upper-back and cardio day (i dont train biceps cause they already big compared to the rest of my body) but when i did my 25min cardio.. Sweat was dripping out of my shirt..i guess alot of people at the gym will finaly find out im on roids cause of the good gains i made + strenght i have now, i probably increased strenght by 30% so thats not bad. Good thing i wear big sized tshirts so no-one wil see fast ^^ annyways so far so good!
current: 264.5lbs benchpress and doing bench shoulder exsersize with barbells = 70.5lbs each barbell, 595.2legpress easy 10x now, also i do 396.8lbs deadlifts 6x not-easy for me
Did nother shoulder injection today.. i noticed my shoulder wasnt fully healed from last injection so im now looking for a third musclegroup to inject.. T3 works good like hell, also very good for studying.. im really focused and sweating good.

Upped T3 to 12.5mcgs x3 per 24hours so 37.5mcgs total a day.. in 2days im going up to 50mcgs a day and keeping that on for about 5 weeks, doing cardio dayly now.. so i guess i will see decent inprovements and get SHREDDED LIKE FUAAARK soon.
Day 1:
Srry for the extend of cycle,
Last saturday i messed myself up with alcohol, and had a hell of a night! and now.. 12 weeks not even a drop of alcohol/coke/sprite or annything else..

i did my first shot test prop (1ml) about 6 hours ago, im my upper right leg (idk name in english) i have a little weak feeling in my leg, the kind of feeling u get from an injection if u understand what i mean.. and my legg muscle also feels sensitive when i touch it

Shot went very good, no pain at all, i even loved it, i felt like a doctor lol
cleaned the vials top and my injection site with alcohol and i injected,
when i injected, i aspirated(spelling?) to check if i got into a vain, i didnt got blood in my needle altough i got a little air bubble in my needle thing(srry guys idk names in english pls tell me?)

is it normal to get an air bubble in ur needle when u aspirate? i am 100% sure there wasnt anny air in needle before i injected

drawed the needle out and finished, went very good.

after i pulled out the needle, it was like the testosterone was going down to my feet, a feeling that was going down my feet and i got a wierd feeling for bout 20-30secs, maybe because i was a little tense cause its my fiirst inject on my self and i did it alone.

Tomorrow i will see if my leg has a less "weak feeling" cause squatting and leggpress on injection day as how i have expeienced now isnt optimal (still doable)

Also, i will make better pics tomorrow and re-check my stats (Muscle%,BF%,Weight,Height ETC)

Aspirated is spelled asparagus. Other than that your English is pretty good.
Going to the gym today for a full body training + cardio. I ordered another 10ml test prop vials + 1000mg anavar. going good so far! still no sides.. only horny:D
my training went very good, i did the cross cable exersize for chest togeather with a guy who is nearly 2x bigger then i am.. and i crushed him hard lol. we was like wtf? but also kind of proud that i could keep on to his weights and i even did 10kg's more then he could at the end. after that i did legs, the pump is horrible(awsome) it feels like my skin is tearing after i did an exersize good. legs got alot bigger, probably because of the pump but general.. also going good. i hope i will get my leggs alot bigger!
Yesterday i started my new vial i did a buttex and its killing me now haha, i started a new vial and i think.. it has a little more oil then the other vials? Annyways.. i really feel.. SHREDDED at the moment, i got veins everywhere, not also alot of veins but also HUGE veins, i personaly think i get too big.. but thats what i wanted! i hope i will gain another 8-9lbs and dropp the bf to 6% currently im on 8% bf so a few weeks left to drop it 2%!
today im going to the gym again for cardio, unfortionatly its 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit at the moment so not really fun to do cardio outside or in the bacement of our gym.. annyway still doing it!
Yesterday i injected in my upper legg (rectus femoris) massaged it very good and very low to no pain now in my legg, going to do a full body workout today for 3 hours ^^
i feel like i have more energy cause i did 50mcg's of T3 at the same moment instead of splitting it 2x25mcg so we will see how it goes today
yesterday i went to hell and back, i did a full body training and everything was pumped ut, my chest was so pumped it started hurting.. it really felt i was shredded as hell.
Also i measured my BF and Muscle mass today.

Bodyfat: 5,2 - 5,8 %
Muscle mass: 48,5 - 48,8 %
167.5lbs total weight
Goal is about 180-185 Lbs, unfortiunatly i have no ambition of beeing a bodybuilder, so no point for me to go 230lbs+
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