Test Results from using a new source


New member
I just got tested because I'm using a new source but I was needing some help to understand what it means exactly. I have already tried to do some research before bothering anyone with a post but can't really find anything. My results showed that my T/E Ratio is 19.1..I was curious if this result is consistent with 500mg/week of Sustanon.. Thanks in advance for any help ..
Without seeing any actual numbers, I'm going to guess that you don't know what an AI is, or what proper dosing is.
Q : Everyone body converts test to estrogen differently. Your question isn't something that can be answered.[/SIZE] uote :

Why I ask why. It seems that these newbies want to re-invent the wheel or think this science is equivalent the theory of relativity e=mc 2 and then some ....

At the end of the day with just what we know now and the controlling of most all our other sides for AAS use we are only going to grow at a pace no faster than the best of the best. I'm sorry but there is no short cuts and we can ask and ask and ask but there are only so many ways to skin a cat.

I'm not saying we can't learn something more, but look at who the people are that kill these Q's to NO end. When you haven't been educated as much as the guys doing the research and the trials with the formal educations with the model specimens and coaches, just what rock do they think they might uncover that will make a difference. Well it's the curiosity that killed the ca.

Many times these Q's have no answer because the Q's themselves are misinformed. Are we all mad, mad scientists. :dunno: and I laugh sometime at myself with the simple Q's.

It's tough enough at times just to keep up the eating right and the calories with the hard workouts and the plateaus. Then when we're doing good we can't afford the supplements and the spreading of our time between work n families or school for some.

Just rambling here with my 02c :)
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